TARABA STATES POLITICS 2: AS IT TURNS OUT, THE MONSTERS ATE FRANKENSTEIN: For the concluded primaries, 33 special delegates were used and Darius Ishaku emerged victorious as expected especially since the primaries were held in Abuja as against Jalingo. That however, is not the most interesting turn of events. Garba Umar UTC, left Taraba as a gubernatorial candidate but is coming back as the flag bearer for the partys Northern Senatorial seat. Jolly T. Nyame who happens to be the ultimate Frankenstein that created most of the monsters who in turn created their own monsters seemed to have been left with the shorter straw as he was supposed to be the ordained for the seat now given to Garba Umar. It would seem the monsters have eaten Frankenstein... well of course except we hear his name pop up for a ministerial or ambassadorial appointment then we would know for certain a kind of deal was struck. The whole process asks a tonne of questions on the concept of true democracy but the tearing and counter burning of each others billboards and posters that have been happening in Jalingo between Garbas supporters and what is now referred to in the state as The Cabal, I think UTC getting something out of the deal, will do a lot in dousing the looming tension. Remember I wondered how adamant Garbas supporters could be, it is yet to be seen if his change of mind was with their blessings. Now the question that has been eating at me, now what happens to the N14.8 billion allegations concerning the Garba UTC led administration? Does this imply we have heard the last of it? Could this be a price the masses will pay for democracy?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:35:52 +0000

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