TED CRUZ should be our ONE AND ONLY FOCUS!! He must be front and - TopicsExpress


TED CRUZ should be our ONE AND ONLY FOCUS!! He must be front and center and our endeavors must be to keep him relevant before the establishment and Democrats make him irrelevant. It may seem a bit premature to be aggressively familiarizing him with our friends on AND off FB. That said, he is being maligned by DEMS and the ESTABLISHMENT has been brutal as well. Thus, its never too soon to step up and stand strong with our guy and highlight our choice for president. Who he selects as his running mate is an issue that needs to be discussed at a LATER POINT IN TIME. FOR NOW...... lets unite and spread the Senators message of goodwill and define his solid, flawless and principled character and integrity. The admins have politely asked members to share and champion his awesome endeavors in the short time he has been in the Senate. He has Americas back and now its time for us TO HAVE HIS BACK. FOX intentionally rarely IF EVER mentions him a strong contender in 2016 - AND we know that mainstream media will ignore him completely; unless they have something negative to say about him. Keeping him out of sight..... out of mind is their thinking. YET, there are a zillion postings for BEN CARSON stating what position he would be best suited for ..... OR Ben Carson for President. Really, does anyone think he is ready for PRIME TIME?? I repeat, let Ben Carson get his feet GOOD AND WET!! Time to spread the word of TED CRUZ - resonate his message. He is our only saving grace. Americas survival is first and foremost... please stay on course with the Senator.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:57:56 +0000

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