TEACHING THE LORD ELIJAH TO THIS WORLD….. ISAIAH. 11:9. THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE. @ youtu.be/5s7aHPzreu8 -------------- And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jer 3:15. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding. Prov 9:10-11. But how do we teach the Lord ELIJAH to this world that say God is without Physique, meaning – Body – or Physical Form, and they read. Deut 4:15-18 & Isa 53 and only part of vs. 2, the part that say, HE hath no form nor comeliness, but they do not read the part that say, and when we shall see him, there is not beauty that we should desire HIM. Do you see it in your Bible. You must laugh. Read it again. HE – do you see it Isa 53:2. He hath no form nor comeliness. Who have no for. HE A MALE PERSON, what does it mean to have no form, it mean the Lord Elijah is not a handsome man. HE hath no comeliness, and when we see Him it is not his good looks that make us Love him, it is knowing that he is the Chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof. 2nd Kings 2:12 knowing that the Lord Elijah and only the Lord Elijah can forgive our Sins. Exod 23:20:22, Mark 2:7 Now, let us look at Deut 4:15-18, it is nothing but the truth… The children of Israel saw no form the day the Lord ELIJAH spake to them out of the fire, so, Moses told them do not make any image that you think look like him. For you did not see him. Now, did the God of Israel have a form? Yes, he wrote the commandments with his finger. Exo 31:18 Deut 9:10 Now, if God have a finger I am sure he have a hand, a arm, shoulder, legs. He was walking in the garden of Eden. Gen3:8 When we teach the Lord ELIJAH we must ask the world is it true that the Bible never called God it or a thing or the thing, but he, he over and over again, HE. Deut 32:39 Isa 41:4 Isa 46:4 Psa 68:20 Psa 100-3 St John 16:13 who can guide you into all truth, only ONE, THE LORD ELIJAH. St John 17:7 How many times do the Bible call God, Him AND THEY THAT WORSHIP HIM, MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. St John 4:24 Psa 45:11 – If you see Psa 45:11 God is your king, he must be human to be your king. Read Deut 17:15 He must be one of you, Heb 2:14 You are Blessed if you are part of that Remnant that know, that God himself is with you. Rev 21:3 The physical body. The tabernacle of God is with men, is not will be, is with men. The Lord ELIJAH is the Chariot of Israel. 2 Kings 2:12 A Chariot is something you ride in and you are safe. We that is in this chariot we are safe. Prov 18:10 The word God is a title. The true name of God was secret.after reading please share.for more information,call- 205-508-2814 Judges 13:18 Gen 32:29 The forth word in the bible is God. Gen 1:1 so, when people say God they usually they speak of the creator of heaven and earth and that of course is the Lord ELIJAH. Read it for yourself in your bible. Prov 30:4 who hath ascended up into heaven or descended? Only one man have did this. The Lord ELIJAH 2 Kings 2:12 yes, the Lord ELIJAH alone went up to heaven flesh and blood, and came back to earth to live. Matt 17:1-3 please read St John 1:10 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. Israel, the devil is now in his last battle against the Lord ELIJAH, his plan is to make men and women curse God to his face. Those that say I believe in ELIJAH. The devil is to put is spirit in men that say they are kings, prince, Rabbi’s and they will join satan to make war against our God, ELIJAH. Rev 17:13-14. Let us read it again, talk with all that have gone out from us, they all have one mind to turn you away from the Lord ELIJAH, even those that are still among us but are children of Satan they also have one mind, to kill our work. But look at these words, CALLED, CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL. Rev 17:14. Every one of us that is with the Lord ELIJAH we must be CALLED, CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL, and preach. Psa 48:14. For this God is our God for ever and ever, he will be our guide even unto death. For more information please call-592-219-0430/676-6798/231-5546 ,after reading please SHARE
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 12:41:59 +0000

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