TDV Week in Review November 17th, 2013 Statists Haters Gonna - TopicsExpress


TDV Week in Review November 17th, 2013 Statists Haters Gonna Hate Statists hate us for our freedom. When then-gang leader George Bush II said that brownies from the sandy, oily countries hated Americans for their freedom, he might have actually believed what he was saying. I actually believe what Im saying, too. But when I posted my comment about statist haters on my Facebook page, someone quickly asked what the heck I was talking about. Theres no real freedom for anyone, after all, in this state-covered, coercion-loving there? I must have seemed as delusional as the befuddled Bush II when I talked about the freedom that anarchists and libertarians enjoy. After all, dont we all pay the same taxes and follow the same fascist regulations as our state-loving neighbors? Not exactly. A true anarchist understands that he is a free man in a world ruled by innumerable gangsters and that his friends and loved ones are all suffering a galactic case of Stockholm Syndrome. The free man does what he wants and understands that the world is full of criminals who could descend upon him at any time. Its like being a white hipster living in a black ghetto; the rent is low, but you take your chances, knowing that as more of your kind follow your lead, your living situation will get better. Its this attitude that the statists in my life hate. They keep the laws and live in fear of angering the authorities while I do pretty much as I please and as long as it doesnt harm the person or property of another, without a whiff of guilt. I would only ever stop when uniformed criminals actually get in my way, ready to draw their guns. I buy what I want, sell what I want, and drive as fast as I want, always keeping an eye out for the bandits and highwaymen who would rob me and kidnap me for going at sensible speeds over some limits or being in possession of pleasure items on their list of no-nos. It pains me when businesses insist on my obeying some bit of fascism before theyll do business with me (like when bars insist that I show them government-issued proof of age before theyll sell me their delicious beer). And I do slow down where I know the highwaymen lie in wait with radar guns pointed and bullet-firing guns on their hips. Hell, Ill even send a check when I get a proactive ransom note from the gangster bean counters should they discover I havent been paying my protection money regularly. But in all these instances, I see all this for what it is: criminal activity besetting a man trying to go about his life as peaceably as possible. I only give these violent thieves any thought when they are actually turning their attention and their guns on me. Then I hand them some cash so theyll go away, like I would any armed mugger. So maybe its just a matter of having the correct worldview. Maybe nothing is functionally different. But I like to think that there is some tangible difference in my life because of the way I view the world. My philosophy informs my actions, after all. Those still in love with their slavery can tell the difference, too. And I dont think they like it. Not one bit. Having the right frame of mind is unspeakably liberating. But its only part of the equation. The other part is actually taking steps wherever you can to protect yourself from the thugs who think they own you and the fruits of your labor. Scoff at the law where you can. And otherwise make sure your gold is somewhere safe and your other assets are too. Regards, Gary Gibson Editor, The Dollar Vigilante Before we get to the review let’s have a look at what you missed in this week’s TDV Dispatch. First this week, in my “Memory Hole”, I continued my assassination of central planning. Next, Jeff Berwick discussed Obamacare and more in his “Vigilantes View”. Ed Bugos followed with his “TDV Portfolio: Review & Outlook”, then James Guzman had some helpful hints on housesurfing and PTing on the cheap. Next, Jeff took us around the world of the absurd in his weekly “Other News from TEOTMSAWKI and TDV Related Tidbits”. Finally, we profiled Sibel Edmonds. If you’re interested in receiving articles like these, consider our weekly subscriber-only publications, like our Issue, Dispatches, and Homegrown. You may subscribe here. Here’s what we wrote about this week… MONDAY, November 11 America Honors Hored Murderers Jeff Berwick with a TDV Veterans Day post. “Today Americans honor those who fought and murdered strangers in return for stolen money. Americans have long been taught from their infancy that killing on the orders of the political elite is the noblest thing a tax slave can do. They are taught that invasion and murder have something to do with the defense of their own homes, lives and freedoms.” continue reading… TUESDAY, November 12 Ringo: The Ex-Pat Dog Wendy McElroy is bringing her dog with her to Galt’s Gulch Chile. “Ringo is moving to Galt’s Gulch Chile with us. The big guy wandered up our driveway four years ago in the dark, early hours of a fall morning. My study is just off the foyer, and I was hunkered down over my computer when Bear – a dog since deceased – erupted into a string of barking in the front yard. That wasnt unusual. Bear patrolled the perimeter of our farm every night and he challenged every shadow that dared to move. But the barking went on far longer this time than could be explained by a trespassing shadow or a scofflaw raccoon.” continue reading… WEDNESDAY, November 13 Jury Nullification May Be The Most Important Thing You Hear About All Day: The Just Us Movement Jeff Berwick with a revolutionary new initiative. Last week I was sitting around a table in a beautiful setting, drinking wine, surrounded by eight of the largest names in the freedom movement. Ill get to why we were all there in a moment, but as usually happens with all libertarians the discussion got quite intense. The general theme was that the answer to the problems in the US today isnt voting, or democracy. And that there is hardly any way to make changes for the better in the US anymore.” continue reading… THURSDAY, November 14 Russia Tells the Truth About the Decaying Dollar Jeff Berwick on Russia’s honesty. In 2006, Russia tried to ban the words euros and dollars from the media and official speech. Now, one lawmaker wishes to ban the use of dollars in Russia at all. With the global economic system in slow motion -- yet ever quickening -- collapse, the nation-states of the world have been positioned antagonastically unlike in most of the post-Soviet period (hint: expect another war or two to keep the shame of the US economy going and to divert the masses from how much poorer they really are. If you are of draft age, then get your second passport now; it may save your life.). Currently, global tensions most clearly show themselves as a currency war of worthless fiat versus worthless fiat.” continue reading… FRIDAY, November 15 Feedback Friday: November 15, 2013 This week: Bitcoins, righting wrongs, Twitter, and bank bail-ins. continue reading... SATURDAY, November 16 The Weekend Vigilante — November 16, 2013 In his weekly address to TDVers, Jeff Berwick checks in from NYC. continue reading… TDV VIDEO Have a look at our wide array of informative videos featuring interviews, opinions, and analysis on TDV’s media page. TDV SERVICES Dont forget, TDV is much more than a newsletter. We also offer many of the solutions to the problems we identify in the letter to help people internationalize their self and wealth to protect themselves from The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI). Check out all our services designed to help you gain more freedom in your life here: TDV Passports TDV Offshore TDV Self-Directed IRAs TDV Wealth Management Galt’s Gulch Chile Remember, if you have any questions, concerns, or issues with what youve read on TDV, write us at: tdv@dollarvigilante. Thanks as always for reading or subscribing! Managing Editor November 18, 2013 at 03:43AM
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:06:26 +0000

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