TELL PEOPLE WHATEVER GOD’S WORD TOLD YOU “What I tell you in - TopicsExpress


TELL PEOPLE WHATEVER GOD’S WORD TOLD YOU “What I tell you in the dark, tell others in the light: and what is whispered in your ear, preach and proclaim that from the housetops.” (Matthew 10:27) Publicity to the word of God is as praise to the name of God: When the word or message from God enters into your ear, then open your mouth for it to spread. Three things the word and messages of God requires from you includes: Hear, believe and confess him: 1. We hear with the word of God and his messages with our ears and understanding, 2. We believe the word of God and his messages with our heart 3. We confess the word of God and his messages with our mouth. Will you shut your mouth to the word of God, when the word of God ought not to be bound by your mouth? An angel of God, Gabriel, shut the mouth of a minister of God who was a priest when the angel preached the goodnews or gospel to the priest: Indeed the angel called it goodnews or gospel (Luke 1:19-20), and yet he shut the mouth of the hearer of that gospel. Why should the angel shut the mouth of the man to whom he sent the gospel? The reason is the man did not believe the gospel which was sent to him, and the only way to fulfill that gospel to the man even though he did not believe it was by having his mouth being shut to every other words except to the words of the gospel (Luke 1:19); all what the man needed to do for his mouth to be opened was to confess or proclaim the same gospel which he had heard before men: Therefore in the day he preached or wrote a word of the gospel which angel preached to him, through writing the name which the angel told him in his gospel, his mouth became loosed and he began to speak in line with the gospel even before men (Luke 1:63-64). The mouth of Zachariah was not shut to proclaiming the gospel; rather it was shut to speaking any other word apart from the words of that gospel which the angel preached to him. The day he wrote in line with words of the gospel was the day his mouth was loosed: Atleast, if you will not preach or write the gospel of Christ which you have received, why not keep your mouth shut and do not speak any other word; just as was done to Zachariah the priest. If by writing a word of the gospel on a writing material, the tongue of Zachariah became loosed, don’t you think that by writing or sharing a word of the gospel of Christ on Facebook or other social media men shall be loosed from bonds as well? If because Zachariah wrote the name of a man in the gospel of the angel, he was healed; how much more can healing occur just by writing the name of Jesus Christ in his gospel to other men: When a dumb man wrote the name of John the Baptist, his tongue was loosed and he both began to speak and he received the Holy Spirit immediately because that name was a great name in the gospel the gospel of the angel (Luke 1:63-67); infact that name undid what the angel Gabriel did to Zachariah. How much more will the name above every other name do for you and for people if only you can write and mention that name in the gospel you should preach to people? Another minister of God and great prophet called the son of man, was Ezekiel: God had to shut the mouth of Ezekiel and made him dumb from time to time; not because he did not believe or preached the word of God, but infact because whatever he hears from God he does not waste time to share or preach to people: God may tell other preachers not to share what he has told them with the people, but for Ezekiel, God had to practically shut his mouth dumb to keep him from revealing the word of God to the people (Ezekiel 3:26-27, 24:27, 33:22) Christ is now looking for faithful preachers and sharers of his words like Ezekiel, whom he alone will have the privilege of tying their tongue or shutting their mouth from speaking his word, instead of unbelief or shame or lack of boldness being the one shutting their mouth from speaking his word. Again, “What I tell you in the dark, tell others in the light: and what is whispered in your ear, preach and proclaim that from the housetops” (Matthew 10:27): And he said to me, “Do not seal the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he who is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Revelation 22:10-13).
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:03:29 +0000

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