TEA Time Whether it is for good health, for that rush of - TopicsExpress


TEA Time Whether it is for good health, for that rush of energy, or simply to savour, there’s no denying that tea is one of the most versatile beverages around. A look at some of the finest varieties… Oolong Tea Made after withering the leaves under the sun, followed by oxidation, curling and twisting, Oolong (Chinese) can literally be translated as ‘black dragon tea’. The best Oolong teas are cultivated in Taiwan. Oolong is said to have several health benefits, especially boosting the immune system. Don’t indulge in too much though, as it also contains caffeine, which is good only in controlled commodities. White Tea Hailing from China, this lightly oxidised tea contains polyphenols, which provide innumerable health benefits. The tea is said to aid the prevention of strokes and cancer, as well as slow down the ageing process. It is referred to as ‘white’ because of the silvery hairs on the tea buds, which lend a whitish colour. Green Tea Known worldwide as the elixir of health, green tea gets its name from its pale green colour. Lower risk of heart disease, boosted metabolism (read, weight loss!) are among the benefits offered. Chinese and Japanese cultures both offer varieties of green tea, with countries like Vietnam and Indonesia not far behind. Twinnings’ selection of green teas is second to none, and includes variants with lemon, mint and jasmine. Darjeeling Black Tea This ‘light’ black tea dates back to 1841, and is a designated tea – which means it cannot be grown anywhere else in the world, similar to Champagne in that region of France. The authentic Darjeeling tea has a fruity-floral flavour, and is celebrated and in high demand across the globe, making it one of India’s premium export products. Opt for Eden Darjeeling teas. Masala Chai We can’t live without this one! The ubiquitous blend of Indian spices makes for India’s most popular chai. Usually Assam or Ceylon teas make for an ideal tea base, with milk, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves being other popular additions. You can play around with the spices, but a smidgen of sugar is the perfect touch – ideal for a rainy day! Fruit & flower Infusions Non-caffeinated and made from a blend of plants, these teas have various health benefits – depending on what infusion has been picked. It is usually place-specific, and can be homemade, or picked up off the shelf. Popular infusions include Chamomile, Hibiscus and Rose Hips. Mlesna serves up a whole melange of flavours and infusions from cranberry to strawberry and apricot to chamomile. Yerba Mate This South American tea is made from the stems of the Yerba Plant, with antioxidants, and other benefits – despite being caffeinated. Found across Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay among other countries, this tea has yet to make its presence fully felt in India. Rooibos Almost 250 years old, this tea variety from South Africa is a black tea, where milk and sugar can be added to taste. Known to assist with problems of the nervous system, digestive problems, asthma and dermatological problems.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 01:57:16 +0000

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