TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-08-28 “STAND fast therefore in the - TopicsExpress


TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-08-28 “STAND fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” ~ GALATIANS 5:1 THE MYSTERY OF SEDUCTION AND SEDUCING SPIRITS The purpose of this message is to assist anyone who is unaware of what the Scripture describes as seducing spirits and its counterpart doctrines of demons. We will first refresh ourselves with God’s purpose for creating man and the mission of His church, then we will present what we have be shown as the activities or the mission of seducing spirits and the nature of its effect on the church and the human race. Our mission and mandate is to present messages that anyone will understand, that will also make it simple without any need to infer what they are not saying. How we receive this message is crucial. Our reaction may help us identify strongholds and the strongmen attached to them. Strongholds and strongmen are what and those who hear the truth that are meant to produce positive changes, but instead become angry, reject the truth and convince us that they are negative, judgmental and critical. The stronghold of love and its Strongman (Jesus Christ) on the other hand will respond with meekness, lowliness, brokenness, contrition, gratitude and joy. Judgment entails appraisals, wisdom, accurate interpretations and understanding. GOD’S PLAN FOR HUMANS AND THE ROLE OF HIS CHURCH God wanted children, His own children; that will be like Him, think like Him and do like Him. Therefore, God created man in His own image and after His own likeness {Genesis 1:26-27}. The first man listened to the Serpent (Satan) who seduced man to believe him and to sin against God by disobeying a direct and simple instruction. God saved man through Jesus Christ His Son to restore God’s plan for man, who is to be made in God’s image and likeness. The salvation of man is now referred to as the new birth, regeneration or to be born-again {John 3:3}. However, God’s main plan for man is to be transformed and be like His Son {Please see Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 4:13}. For this plan to be executed, man needed the power for this transformation. The power, agent and executor of this plan is the Holy Spirit, known in Scriptures as the Spirit of Christ – Romans 8:9 (from which we got Christianity), the Spirit of truth {John 14:17, 16:13}, the Comforter {John 14:26} Who is the third Person of the Trinity of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit {Please see Matthew 28:19}. The Holy Spirit performs these tasks (if we allow Him) by taking God’s people through a process of sanctification, starting with the human spirit (which is sanctified when we believe the truth and become saved or at new birth), then the soul (by revealing the truth from God’s word in the Scriptures so that we can believe and have faith) and then the body (the container for all) – 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is the most important Person on earth, the executor of God’s will, the administrator of the Church and all affairs of man. This is done by coming into people who allow Him to indwell them. God’s plan therefore is that the human race be a habitation for God {Isaiah 64:1-2}. God dwelling in man is the means by which God does everything He does and the main reason why Jesus came to pay the price with His blood for the salvation of man. Everything else that man will do or become including all the mountains of influence rests upon this foundation, Jesus Christ being the foundation {1 Corinthians 3:12}. Whether it is family or marriage, politics, business or finance, education, society or communities, nation state; everything rests upon man being transformed into the image of Christ. Jesus Christ therefore commanded that this is what everyone who will believe Him should seek first; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all other things shall be added unto you.” {Matthew 6:33} The above encapsulates the purpose of God, first for Israel, then the Church. For this mission to be fulfilled, Jesus Christ gave the five-fold ministry to equip His body by working with the Holy Spirit to accomplish the building up of man into Christ’s own very image {Please see Ephesians 2:20-22, 4:11-13}. The New Covenant came into force because Jesus Christ paid for it with His life. This is what Jesus died for man to have. Because of this, Jesus is the Mediator of this Covenant {Hebrews 9:15, 12:24}, the Only Mediator between God and man {1Timothy 2:5} and the only Advocate for man with God in heaven {1 John 2:1}. The mission of the spirit of seduction is to attack God’s vision and purpose for the church and humanity with every means possible, from philosophy and psychology, religion and theology, every misinterpretation or misrepresentation, charm of man and hype; anything to get man chasing shadows and depending on man. God’s process was never designed to be tedious, protracted or so everlastingly impossible to apprehend or accomplish. Man is the only agent for this spirit of seduction. Every soul who ever lived on this planet has been a victim at one time or the other, of course except Jesus Christ our Saviour. Its strategies are quite simple really; just like the first Adam, get man to believe a lie. This spirit is the source of all falsehood that man ever believed; usually subtle, but deadly. It took over the earth from man and took the church into the dark ages. Sadly, it is still at work. We have trusted philosophy, theology, psychology, religion and human wisdom through the ages, efforts inspired by these seducing spirits, none have filled the void created by God to be occupied by God Himself. We believe it is time for us all to admit it and return to God. Please note, no falsehood or lie is little; any little lie will suffice for the seducing spirits to take over any nation or church. THE MISSION OF SEDUCING SPIRITS Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy; “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and the doctrines of demons; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with hot iron;” {1Timothy 4:1-2}. The first section of this chapter identified what seducing spirits and doctrines of demon do. It went further by predicting (which came to pass) that people of God will be forbidden to marry because they want to serve God and be forced into submitting to all sorts of rules and regulations that have nothing whatsoever to do with the new life in Christ {1Timothy 4:3}. Seducing spirits will lead many astray in direct contradiction of instructions from the word of God. The fruit of this contravention was the dark ages and the return to the Old Covenant, of which we are yet to fully recover. The gospel tracks that Jesus Christ and His apostles left were abandoned, the church constructed new gospel tracks that had a different origin; seducing spirits are also known as the spirit of error {please see 1John 4:6}. These are the counterfeits