TATANG ILUSTRISIMOS BLADE FIGHTING SYSTEM - Tatangs approach to teaching is fairly simple. Direct to the point with its immediate lethal application imposed upon engagement against the opponent. His method of sword play is very rare and totally different even among the many types of Eskrima styles found here in the Philippines that also practice sword work. Maybe at first glance one might think that it is just like any other typical Eskrima with the same techniques, fundamental strategy and mindset approach to fighting. But anyone who have tried to learn it would soon find out that the system would reveal itself as a totally different method of blade fighting. I myself have taught and shared these same techniques with quite a few long time practitioners of other styles or systems whether it is from Arnis, Kali or Eskrima who often find themselves totally surprised by the huge difference of Tatangs blade work. This is not a put down on other FMA systems for every style or system has its own uniqueness and effectiveness as a martial art. I am only referring to the sword work of Tatang which most often times have been misunderstood as somewhat lacking in power behind its strikes as some Eskrimadors would point out. But they fail to realize that Tatang fighting system is not so much about stick fighting. It is a pure sword or blade fighting art. Therefore his application, strategy and especially his mindset even while using a stick is still under the concept of blade fighting. As to the mistake of saying that it lacks power, the truth is Ilustrisimos way of attacking method generates tremendous amount of power for it generally starts from the ground where the feet is and combined with torquing the hips and finally the action and power of the arm that wields the weapon. And it tends to travel faster for it always starts from the centerline. Others as I have most often times observed usually generate power behind their strikes either from hip and arm or just the arm only. Now does it mean that it works with the sword but not with the stick? as others would continue to point out. Definitely not! as the late Gran Maestro Tony would say: Kahit anong hawak ni tanda, kahoy man yan o pantaga siguradong may kalalagyan ang kaaway (translation: Whatever the old man has in his hand whether its hardwood or a sword the opponent would surely be put into place) This is the same method of fighting that was passed by Tatang to GM Tony, Master Topher and other seniors and all the way to the second generation of students and those that follow. His art was simply for fighting and survival with no real distinctions on things such as basic or advance techniques or any dancing around whatsoever. He believes Arnis to be simple; only 123. Bong Abenir This video is shared from youtube courtesy upload by the Dog Brothers youtu.be/ne-VE9w1yMg
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:58:41 +0000

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