TBT Marketing & Sales Articles From The Past... How To Attract - TopicsExpress


TBT Marketing & Sales Articles From The Past... How To Attract 50-150 Of The Right Prospects Every Month! The most common question we get from agents, advisors and planners is… “How do I consistently find enough good prospects for our firm?” Almost every agent, advisor and planner we talk to is unhappy with the amount of good prospects they see in a month. And, it’s no wonder they are struggling with prospecting, when you look at how they prospect! Most of them are looking for anyone and everyone who fogs a mirror. They want to believe that the more products and services they offer, the more people they will attract. They don’t have a specialty to attract people to them. Even the few agents, advisors and planners that do have a specialty, have no idea who their best prospects are! They have never considered with whom they have the best chance of setting an appointment! And, with whom they have the best chance of closing a sale. The agents, advisors and planners that are succeeding are marketing very targeted offerings - they are solving a unique problem for a very distinct group of people. That way, they attract the right people and they have their best chance of closing a sale, because they are focusing on what they know best, and what they do best. To succeed in sales you must specialize. You must focus on a niche. You cant just say, We are a local insurance agency, offering a full line of insurance products. So what? You must ask yourself some very hard questions about your business… “What is unique about my products or services? Or the way I sell them? What is it that makes me better than everyone else for a certain specific target segment?” When you can answer those questions, youll know how to market yourself. Youll know what that market segment is looking for and youll know how to attract them with the right message. Its not possible for you to be really good at everything! You need to know what you are uniquely better at, even if it is just a small segment that cares. As an example, if you sell life insurance, what problems do you solve for Middle Income families? Or, what problems do you solve for Business Owners? Or, what problems do you solve for Retirees? What exactly do you do that is better than everyone else? If you tell me that you offer the same products and services people can get anywhere for the same low price they can find elsewhere, that is not a good answer. If you make vague promises about great customer service, that wont cut it either! You must specialize if you want to succeed in sales! Whats your specialty? Now Start Attracting 50-150 Prospects Every Month… Once you have determined your specialty, then it’s easy to attract a consistent stream of the right prospects! Now you can attract 50-150 of the right people to you every month… Offer a free educational workshop on - ‘Helping Middle Income Families To Live Debt Free And Truly Wealthy!’ or ‘5 Financial Challenges During Your Retirement’. You are solving a unique problem for a specific group of people! And, you can do it for under $100! Form a Joint Venture with a local business that caters to that specific market segment, such as Mortgage Brokers, P&C Agencies, Income Tax Preparers, Real Estate Brokers, Attorneys that specialize wills and trusts, etc. Get them to introduce you to their best customers. And, then invite their best customers to your free educational workshop! Send out a monthly newsletter to all your family, friends, customers, prospects and everyone you know to let them know about your specialty. And, let them know about your upcoming free workshop! (Not about products or investments) Write articles for your local newspapers, church bulletins, local associations and any organization that caters to your niche market. Help everyone in your local area to get to know you and the services you offer. (Not about products or investments) Offer a free information report (free booklet) in all your Ads, invitations, newsletters and correspondence! The people who ask for your free information are telling you that they have an interest and they want to know more! Join or create a Networking Group! Make sure the group has successful people who are really interested in growing their business. Exchange leads, and explain what you do to really help people! Ask all your family, friends, customers, prospects and everyone you know for their help! Once they know what you do and how you help people… Ask them who you should be sending your newsletter to, and inviting to your upcoming free educational workshop! Note: Dinner Seminars, Direct Mail Programs, Pre-set Appointments, Internet Leads, Newspaper Ads and Fax-Blasting are extremely expensive and should only be used as a last resort! There are several major problems with these types of leads. These people have never heard of you. You have no credibility with them. You have no control of whom you are seeing. You have no idea if the people who respond really have a need, or if they have a problem that you can solve for them. Attracting 50-150 people to you each and every month doesn’t have to be hard or frustrating, if you specialize. And, if you focus on getting your unique message out to the people with whom you have the best chance of setting an appointment and with whom have the best chance of closing a sale. Each of our specialized marketing and sales systems is designed to help you to become an expert with a specific market segment. And, they will provide you with a detailed explanation of how to properly use the above proven marketing methods to attract 50-150 of the right people to you every month… insuranceproshop/productcatalog.html By Lew Nason ‘The Nine Out Of Ten Guy’ © 2007 Lew Nason, RFC, FMM, LUTC Graduate - All rights reserved Lew Nason, with his sons Jeremy Nason, RFC, FMM and Will Nason, RFA, FMM are the founders of the Insurance Pro Shop ® and the creators of the… Found Money Management™ Advanced Life Insurance Sales System… The most endorsed and successful Life Insurance prospecting and sales system available for today’s insurance professional! Lew has been helping agents and advisors to achieve long-term success in financial services industry for over two decades. His unique perspective, on how to truly help clients, has enabled scores of agents and advisors reach the top levels of their profession. Visit his web site at insuranceproshop or call him toll free @ 877-297-4608.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:48:40 +0000

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