TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-09-19 “And ye shall know the truth, - TopicsExpress


TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-09-19 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~ JOHN 8:32 A KINGDOM OF GRACE: THE KINGDOM OF CONSCIENCE There are not so many things in existence as sublime as the truth. Not only has it the power to make free, its inherent capabilities includes resurrection from the dead. The people who crucified Jesus were unknowingly afraid of this truth; they insisted that a huge boulder rock be placed at the entrance of Jesus’ tomb. This however could not hold down the truth. Jesus had earlier informed His disciples, He said; “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” {John 14:6} There is no proof that anyone understood what the truth means at this point. Pilate also asked; “What is truth?” {John 18:38} Every philosopher before Jesus Christ had searched for this truth. The truth has freedom, it has resurrection power; the truth is the Reality and it is Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul exhorted; “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” {2 Corinthians 13:8} Some may try to put it down, kill it or cover it up; nevertheless, it will rise again and not lie. Therefore, whatever we do, it is better to seek the truth, cherish it and remain true to it. HOW TO APPREHEND TRUTH There are some few recommendations we are privileged to share about this subject matter. These are teachings that most of us never knew about until after visiting the school of hard knocks. For Christianity to work, we must understand some basic truths about our walk with God. God’s kingdom is a kingdom powered by grace and a kingdom of conscience. It is not a kingdom of rules and regulations, but rather, a kingdom of love from a pure heart, good conscience and unfeigned faith {1Timothy 1:5}. This may not be taught in Bible schools, but if Christians can get this right from the beginning, then we have a solid foundation in our walk that will never entertain unrealistic expectations and results. Failure to understand this basic principle is the reason for anything that went out of course in Christ’s body. • For Christianity to fulfil its full potentials, it must be fully in the New Covenant. Not part law and part grace. We will say again, a hybrid foundation of law and grace will not produce the fruit of grace. • We can only truly take on the enemy when we deliberately remove darkness. The enemy hides in darkness; this is what half law and half grace translate to. Half law and half grace is actually dim light. The enemy loves this. • Christianity will work when we study and apply our hearts to what will make it work: Pure heart, good conscience, unfeigned faith. With these three basic tenets, every single spiritual and ministerial gift will be recovered and brought back under the administration of the Holy Spirit; humility will be understood, cherished and applied: deliverance will come naturally, grace will flow naturally and fruit will show naturally. • These are the pillars upon which everything we will learn and do or accomplish as believers rests upon. • With this in place, we have the assurance of being led by God for He is tangibly present. We would not be struggling with the interpretation of His word. • Christianity will work when we understand that, without judgment and righteousness we cannot claim to know God {Jeremiah 9:24}. • The enthronement of God in any heart is largely dependent on these basic tenets. • Christianity is not a relationship based on legal practice; it is a covenant relationship of love. The closest description we can identify with this love is what most of us felt when we thought we fell in love with someone. • Anyone who does not understand what pure heart, good conscience and unfeigned faith mean may be easily swayed from this kingdom of conscience. • There is a line God’s enemies cannot cross; Pure heart, good Conscience, unfeigned faith. None of them can enter this realm without being roasted. • It puts an end to prejudice, pride, struggles to become what we already are, vain glory, abuse of authority, abuse of trust, blaspheming God and the name of Christ and the kingdom of self. • Understanding and running with these tenets will determine how successful a Christian will be. Please note; the size of a congregation is not in any way a sign of success, not before God. There is however absolutely nothing wrong with having a large congregation. Our emphasis is on content. • Our commission is not to collect crowd to ourselves but to make disciples of all nations. • Love becomes a reality. If presenting ourselves as living sacrifices is rational, decisive and deliberate {Romans 12:1}, it denotes that this is one of the true meaning of love. • We have the opportunity today, in our time, to recapture our heritage; the Christian heritage. If we will teach this in our Bible schools and churches and not consider them too simplistic or not loaded with enough substance, we will be doing Christ proud and be producing disciples who will be true disciples, never to be reproached by any man. Besides, true power which is what Christianity is will be evident to those God called us to reach. With humility comes unity. Most of the things that befell Christ’s body would never have happened if we did not depart from the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Before and shortly after the Edit of Milan (the period when Christianity would have been restored), Christianity went off course and is still struggling to recapture these basic truths about our walk with God. Of course the things bringing reproach on everyone called Christian today would very much have been averted. Friends and brethren, lets never forget; whatever happens to any part of Christ’s body affects the whole, including the Head. Now we know the “TRUTH” let us return to the truth. It has power on its own, Amen God bless and have a good day.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 23:38:17 +0000

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