TAWHEED DEFINITION OF TAWHEED. Literally: Tawheed means - TopicsExpress


TAWHEED DEFINITION OF TAWHEED. Literally: Tawheed means unification ( making something one ) or asserting oneness, and it comes from the Arabic verb (wahhada ) which itself means to unite, unify, or consolidate. Legally: It means realizing and affirming Allaahs unity in all of mans actions which directly or indirectly relate to Him. In the Hadeeth when the prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him ) sent Muaadh ibn Jabal as governor of Yemen in 9AH, He told him, You will be going to Christians and Jews ( ahl al-Kitaab ), so the first thing you should invite them to is the assertation of the oneness of Allaah (Yuwahhidoo Allaah). (Narrated by Ibn Abbaas and collected by al-Bukhary and Muslim) In this Hadeeth the present tense of the verb from which the verbal noun Tawheed is derived was used by the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon him). ASPECTS OF TAWHEED (a) Belief that Allaah is One, without partner in His dominion (ruboobeeyah). (b) Belief that Allaah is unique without similitude in His essence and attributes (asmaa was sifaat). (c) Belief that Allaah is without rival in His divinity and in worship (ulooheeyah). These three aspects are summed up in the Quranic verse, The Lord of the heavens and the earth and that which lies between them. So worship Him and be steadfast on His worship. Do you know any equal to Him? [ Q19:65 ] The three overlap and are inseparable to such a degree that whoever omits any one aspect has failed to complete the requirements of tawheed. The omission of any of the above mentioned aspects of tawheed is referred to as shirk (which literally means sharing but here signifies) the association of partners with Allaah. In Islaamic terms this association is in fact idolatry. It is therefore of the utmost importance that tawheed be clearly understood in the way it wa7 taught by the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and understood by his companions, or else one could easily end up on one of the many deviant paths while claiming tawheed, praying, paying zakaah, fasting and making Hajj. Allaah Most Wise, has pointed to this phenomenon when He said in the Quran, Most of them claim to believe in Allaah, but most really commit shirk. [Q12.106] CATEGORIES OF TAWHEED TAWHEED AR-RUBUBIYYAH: Maintaining the Oneness of Lordship, that is, affirming that Allaah is one, without partners in his sovereignty. This category is based on the fundamental concept that Allaah alone caused all things to exists when there was nothing, He sustains and maintains creation without any need from it or for it, and He is the sole Lord of the universe and its inhabitants without any real challenge to His sovereignty. In Arabic the word used to describe this creator-sustainer quality is ruboobeeyah which is derived from the root Rabb ( Lord ). According to this category, since God is the only real power in existence, it is He who gave all things the power to move and to change. Nothing happens in creation except what He allows to happen. In recognition of this reality, Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings be upon him ) used to often repeat the exclamatory phrase: (There is no movement nor power except by Allaahs will). The basis for the ruboobeeyah concept can be found in many Quranic verses. For example, Allaah says: Allaah created all things and He is the agent on which all things depend. [Q39:62] ...To be continued...
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 22:13:36 +0000

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