of the Spirit of truth. Straightaway we must know; the simple solution to address this situation is to repent (change our thinking), turn back and get back on track of the gospel of Jesus Christ; the gospel that the New Covenant presents. Dealing with this may cost us friends but will bring mighty deliverance and transformation which hitherto looked tedious. Some of us believe in only one church, Christ as its Head. We do not believe in attacking any church but to call every believer to come back and believe the Bible together. Anything else, said or written by anyone that contradicts the Bible has its origin from these aforementioned spirits; this includes disunity, otherwise known as denominations. Now, we accuse no one. If we find any practice identified with seducing spirits, all we need do is to put it side by side with our conscience and hear what it will say. Next, turn around and get back on track. This is the only solution God gave to correct the situation and to be free from these spirits. • The dictionary meaning of seduction is to persuade to commit some wrong deed. For us, it purely means to allure or persuade man to separate himself from God’s instructions, plans, purposes or way; to derail man. • Paul wrote to the Galatians; “O FOOLISH Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently sent forth, crucified among you?” {Galatians 3:1} • The primary work of seducing spirits is to return every believer in Christ back into the Old Covenant and to fashion out new ideas. • Paul knows and aptly described this operation as bewitchment. Every message or teaching froth with half truths of the hybrid of grace with the foundation of law is from these spirits. • From seducing spirits, Papacy was born. That was not the church left by Christ’s Apostles. None of what they did was found in the bible, from setting up thrones, to building of monuments and statues; these are from seducing spirits. • Seducing spirits will lead anyone to acknowledge apparitions that receive worship and accept prayers in any other name other than Jesus which is contrary to the word of God. • Seducing spirits when possible will acknowledge God but not the sonship of Jesus Christ as Lord. • This spirit will keep God’s people in bondage under the penalty of curses whilst feeding them with regular doses of the opiate of encouragement to make them feel good. • Its regular catch phrase when confronted is “Leave the negative people alone.” Whenever it is being unmasked, it will start preaching about being critical and judgmental, words and preaching it knows delight many. • Seducing spirits have tried to replace the true power and anointing of the Holy Spirit with hype, philosophy, psychology, ideologies and any form of academics or intellectualism. • This brought the church to the same level with other religious organisation where we can all argue it out with no power. The kingdom of God is not words but power. • Doctrines of demons taught by these spirits have no backing from God; therefore, they may fly for awhile but will be exposed at the end. They are responsible for church splits on doctrinal issues. Once anyone is off course, we have no choice but to return to where we missed it, then continue from there. • It is important at this point to say, since the time of the Romans and the famous letter of Ignatius of Antioch, the church has tried so many short cuts that has not returned her back on track. • All the reformations came half way. Those who walked in fullness were those who got back on track for awhile before another new move left that track. • The gospel of Jesus Christ has Jesus as the Mediator, the Old Covenant and its practices have Moses as its mediator. The true gospel has only one track. • For unity to be established, the first thing to do will be for all to understand fully the nature of these two completely separate covenants, and to all come into this true church of Jesus Christ which is a New Covenant church. • Seducing spirits are behind the difficulty people are encountering in attaining transformation. Transformation is not by good moral standards or behaviour; it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that is not mixed with philosophy or psychology. • Seducing spirit cooked up the idea or notion that the keys of the kingdom was given to Apostle Peter; we know that was not what Jesus Christ said. Peter is a living stone, not the rock of the church. The Rock is Christ as the Son of God and Messiah. • Seducing spirits add to the Bible and calls it letters from church Fathers. Any letter of script that is contrary to Scriptures from our Bible came from such spirits. • They are also behind building cathedrals instead of building up the saints as Christ ordained. God’s purpose remains the building up of human beings into the full measure of statue of Christ {please see Ephesians 4:13}. Anything more is an addition; and if it is creating more confusion and disunity, then it is dangerous to our peace and efficiency as a church. We know the human leader of the first church of Jesus Christ on earth is the true leader of the church on earth. This we can categorically say God showed us, and God will show anyone who will bother to ask. Therefore, no denomination is better than another; we all got it wrong, none is exempted. Therefore we counsel, if he calls for a meeting of those who may be identified as leaders in the church, anyone who is not called, should not view this as being overlooked; it is not a competition. Our focus should be to get together and get the job done. By the time we come with our Bibles, we may fight, or bite, but we must come back to the truth. If we think it is not necessary, we should watch the news and see whether anyone has any solution for all that is happening around us. We do not intend to make anyone feel guilty, but if we get our spiritual life back on track, on God’s terms, we will see a change. Please note, any compromise will be from seducing spirits. All we need to do is to give heed to God from the Bible as we have it. God will do the rest. Traditions must be relegated to where they belong, they have no spiritual values. However, there is no marriage that can be enforced. If it is not willing and joyful, then seducing spirits will show up. This is no fear mongering; anything in the church of God that becomes rules to be vigorously enforced is not of God. Those who wish to do what they like, should be made aware that they are on their own. They will be identified as a cult and not belonging to Christ’s church. As usual, these are our findings. It is time to place it all beside our consciences and ask God for His mercies. We should not miss our time of visitation again. Nevertheless, God promised; “For the LORD shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places: and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.” {Isaiah 51:3} Amen. God bless and have a good day.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:13:19 +0000

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