TEACHER: (drew a map of Nigeria on d board) Who can tell me what - TopicsExpress


TEACHER: (drew a map of Nigeria on d board) Who can tell me what I drew on the board? STUDENTS: no answer TEACHER: So nobody can tell me what is on d board abi? STUDENTS : no answer except Akpors. TEACHER: ok Akpors come out. Who else? STUDENTS: No answer. TEACHER: Is it only Akpors that is in dis class? (realy angry) ok Akpors take dis cain & give everybody in dis class five, five strokes. After the caining, the whole class were in tears. TEACHER: Now Akpors tell the class what I drew on d board? AKPORS: Yam TEACHER: What? Is this a joke? AKPORS: No be joke oo, e resemble yam na. ‘the teacher fainted … wahala BREAKING NEWS Wonders shall never end!!!! Obuntu (Akpors’ younger sister) – an S.S 3 student got to school in the morning and started singing. The teacher tried to stop the girl but she refused to stop. Instead, she changed from Michael Jackson to Sunny Ade. The teacher sent for her relatives at home! By the time her brother Akpors got to her school, the girl was on Ayinde Barrister. The teacher asked Akpors what her problem was all about. It was then that Akpors confessed that the girl mistakenly swallowed a 2GB memory card owned by a DJ. Akpors OLodo Rapata Akpor was being chased by two men for one of his numerous crimes. Akpors ran into the forest and the men followed him. Akpors got into the forest and climbed a tree. The two men got to the tree where akpors was and did not know where he ran to. Angrily, one of the men retorted: “This boy has escaped again”. His colleague replied: “I know akpors, if I call his name thrice, he’ll answer! on hearing this Akpors laughed from the tree and said to the men: “hahahahaha if u like call my name from now till next year, I will not answer u, u think its the akpors of last year be this.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:49:02 +0000

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