TEACHINGS OF MARY MOTHER OF JESUS IN AFRICA KENYA IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1954 to 1958 SHE LAID BARE ALL THAT WILL HAPPEN IN THIS AGE(MILLENNIUM) THE PROPHECY IS FULFILLED. ENGLISH TRANSLATION She says:- "All that i tell you here keep in tight custody until that time that you begin seeing them happening. All those that will hear them and take them in will be saved but those who reject them will be lost. This are the signs that you will see my son/daughter:- There will appear a man that the world will not know, he will walk the earth from one end to the other carrying in his hands blessings and gifts. he will distribute this gifts but he will not be known and they will despise him and will even take in to court and jail him in prison. The gifts and blessings in his hands are the leadership of this world and prayers(heavenly gifts). There will be intense competition in the world and churches will compete among them selves each claiming that they are the ones who are following the truth. This man will choose prayers over all others and that is what he will use to guide the earth. At this time there will be an increase of prayer on earth and he will formulate laws and teachings on truth which will be used in prayers to the end of time. After a short while he will rest in peace at his resting place. After him, there will arise another leader but this one will not have power like his predecessor because he will come from the sons of man. He will lead well but his enemies will arise against him and will take him to court but he will defeat them. Certain prophets will also appear with strange kind of ritualistic prayers to destroy the holy and true prayers but he will defeat them. This leader will not work for long work long without differences in prayers but some will not accept him and will get annoyed by him but they would not defeat him. After a short while he too will finish his work on earth by way of death. A second leader from the sons of man will arise and take over, he will work similarly with the one that has died. That congregation would stop the congregation of God from calling the name of Jesus but they would be defeated. But after a short while he too(second leader) will die, he will leave behind a united congregation of God praying together. "After death of the third Pope, the fourth will take charge to lead my flock in legion maria. He will not work with the mind set of the past leaders, but he will be completely different and independent. In the era of the third leader, Gods people will encounter a lot of trouble. The will be intense competition and struggles for power, brethren will struggle against fellow brethren,some will loose their lives in this process during this reign of the third pope. The leaders who will work under him will not have freedom to do their work freely without interference. This leader will have a lot prejudice and pride in his heart and he will despise and be little the flock of God and he will forget his creator because of the immense wealth that he will have amassed. His leadership mien and wealth will make the flock of God fear him and will stay away from him and even the prophets both true and false will fear him and will not foretell or even give him their opinions on any matter or issue, they will hide within the flock. Those within the flock of GOD that love the truth will break away and stand aside alone. After a short while, another leader will emerge within the flock with a long stick of leadership in his hands. A big war will start between the followers of both leaders in broad day light.The leadership of the creator of heaven and earth will be his(fourth leader) and the flock of God will be divided into two, one on this side and the other on another side. Some will remain in central(masawa) will others will be in the south.(milambo kata podho chieng) This leader(third leader) with a lot of prejudice and pride in his heart, will fight on using his wealth , swords and the power of the evil spirit(darkness) to retain leadership of legion maria and to enable his leadership to take root but God will repulse this efforts. His people will carry swords and they will try to harm people of God who serve him truthfully but, God will finish him from the face of earth when his time is ripe(has reached). He and his followers will try by all means to destroy this new leader but but God will thwart his plans. A serious war will ensue between believers against believers, the world will be all messed up ' When you see this things happening, know that the time has reached. Heaven and earth will join hands together and will join their words together and this will spread to the four corners of the world this side and that side. When this time has reaches, remove all this teachings that i have given you and preached them to the all earth, say a lot of Rosaries during this times and the holy prayer of remembrance of Bikra maria(Par Bikra maria matakatifu). During this leader(third), there would be a lot of disagreements among senior teachers of religion and the leaders of government. There would arise a lot of philosophies and theories concerning man and life. A lot of people will be led a stray. Leaders of governments will also leave the earth in jeopardy due to poor leadership , because of love money(Dinari). Denominations will be fighting among themselves because of money(dinari) But those who stand for the truth among servants of God and of governments are the ones that will experience peace. That leader will teacher the earth but they will reject him. But those who accept him and follow his teachings will be blessed" THAT IS THE WORD OF GOD. MAY HIS WORD GROW SEED OF WISDOM AND FAITH IN MAN A M E N.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:43:11 +0000

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