TEACHER TIME !!! > - with the busy world,with problems,meeting - TopicsExpress


TEACHER TIME !!! > - with the busy world,with problems,meeting ppl,among big sounds, with stressful situation and hard battles - TRY this METHOD my fevo PPL usually go to clam places to PRAY & MEDITATE PPL usually stop everything from their usual day today isnt it? When back to day today life again sometimes feel sad ,upsets Problems SHALL ME TELL YOU MY METHOD which me using from my childhood. me have found it and now it is really easy to me whatever the situation comes to life. usually me dont do both things. It means WHEN ME PRAY me can PRAY even mobile ringing near me WHEN ME PRAY if ämmio talk and talk without interrupting it me can focus to what me PRAY even it is hard to find in day today life place where peace or without PROBLEMS hurts and sad,upsets,may be sometimes blames. isnt it. If we live with that we have to use our life with that - my motor is that. exsample me can do pray even 2 ppl nearly talk to me with loud voices whatever the things they r talking doesnt matter to me. My Teacher and few staff members from there no this They were surprised those days it was MAY 2011 Even anybody go infront of here and there no problem. can focus to what me focus. Me never go for PRAYERS & MEDITATION stuff for clam places cant remember in any day me didnt out from day today world. me practiced PRAYERS & MEDITATION with even sonuds too. It helped me sooo much to focus things. Same for memorization and me also can focus via that to see what me need to see hear what me need to hear it helped me to among many sound to focus only needful sound example - me live near temple.Many ppl think it is irritating to my PRAYERS .NEVER! Coz with evening sooo loud bera sounds and those stuff me practiced only focus to my PRAYERS. hard to practice ,but once u achieve that state u can do 2 things which r sweet :) if SOMEONE say many things u can only focus to things u need ONLY (no matter what said ) this method is good for education, religion Sometimes ppl recognize odd me coz of this.They feel see this girl doesnt care that a bit :) Coz me only focus not to all ppl :) sooo sweet chiling to ppl TRY THIS METHOD ONCE YOU PRACTICE THIS WAY YOU CAN CHIL LIFE in ANY SITUATION even in the hardest battles in the most upset or sad moments in life or sooo stressful situations or when many ppl say many things. they say u dont coz u focus to only one and that also what u need only this way even good to forgive ppl coz when u not care much for what hurtful things of needful PPL in ur memory it get delete. Dont u think this method is good. * NOTE - me found this method not with isolation.Me found this method while even me working with battles ,with illness with sooo much problems and in sooo stressful situation and when meeting ppl daily and with busy life recently one akki asked me to come with her to go some where ask permission from parents coz u have to stop contacts for 2 days. me smiled and said will see akki coz me know when again comes to normal life with ppl what happen it put u into more stress coz u come from peaceful situation and sometimes it can make u ill too. That is why me using this method. For that akki - ANSWER is no need of that coz me have some health issues and no body who loves me or in urgent matters wont like to stop contacts with me. Me concern about those coz we have to pay attention to urgent matters too with those u have to t do ur stuff by focusing. :) yepeeee me achieved it. Now me have ability if me dont want no matter what happen not take those to ears and heärt ot can take all to heärt !!! me is happy coz me practiced that method with by facing many maters.Not in peace situation or isolation. But PPL can do as selected.But when come out from that. u meet again same world where ur peace break coz u practiced all with peace 7 isolation. Try to do it with the world - kind of challenge to our own self. Do it. Me can then anybody can do it ! *note - Once u achive this level u feel something,ppl who knows know it.This is hard method,me practiced it the most stressful times as challenge to my self.Then ull feel even whatever happened ur inner self is steady. me think that way is good for ppl who have sooo much stress,many problems,hard battles and who r feeling fed up and face many ppl and their problems too
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 07:39:39 +0000

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