TAX-DODGING THIEVES! Wealthy U.S. citizens hiding money from the - TopicsExpress


TAX-DODGING THIEVES! Wealthy U.S. citizens hiding money from the government using off-shore accounts. The 28th Amendment on exclusion of corporate/wealthy influences upon our government; money is property and not speech! This article provides all the reasons you need to support the 28th Amendment to our Constitution. Ask Jack Lindblad on his position on this important issue. Is Jack Lindblad the person to help you influence other elected politicians? Yes! It took me some 16 months to investigate this issue to find only credible sources and conservative figures (if there was any doubt, I would not count the money). Some person (like me) without any governmental title/authority and I reported $13.6 Trillion (That’s “T”, more than Billion, much more than Million) from U.S. wealthy hiding money outside the borders of the U.S. I have said that they know the U.S. border so well, next time they travel outside of the border, STAY THERE! I could have investigated much more but felt I had more than enough to easily stand-up to any scrutiny. The year I produced the research was 1991. There was more money kept hidden off-shore by the wealthy to completely pay-off the National Debt of the U.S. I do NOT quote the media as a credible source. When you see a media source stating wealthy off-shore accounts of $21 Trillion, $38 Trillion I can say there is some truth in such a statement to the point of many wealthy people keeping their money in off-shore accounts. The people working with me and I were investigating other countries such as Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Belize and the list is much longer. The U.S. could easily make agreements with these countries to discover who is avoiding income tax by hiding money off-shore but will only do so IF there is public pressure. I, and many other people, was filing income tax when “Bribes” were tax deductible that did not change until constituents forced the hand of elected politicians. Talking with Jack Lindblad, I am sure he would agree to laws forcing IRS seizure of illegal off-shore accounts to include substantial prison sentences. We, as average citizens, would face exactly the same if we broke IRS laws (i.e. Al Capone ring a bell?). Next time you hear of low income people avoiding taxes, please remind those speaking who is really avoiding taxes but illegally. Next time you hear accusations of who is abusing the system, please remind those speaking who is really abusing the system but illegally. Those with any seniority in the Legislative Branch has been aware of such illegal conduct of the wealthy for decades, without correcting such wrongdoing. We all need Jack Lindblad in an elected office as a public servant with our support. Posted by Paul Winger
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 02:43:02 +0000

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