TEARS wishes to thank Mr. Whaley for coming through for us on hay - TopicsExpress


TEARS wishes to thank Mr. Whaley for coming through for us on hay and also Dave Begley for purchasing two horse shelters and donating them to TEARS. TEARS appreciates all of the support and care for those who donate and give freely to our cause. We are working hard to get pastures made and shelters up. Please remember how important it is in the heat we have been experiencing in our area to make sure your horses have plenty of fresh water, shade and electrolytes. It is far better for them to have several small feedings through out the day instead of two heavy ones, as it reduces the heat in the digestive system and keeps them cooler. Also if you are riding or working a horse it is best either in the early morning or in the evening, horses can have heat strokes just like us. We deleted the last post because we will no longer, participate or give energy to people bashing us. We have found out that every rescue and shelter gets bad mouthed by people. It is really easy for people who do not do what we do to sit back and criticize those who do this kind of work. People have differences in their opinions, and that is fine. We will continue to take care of TEARS horses the way we see fit, Every rescue and shelter has their own policies and ways of doing things. We give kudos to any rescue and shelter. Taking in animals that others fail to care for is not an easy task. It is a 24/7 job. Although very rewarding and fulfilling, it has its heartaches and setbacks. It takes very unselfish people to give all they have for the benefit of those who have no voice. We do this with our whole heart. It is not pleasurable having to beg for money, or go out when things need to be done here, and do fund raisers to bring in the funds to care for the animals in the way they deserve. Our reward is when we get to adopt out the ones who can be adopted out to amazing homes with people who truly want and will love them and give them great care. The other reward is knowing that those who are not adoptable will always have a home with us. Horses are magnificent animals, they deserve love and care. Our place may not be fancy, but it is filled to the brim with love for the horses and it shows in their condition and in their spirit. Try to stay cool, TEARS
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 09:14:57 +0000

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