TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-11-28 “Take heed therefore unto - TopicsExpress


TBM TRUMPET CALL 2014-11-28 “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.” – ACTS 20:28 WHEN AND HOW TO CONFRONT INJUSTICE Many times, when people become unaffected by situations that should normally have aroused concern, God allows His enemies to have his way; perhaps His people will awake. We have had the opportunity of sharing what the Lord has laid upon us with the hope that, we Christians in this generation will not repeat the mistakes of believers in the generations past. Men/women in spiritual authority represent the Lord’s police authority on earth. Whatever they do, whichever way they use or misuse the authority placed upon them, have both positive and negative consequences. There is a big picture here. We alerted for a while that operating or manifesting spiritual gifts of any kind is not a sign of pleasure from God. Jesus Himself said it {please see Matthew 7:15-23}. Wherever you find terrorists, you have its spiritual equivalent, wherever we see corruption, it is coming from the seed sown into the spirit, particularly from those who have spiritual authority. When people who were assigned the duty of ensuring and enforcing justice are the ones practicing injustice with impunity, we should be aware that injustice has been sown into the spirit. Now, if we start blaming the secular, whether it is the president or prime-ministers, congress or parliament, police or law enforcement agencies; as Christians it is a sign that we may be looking in the wrong direction. If we choose to turn a blind eye, because we are not directly affected, it may be too late when it comes knocking on our doors; this can happen in too many ways, best to be left unnamed. For when it is the secular, it is the truth we are seeing (for it is obvious to for all to see), we are justified to blame them and complain. But when it comes to the pillar and ground for truth, it is accusing the brethren. God hates injustice; he won’t do it, He won’t agree to it, and He will not shut His eyes from it. Besides, anytime the devil has his way in any part of that which Christ has redeemed, it hurts God and gives His enemies grounds to blaspheme; all because we choose to close our eyes to the truth. WHAT TO DO. Elders and many, who know they have spiritual authority, should look into malpractices, injustices and false teachings. What we thought was the truth, and now know it was true for the Old Covenant, but not true for the New Covenant should be addressed without delay. A lot of God’s people are in bondage even when they do not know it. Anywhere you find any form of false teaching, people are enslaved. Many ran to people for help, not knowing those they ran to for help are presiding over prison camps. When evangelists see many souls come to Christ, they rejoice, not knowing where these new converts will end up. Winning a soul is good, but how many are really saved? How many return to the old ways? How many are enslaved by spiritual merchants? Multitudes! We are in the field, so we know. Bonnie Jones recently received a visitation to warn Christ’s body of the presence of lying spirits or divination spirit. Not many people “Liked” that message. When there is an infestation of divination spirit in the prophetic ministry, there is an infestation worse than the Ebola. When those who are supposed to ensure the purity of the spirit in the church are already infested, what do we have? Yet they prophesy wonderful things, we know has question marks. Would God turn a blind eye to His people, praising Him with heavy yokes on their necks because of compromises? This is the source of delay in fulfilment of promises. A lot of smiling faces, deliriously happy about their environment and the hype, feeding daily on spiritual narcotics, are not aware that they have been hearing and saying the same thing for ten, twenty, forty years without any real change. The only change we ever acknowledge will always be connected to improved finances (which is not a problem for the devil), but injustice and half-truths continue, yes, the devil loves that. You see, the only time we acknowledge the principle of sowing and reaping is when we talk about money. This is when we remind people about the reality of what we sow into the spirit. Now we must awake, there is a lot in the spirit we would not want to reap. Therefore, if we are ever going to be heard by God to address injustices and corruption, it must start from home, so that the devil will not get away with calling us hypocrites. This calls for deep repentance and then action. The case in Ferguson is a tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately foolishness of looting and burning etc is the side-effects of wrong diagnosis. Hundreds of thousands died during the Luther reformation, only for Lutherans and Catholic to sign the same statement of faith supposedly to end the protest in 1999. Tens of thousands died in the French revolution because, instead of listening to the voice of truth, people like Jeanne Guyon’s cries were silenced. This was the same in the time of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the prophets of old and of course Jesus Christ. We should awake! The church is supposed to be filled with Spirit-filled people, and angels, not lying spirits. These spirits are responsible for every half-truth, seduction, false teaching and false prophesying. The beginning of deception is to hear the truth and look the other way. When anyone does this, God knows, the person is inviting a lying spirit. Those who reject the truth, have no choice but to embrace lies together with all the spirits they can bring in; seduction, delusion, divination, witchcraft, etc, this can never please God. God and the devil cannot sit on the same throne. Deliberately tempting God after the knowledge of the truth is not without consequences. And, the greatest deception is to say “God will do it” “Let God have His way” etc. This is what we have never allowed God to have, His way. We stand in the way as if God will come and remove us, or force us to repent; God won’t do that. If God cannot appeal to the conscience of a man, judgment would be the end of it. And judgment comes in different ways, its effects may vary, however, we should be proactive rather than reactive. We have been endued with what we need. Therefore this call is this; let everyone understand the clear and present danger. Addressing this will mean we know the meaning of love. Love contains truth, wisdom, meekness, goodness, kindness (empathy), patience, justice and righteousness. This is the only brand of love that we can apply even to our enemies that will work. So to deal with injustice and corruption, it must start from home. Christianity is indeed not about our love for God, neither is it about special moral codes (philosophers can produce that), it is about Christ, the living Son of God, it is about “TRUTH”. People should get together and address proliferation and come fully into the New Covenant purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. There really is no room for the pride of not admitting we were wrong, and have believed wrongly. Repentance works when it is genuine, with contrition and brokenness. Then the secular world and Israel will receive Christ. This is how God will recover the voice of His prophets and ministers. The voice of the Lord is powerful; it will break cedars and divide flames {Psalm 29:3-9}. The true voice of hope is full of truth in the inward parts {Psalm 51:6}. Our message is simple; God has made solutions available to His people. This is not about accepting these messages, recognition by anyone or validation. It is a call to the heart of obedience that will produce tangible results, that God said Gentiles or unbelievers will come to. “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:” {1Timothy 1:5}, Amen. God bless and have a good day.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:52:50 +0000

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