TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-07-03 “Drop down, ye heavens, from - TopicsExpress


TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-07-03 “Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.” ~ ISAIAH 45:8 THE RAIN AND REIGN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: THE RIVER OF GRACE God’s thought for us are good and pleasant {Jeremiah 29:11}. It is good for us humans and all believers in Christ, to admit it that we can avoid short-changing ourselves from now on. The Bible is full of the thoughts and counsel of God about His desires for His most precious creation, man. Only if we will do what God said we should do, we will see what God said in His word come to pass. But now in this season, we have tremendous hope that as we access God’s will for His people, and find joy in playing our part, the people of God and nations will see our righteousness and salvation as brightness and as a lamp that is burning {Isaiah 62:1}. We will find joy and peace in the purposeful pursuit of God. His word is this; to seek first {Matthew 6:33}, what to seek is stated: the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Righteousness is that which stands right or in right standing with God. This will include every single promise of God to His people and to all nations. The glory of God is the beauty of man. God’s glory is Christ revealed in man. Christ is God’s glory and the brightest of God’s glory {Hebrews 1:3}. God’s glory is righteousness revealed through His people. But there is an access to this, a starting point, and the end is God’s glory; becoming a double or disciple or being transformed into Christ image. All these are possible only by God’s grace. Unity is a powerful engine; we have found that humility that we seek will produce unity that we desire. Grace is God’s power, strength and ability exercised and release in and through man. It is also described as unmerited favour (favour we did not earn). So right away, we must understand that grace is not earned, it is received. Because it is a gift, our role will be to know where and how to find it. Nothing comes to anyone who rejects the commandment to seek. Hope is anticipation that evokes excitement and propels us into positive assessment and actions. Whether it is the grace that we receive through faith for salvation, or any other grace including for transformation, we are responsible for seeking it. For example, the gospel is to the meek {Isaiah 61:1}, salvation is to the meek with the condition of repentance {Psalm 149:4} and God saves the humble person {Job 22:29}. Grace flows to the humble {James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5}. Every type of grace is connected and accessible through meekness and humility and we have an admonition to seek it {Zephaniah 2:3}. Showers of blessings, meekness, convictions, salvation, deliverances, provisions, judgment (differentiating between what is righteous and what is unrighteous), redemption from sensuality and the grave, transformation and every promise of God are all righteousness. These are in God’s plan to pour upon humanity and His people. What we need to do is to find out why it has not happened as it should and how it will happen. What are we to do? God showed prophet Ezekiel His plans in the millennial temple as an example of His plans for man. God brought Ezekiel into the sanctuary to show him the final thing about the sanctuary. Water issues from the threshold from the altar. Every one thousand cubits measured, has different result and effect. From Ezekiel’s ankle up to four thousand cubits whereby one could swim, the water grew into a mighty river flowing into the sea. This water that issued out from the sanctuary to the east, carried with it potent powers to heal the sea. The sea represents humanity and everything that this river touches, it heals. Trees by the river bank were evergreen, ever producing fruits and leaves for healing, the fishes grew to become multitude and the river is packed with blessings {please see Ezekiel 47:1-12}. And there is a river, whose stream shall make glad the city of God because God is in its midst {Psalm 46:4-5}. Grace is like this river, this is the point of using this prophetic encounter for a parabolic explanation of grace. Rivers flow when there is abundance of rain. When grace flows, it sorts things out and brings all the blessings associated with grace. Our concern would be to spiritually position ourselves for the outpouring of righteousness (which includes grace) and to pray specifically for God’s righteousness to rain upon us {Isaiah 45:8}. Part of our deliberate act of humility or humbling ourselves will be deep repentance. Out of our bellies will flow rivers of humility of living waters because we believe {John 7:38}. No devil can follow any child of God into this river of grace. This is also this call. Now we are called into the fellowship of the simple and the childlike {please see Matthew 18:3, Luke 18:17}. We are to believe that what God said is what He meant. To pour upon us righteousness; He is calling us to position ourselves for this request, then we will see the manifestation of this promise. The river of God and of grace will flow and everyone will be gloriously affected. We are presented with the opportunity to swim in grace. This is a good dream and it is possible. Our humility to believe God and ask for this will bring heaven’s positive response; this is our part. We will add, we have choices to make. However, we can start by avoiding seeking and applying political, economic or social solutions to deep spiritual problems. The root is spiritual; the effect is every facet of life. There has never been any time that it is recorded in our Bible that Israel prospered that it was not because the spiritual atmosphere and oversight was loaded with righteousness. Solomon was able to propound that “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people {Proverbs 14:34}. Rules and regulations has not been known to create affection nor can they evoke joyful obedience or eradicate corruption; theology has no effect on any man’s conscience neither can it produce pure hearts, good consciences and unfeigned faith {1 Timothy 1:5}. For these reasons, let’s all understand the root of the matter. As we deal with it, we will have the results we all desire. Prophecies do fail, but not the word of God spoken faithfully {please see Jeremiah 23:28}. Obedience is the heart of worship. But Hosea concluded; “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.” {Hosea 10:12} So we can see, God has never left us, neither has He left us without simple solutions provided in His word, Amen. God bless and have a good day. Ask for the rain of righteousness, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:28:34 +0000

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