TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-08-10 “The meek will He guide in - TopicsExpress


TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-08-10 “The meek will He guide in judgment: the meek will He teach His way.” ~ PSALM 25:9 A TIME, SUCH AS THIS There are so many virtues Jesus Christ taught, He knew the more you listen and follow God the more God speaks. And on the other hand, the less we listen the less He speaks. This was the situation with Eli the High priest from the Aaron’s dynasty. He practically mortgaged his heritage by refusing to be firm with his sons. In his time God stopped speaking until Samuel was raised up. Everyone is aware that the time for change and reformation is a time to apply critical wisdom, critical analysis or appraisals without which change remains impossible. But to those who really want to have a go or trial with hypocrisy, every call to repent (change our thinking) is critical, negative, judgmental and self-righteous. This however constitutes the pinnacle of rebellion. The Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ time will be able to get away by reminding us that at least they didn’t have the Holy Spirit. It is not the best to deliberately reject God’s will. God has not criticised or condemned His Church or anyone. We all got it wrong; we all did it together and probably enjoyed it whilst doing it. Nevertheless, it is time to grow up, get over it, get on with it and put our backs to it. How long are we going to hide under the old worn-out line of “stop being negative and judgmental?” God, His angels and even demons knows that is not true. This time we will all have to be honest, no more hiding! It is simple: we prayed to God through other people instead of through Jesus alone. Now we know Jesus is the only way and avenue to God; this is what Jesus Himself said {please see John 14:6}. All we need to do is repent and move on. We sought other advocates apart from Jesus; we know it is only Jesus Christ Who alone is the Advocate {1 John 2:1} and He is the only Mediator between God and Men {1 Timothy 2:5}. We have been able to understand that such doctrines are identified in Scriptures as doctrines of demons and from seducing spirits {1 Timothy 4:1}, propagated by be spirit of error {1 John 4:6}. Any instructions contrary to Scriptures from our Bible, different from the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles, which negates the New Covenant, or taught by the Spirit of the New should be seen as dangerous. No new doctrine or instructions should be accepted from angels or apparitions. The word of God has amply warned against it. We all thought we were a New Covenant Church; now we know it was not entirely true. We preached grace, a product of the New Covenant and remained under the law. However, we are no more in doubt that the Church of Jesus Christ was never an Old Covenant Church. Apostle Paul referred to those who insisted on Old Covenant practices as dogs. He said; “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” {Philippians 3:2-3} Teaching grace and remaining firmly under the law was what we all did. No one is exempted; therefore no one is to be blamed. We need to openly accept God’s findings and repent openly. This is not time for anyone to seek credit for a gospel that is not new. Grace was all the apostles taught, grace was what the New Covenant brought; “For the Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” {John 1:17} But the full benefit of grace is what we have not tasted; it is not possible to have a hybrid of grace and law and bear the fruit of grace. So we have the opportunity to change. Some may be concerned about books and work they’ve written and done. This is where humility will save the day. Jesus died in full; God expects 100% from any child of God. God is not seeking anything from us except to show us a better way. To God, to do justice and judgment is better than sacrifices {Proverbs 21:3}. To obey is better than sacrifice {1 Samuel 15:22}. Our concern should be whether God accepts our offerings or sacrifices. No one should be in doubt; God is not a tyrant. No man or woman would appreciate a gift from their spouse if they know there is a motive behind it. God will not accept offerings given because we are afraid of curses or because we are expecting the windows of heaven to open. If it not 100% it is better to keep it. We have no choice but to learn how to be led by the Spirit in all we do including our offerings {Romans 8:14}. Jesus our High priest will not preside over offerings given under the law. His word says; “Above when He said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein: which are offered by the law.” {Hebrews 10:8} God’s people should no more need coercions or manipulation to give or extract offerings. We should be grateful when and if God accepts our offerings; this should be our greatest concern. God does not accept every offering, but rather a heart that seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, a heart that seeks the enthronement of God in their hearts and souls. That heart together with its offerings will be pleasurable to God. Finally, some are causing serious traffic jam. Repent whilst you can. This message is given in love. There is time for talking, for arguing and certainly a time for us all to converge in truth and in-deed; this is such a time, Amen. God bless and have a good Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 09:01:57 +0000

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