TB JOSHUA It has always been, his power is unusual and there - TopicsExpress


TB JOSHUA It has always been, his power is unusual and there has never been any Nigeria preacher with such healing power and prophecy. Some question the genuineness of his power while others claimed the testimonies in his church were fake. And I ask, does that mean God cannot bestow someone with such power to heal and deliver? Is it always satan that can give such power and God cant? Isnt God powerful enough to bless someone with such power or are we under-estimating the power of God? If any preacher should turn water into wine in this generation, no Nigerian will drink it, they will only clap hands and say oh boy, see senior juju oooh And for those who claimed the testimonies were fake should equally doubt those that were healed of leg and skin cancer through his prayer. It is an overt issue and you dont a medical report to believe it. In every profession some people will always be better than others. In football world, you will believe me that some have more talents that others. C Ronaldo and Messi are top footballers but there are other footballers like Obafemi Martins and Osaze. In school, some students are more intelligent than others, likewise other areas of profession. The same is applicable to those who are ordained for religious duties. God gave some pastors the power of healing, prophecy and deliverance, others have the power to deliver a nerve touching sermon while others can solve the worst dispute. So if your pastor is a good preacher, dont think others who can prophesy and heal possess demonic power. Some who question the authenticity of TB Joshuas call should also explain the genuineness of their own pastors call. What blinded us from knowing a true prophet is the warning Bible made about false prophets, it has scared everyone. If someone has healing power, he is feared to possess demonic power. Luke 6:26 explains one of the marks of a false prophet and Im not surprised of the public vermin TB Joshua receives cos a true prophet lives in public torment while false prophets are embraced by all. TB Joshua has been in this work for 27 years and if he has been operating with demonic power, the source of his power must have been uncovered. 27 years is not 27 days nor 27 minutes. I read countless stories about those who claimed they gave him powers and it was believed he would fall soon since the source of his power had been divulged but he keeps on making great progress day by day. Hasnt that mortified his accusers? One thing about TB Joshua is his attitude, humility, his placid nature and dauntless character. I have never seen him coming out to decry any pastor or anybody despite all the defamation he receives from many pastors and media. He minds his business and he doesnt get distracted by the campaign of calumny from the media and his fellow pastors. Nobody believed Jesus was from God until he left the earth and HE was even accused of possessing demonic power. Have you ever listened to TB Joshua? His words touches nerves. The religious group were never comfortable because he did what many could not do, and those pastors saw him as a big threat to their businesses and they can do anything to defame and silent him. Anything good is a source of envy. Tell me any prophet in the Bible that lived without criticism and torments? TB Joshua gives back to the society. He doesnt spend his money buying jets and building churches in every part of the country like many Nigeria pastors, rather he puts the poor first, gives scholarship, sponsors footballers and many more. Is he not better than those who take glory for how many churches they have in the country and outside the country? The people who met TB Joshua confessed he still uses 504 wagon. Fault finders always get what they want. Since the collapse of his building, his enemies are at their best. The accusation was that the structure of the building was poor but nobody never said the building has been there for years, why hadnt it collapsed all those years except when the strange aircraft visited the building? The proximity of the the aircraft to the building was closely unusual. And passing four times within 20 minutes at a very close range was questionable. Unupdated minds will not understand that technology has gone beyond easy comprehension and a piece of paper can perish a village. #chrysaloy
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 18:55:10 +0000

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