TByrd says: Say NO to the Spirit of Fear!! Fear runs rife in the - TopicsExpress


TByrd says: Say NO to the Spirit of Fear!! Fear runs rife in the human condition, brought into the world with the advent of Satan, our mortal enemy. However, most people who battle it do not realize that it is a spirit, a separate entity, with a voice which speaks to us. It has no power over us, until we come into agreement with it. Then, it has the power to paralyze us, destroy us, torment us, and derail us from our God-given destiny. If you think you hear weird, twilight zone music playing in the background here, consider what the Word of God says about fear: 2 Tim 1:7(KJV) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Coming into agreement with fear is a sin. There are 365 Bible verses about fear, one for every day of the year. Fear is an ANTICHRIST spirit having many underlings to torment us, about 4,000 to be exact. If YOU are in torment, Fear is in peace. If you are in peace, Fear is in torment. Fear is an evil entity, and he needs a human body (yours) in order to manifest his evil nature. If he doesnt have a body to manifest in, it is as though he is tied to a chair, bound hand and foot with his mouth taped shut. However, when he can roar throughout your entire being and disrupt your life, affect your relationships, and foil the plans God has for you, he is dancing with glee and delight. Yes, you say, Thats all well and good for you to tell me not to fear, and castigate me for sinning via fear, but, hey, Twy, pray tell, HOW does one actually NOT FEAR when the storms of life are roiling around them like an F4 tornado? Let me assure you, Mr. Fear has been/is a huge battle for your friend Twy. She points her finger in judgment at no one. Her life has often been derailed by fear. Many times she has settled for less than Gods best due to lies from fear, or she has missed God altogether. So, one day, she decided to put on her big girl panties, and fight for what was rightfully hers according to her heirship in the kingdom of God. She decided it was time to spoil the strongman who had overtaken her castle, and take back her doggone goods. The first key to defeating fear is to RECOGNIZE your enemy. How can you fight him, if you dont recognize him? Worse yet, how can you fight him if he looks just like YOU??? These voices you often hear barking in your head are not YOU, even though you think they are. Let me share a living example with you. I have some family property in the Ozarks. I love the Ozarks, and have yearned to return to them for years. They are beautiful, and peaceful. I feel very close to God when I am there, having my cup of morning tea, watching the blue-grey morning mist hover over the mountaintops, hearing nothing but birds chirping in the golden silence. However, there is NO industry there, and the area is quite remote. For 16 years, I have been a technical writer in the DFW Metroplex. Through a series of complex events, my career has stalled. This spring, I felt a quickening in my spirit to RETURN to the Ozarks, cash out my 401K, and start an aquaponics greenhouse on my property, becoming a modern day pioneer woman with goats and chickens. I was hoping that I could pick up some writing assignments on the side, or even write on spiritual topics, as I have always wanted to do. Enter Mr. Fear. Twy, are you CRAZY?? You will get up there, and spend all your money on that greenhouse, and then you will be STUCK in the deep woods with no resources! You wont be able to find a writing job there or anywhere else because of time elapsed. Your entire career you worked so hard to build will be down the toilet. Your computer skills are declining daily, and your value in the corporate marketplace is becoming bankrupt. You will end up homeless. You will get up there and not have a friend in the world. Everyone will forget you. Everyone will consider you a looser and a fool and scorn you. You will have to go on section 8 housing or be on the street. You will have to go on food stamps just to eat. You wont be able to afford a dentist, your teeth will fall out and you will look like the woman sleeping under the bridge. You think God gave you a gift to write, that you could write anything that would sell in the Christian market? Who are you kidding? Nobody pays attention to anything you write, even when you post dozens of times on Facebook. Nobody would PAY for anything youd write. You are just average, so-so. Get real, Twy, you are destined to fail if you try to do that!! Yes, thats a lot, but Mr. Fear said a lot more, too. I could write volumes on his horrifying, death-dealing monologue, but that would give you entirely too much insight into the core persona of Twy. I was in tears daily over it. The problem is......I was deceived.... I thought the VOICE was ME, and