TELLING IT LIKE IT IS by Garland Shewmaker This article is to - TopicsExpress


TELLING IT LIKE IT IS by Garland Shewmaker This article is to AARP; Senator Mitch McConnell; Sen. Rand Paul; and to Rep. Ed Whitfield. On behalf of American Taxpayers, retired Seniors. And members of AARP. We the people keep hearing a lot about what politicians and Washington want, what they are proposing to do, what they want to fix, but we don’t hear much good about what they plan for Social Security and retirement benefits for Senior citizen’s, except you, Mitch, and others have said you would like to see cuts to Social Security. You want cuts to cost-of-living(COLA,s) the retirement age has been raised a couple of times plus while they have been fixing it they have allowed It to be spent in the General Fund, completely wiping out the Trust Fund and replacing it with IOU’s, raised the retirement age and allowed taxes on Social Security benefits. You keep proposing raising the retirement age even more, and cuts to Social Security even though Social Security has created surpluses most every year since 1983 and The surplus has not been being used for paying benefits, but has been used for running Big Government spending. We hear very little about where all that surplus has been spent, It’s time to come clean with the truth. Serious questions need honest answers. Fellow American Taxpayers, AARP Members, and fellow retirees, we need to wake up to how our Politicians, both democrat and Republicans have, and still are, hoodwinking us with false promises and outright lies just to get our votes. They must think us stupid and we must be, because we keep on believing their BS and sending them right back again and again. Many of these same Forked tongues have been around Washington for years, supposedly in our best interests, “fixing” things, while everything keeps getting “fixed” beyond repair. Instead of doing what we send them to do they work for their own best interests furthering their own agenda’s. Instead of “fixing” the problem they have become part of the problem. They are there to feather their own nest and the way they stay is by brainwashing us into believing we need them. They keep creating more problems that never get solved. That’s for job security. They don’t get solved because they got fixed, fixed so they could never be repaired. Well, it’s time to start fixing the problems. We hired them with our votes, we can also fire them. Folks, let’s face it, the truth is, they don’t intend to fix anything, except further their own agendas. All they are doing is blowing smoke up our butt. If they were there to fix anything they would have already done so, they have been there long enough. Time to run them out. Until this happens it’s business as usual, nothing will change, except to get worse. Every few weeks AARP and others keep requesting donations to help strengthen and protect Social Security. Well, until further notice I will not send another dime, until I start seeing favorable results. When politicians talk about strengthening Social Security they are asking permission to raise our taxes and sending a signal to cut benefits. Mr. McConnell, Mr.Whitfield, Mr. Rand Paul, and AARP. What we need to know is; Just how many times do we have to keep writing and sending money to protect what is supposed to already be ours, bought and paid? How many times do we have to keep calling our Congressmen to tell Congress not to screw with Social Security? Can you not understand the message? Maybe you’re just not reading your mail. Well, read-our-lips! If you want to know how to strengthen it, or to fix it, just quit allowing it to be spent as fast as it comes in. Stop Congress from spending the surplus and start allowing the accumulated interest on the IOU’s to go back into the fund. . Stop spending it for everything other that what it was intended in the first place. Social Security and Medicare is not yours to cut. It is not a handout. This should not be considered an entitlement. Neither should Social Security benefits be considered taxable income for Senior Citizens. They have already paid their fair share of taxes on it and then some. We are tired of giving Big Government our money to squander. Its time to face the facts. Social Security is an earned benefit. I repeat It is not a handout. This is taxpayer’s money, money we keep paying over and over. bought and paid for by every wage earner and business in America. If working for an employer, this is money taken from our paychecks through payroll deductions and matched with an equal amount from our employers. Also increased taxes on Social Security most every year over our working life.! On top of that, after years of hard work and paying into Social Security, they are constantly trying to keep us from drawing any of it, raising the retirement age so we don’t draw anything from our years of paying into it! To cap that off, if we continue to work after retirement age, because we simply cannot afford to retire, and we earn over their set benefits limit, then we are taxed on as much as 85% of our benefits. Tax on tax! Why do they keep taking more and more of our tax dollars for Social Security and Federal Income Taxes. Think about it. It is estimated that there are millions on the Government payroll. Members of Congress vote themselves a raise every so often, whether they deserve it or not, without anybody’s approval and in most cases without even doing their jobs! While most of them are not even required to live by the same laws they impose on us. Plus, a huge number of them have their own health plans and retirement plans, and of course provided by whom? Yeah, taxpayers! So, these people are actually on our payroll. I don’t suppose there is a calculator that would calculate the dollar amount they are costing us and what part of the budget deficit is attributed to 33 million setting on their hemorrhoids! Whatever we are paying these clowns to sell us down the road to China, foreign oil and our enemies is astronomical! In a recent Fiscal cliff budget crisis, Congress hired 12 highly paid asses and designated them the “super committee” to cut and dry our fate, so Congress and present administration could place the blame for the deficit elsewhere. Mr. President Obama walks around waving and smiling for the cameras and playing like Teddy Roosevelt, while the failure of the super committee allowed more borrowing as the automatic provision kicked in and the principal and interest on the massive debt keeps rising by leaps and bounds! Does this not look like a planned failure? Sure, now we can blame the committee, no longer a super committee! Now their ass is mud! This, while the unemployment in this country reached upwards of 14 million. We are still buying oil from our enemies and the deficit is over-shooting Planet Mars, while Congress cannot agree on spending cuts without reaching for the scissors for cutting Social security! Why? They think it is Government spending money! The Supreme Court practically gave Congress a license to steal in 1960 when the Court ruled- Fleming v. Nester- that workers have no legal or contractual rights to Social Security, that it can be used in the General funds and that it can be cut or even done away with at any time! Folks do we want to keep wasting our votes and sending these folks back to keep squandering our hard earned money, destroying jobs, the Economy along with our rights? Think about it!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:35:30 +0000

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