TEMPORARY GRADUATE VISA The Temporary Graduate visa allows - TopicsExpress


TEMPORARY GRADUATE VISA The Temporary Graduate visa allows international students who have completed their studies in Australia to live and work in Australia on a temporary basis. This visa has two streams: *** Graduate Work stream*** For international students with an eligible qualification who graduate with skills and qualifications that relate to an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL). At the time that you lodge your visa application, you must: • have applied to have your skills assessed by the appropriate Australian skills assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation (note: occupation must be included on the relevant SOL); • in the last 6 months have completed one or more qualifications that are closely related to your nominated occupation, following at least 2 years of study in Australia. A visa in this stream is granted for 18 months from the date of grant. ***Post-Study Work stream*** For international students who graduate with a higher education degree from an Australian education provider, regardless of their field of study. This stream is only available to students who applied for, and were granted, their first student visa to Australia on or after 5 November 2011. A visa in this stream can be granted for up to four years from the date the visa is granted, depending on the visa applicants qualification. At the time that you lodge your visa application, you must during the previous 6 months have completed one or more of the following qualifications at an educational institution in Australia, following at least 2 years of study: • bachelor’s degree (with or without honours) • master’s degree (by coursework or research) • master’s extended degree • doctorate For both streams you must also: • be under 50 years of age; • have competent English (i.e. a recent IELTS test with a score of at least 6 in EACH band); • have made adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:49:28 +0000

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