so I was begging for wisdom and direction and clarity from the Lord. And, might I add, hearing very little -- because of all the cacophony of NOISE Mr. Fear was making in my ear. UNTIL -- I stumbled across the truth that Mr. Fear was one of those ROARING LIONS, and he was devouring me. He is a LIAR, and I was walking in total agreement with him. Every evil suggestion he whispered into my ear, I was embracing it and saying Oh yes, that is a good idea, I think I will believe that I am a failure, that I am incapable of starting a greenhouse, that no one wants to buy anything Id write, that all my friends will abandon me and my teeth will fall out. Yeah, that sounds RIGHT, so I will just embrace it and trust in it! I was ignoring the promises of God. I was insulting and reproaching GOD, and breaking his heart......by BELIEVING Fear instead of believing the God who created me and loves me! I was giving FEAR precedence over FAITH in GOD. My God planned me from the foundations of the world. My God SINGS over me. My God finds me a delight. My God finds me beautiful. And, if I am serving him, my God will bless whatever I put my hand to!!! So, what was the solution? To recognize that these voices that prophesied DOOM and FAILURE were coming from the lips of the satanic, and that I needed to TAKE EVERY (EVIL) THOUGHT CAPTIVE. CAST DOWN THE (EVIL) VAIN IMAGINATIONS, just as my Bible was telling me I needed to do. And I needed to SHOOT down those fiery darts that were coming at me with the WORD of GOD. Micah 6:8 He hath shown thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Hmmmm. I was so worried about missing God....and so stressed about trying to figure out what God wanted me to do, when it was so SIMPLE. Prov 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Hmmmm. If I seek the Lord, with everything I do, and put him first, and glorify him, he will make the path I travel STRAIGHT. Whatever path that is, working a corporate career in the DFW metroplex, or feeding geese and tending a greenhouse in the back woods!! Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Hmmmm. If I am deep in the Ozarks, or buried in the bowels the darkest jungle in Africa, God knows EXACTLY where I am, I am not lost to him. He will send the right opportunities and the right relationships to me wherever I am. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Hmmmmmm. God DID give me a gift to write, because that is my passion. My writing is my voice to manifest him and the truths he shares with me. He would not have designed me for it, he wouldnt have given it to me, if he planned to allow it to go to waste!! The devil can put my gift down and devalue it, and so can MAN, but that doesnt mean it is not ordained of God, and valuable to GOD!!!!! Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. Hmmmmmm. I am not involved in this thing called LIFE all on my own!! I have a partner who walks beside me, who feels and hears my every breath, who endows me with POWER, and who can do anything he wants with me, no matter where I am, who I am with, or what comes against me!! He can make my wildest dreams come true, and then some!! Yes.......I have a whole plethora of Bible verses now, that I am throwing BACK at Mr. Fear. SHUT UP, Mr. Fear, you putrid, reeking jibber-jabberer. I am NOT coming into AGREEMENT with you, you are a disgusting LIAR who is trying to steal my life, and derail me from Gods plan! You will not steal my life and my house, it is MINE. Begone to dry places, I have nothing more to do with you, in Jesus name, Amen. And, fine, if anyone hears Twilight Zone music playing in the background......this is really working for me! I am growing stronger by the day, and more excited by my upcoming adventure, instead of walking in fear and dread and hoping it will soon be over. I am confident God placed me here on this planet in this day and this time for a reason, and according to his promise, he is with me always. He was FAITHFUL to me, in that he specifically showed me how to recognize my enemy, and how to shoot him down. All it took was something so simple...... as RECOGNIZING that I was dealing with a lying SPIRIT who chewed my ear off all the livelong day, with insults and accusations! The only thing it took to shut him down was to fire back the promises of God toward me, his CHOSEN daughter. All of those promises are in the WORD….. and the WORD is GOD. When I do that..... FEAR has to leave....and writhe in torment until he can find another way to manifest his evil nature somewhere else. I am done giving him the loan of my body and mind, AMEN AMEN and AMEN!! Onward Christian Soldiers. If I can learn to be victorious through Christ, anyone can!!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 19:10:20 +0000

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