TEN BOOKS YOU MAY READ FREE ONLINE TO HELP ANSWER YOUR MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH by the most translated American author that ever lived! - (1) The Acts of the Apostles (2) Christs Object Lessons, (3) The Desire of Ages, (4) Education (5) The Great Controversy, (6) The Ministry of Healing (7) Patriarchs and Prophets (8) Prophets and Kings, (9) Steps to Christ (10) Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing . The books below were written by the most translated American author that ever lived! Please share this treasure with others via facebook and email – they will thank you – “When we’ve been there 10,000 years bright shining like the sun – We’ve no less days to sing God’s Praise then when we first begun!” . whiteestate.org/books/books.asp . (1) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES whiteestate.org/books/aa/aa.asp is volume 4 in the Conflict of the Ages series. It presents the amazing story of the early Christian church through the rest of New Testament times. After Jesus was victorious over Satan and returned to heaven, the enemy turned his attention to Jesus’ church on earth. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$15.99 . (2) CHRISTS OBJECT LESSONS, whiteestate.org/books/col/col.asp a companion volume to The Desire of Ages, presents the parables of Jesus in a fresh light, showing their application to Christian living today. In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today. She provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Christs Object Lessons as written not by a dry historical scholar or a technical commentator, but by a messenger with personal insight of the love our Redeemer has for humankind. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$14.99 . (3) THE DESIRE OF AGES, whiteestate.org/books/da/da.asp volume 3 in the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen G. Whites classic on the life and ministry of Jesus–the One who stands at the center of all human history. No one else has had such a profound influence on Planet Earth as Jesus Christ. In this book the author does not set forth the events of Jesus’ life in strict chronological order, but she presents Him as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$15.99 . (4) EDUCATION whiteestate.org/books/ed/ed.asp deals with the unique and challenging idea that the work of education and the work of redemption are one. The ultimate goal of all learning should be to understand more about our Creator-Redeemer and to reflect that understanding in our personal lives. This unique perspective has made Education an important and stimulating volume for 100 years. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$14.99 whiteestate.org/books/ed/ed30.html - CHAPTER THIRTY (30) -On the Divine Science of Prayer . (5) THE GREAT CONTROVERSY, whiteestate.org/books/gc/gc.asp the final volume in the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series, picks up the story at the destruction of Jerusalem and follows, in broad outline, the major issues of the conflict between Christ and Satan as they have been seen in the history of the Christian church down to our own day--and beyond, based on what the Bible says will yet take place. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$15.99 . (6) THE MINISTRY OF HEALING whiteestate.org/books/mh/mh.asp provides a well-rounded look at the principles of healthful living, beginning with the ministry of Jesus and extending to the life and ministry of every Christian. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$14.99 whiteestate.org/books/mh/mh7.html - CHAPTER SEVEN (7) - On The Power of Praying God’s promises – The Divine Science of Prayer . (7) PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS whiteestate.org/books/pp/pp.asp is the first volume in the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series. It presents the story of the conflict between good and evil--between Christ and Satan--from its beginning, starting with the origin of evil, then taking up the creation of the world, the Bible patriarchs, Israels Egyptian bondage and Exodus, and their establishment in Canaan up to the time of David. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$15.99 . (8) PROPHETS AND KINGS, whiteestate.org/books/pk/pk.asp volume 2 of the five-volume Confict of the Ages series, opens with the story of Solomon’s glorious reign over Israel and continues through the remaining kings of Israel and Judah including the times of the prophets, and ends with the nation’s exile and captivity. It traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them. In these pages can vividly be seen dramatic evidences of the raging struggle between God and Satan for the hearts of men and women. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$15.99 . (9) STEPS TO CHRIST whiteestate.org/books/sc/sc.asp deals with the central issue of how to become and remain a Christian--the concern at the core of Mrs. Whites voluminous writing. In just 13 short chapters, Steps to Christ, will help you discover the steps in finding a forever friend in Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing with your new found friend, --Jesus. Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, and it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, know Him better. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$0.49 whiteestate.org/books/sc/sc6.html - CHAPTER SIX (6) - On the Power of ABC PRAYER - Asking, Believing and Claiming God’s powerful promises in prayer – The Divine Science of Prayer . (10) THOUGHTS FROM THE MOUNT OF BLESSING whiteestate.org/books/mb/mb.asp is a rich commentary on the greatest sermon ever preached. It offers a study and commentary on the key verses of Jesus Sermon on the Mount. Included are the Beatitudes, the Lords Prayer, and much of Jesus other instruction. In particular, how to live here on earth with our fellow man and preparing for citizenship in Jesus new kingdom in heaven. Read free here or Purchase Online: US$8.99 . BOOKS BY OTHER AUTHORS . (1) A PROPHET AMONG YOU, whiteestate.org/books/pay/PAYTOC.HTML by T. Housel Jemison, served for many years as a college textbook on the gift of prophecy as manifested in Scripture and in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Among its highlights are excellent chapters on Tests of a Prophet and Testing the Experience of Ellen G. White, The Ellen G. White Writings and the Bible, and Ellen G. White Writings--Their Study and Use. 1. What the Bible Says About Its Origin 2. The Need for the Prophetic Gift 3. The Prophets and Their Function 4. The Prophet and His Message 5. Instruction by the Prophets 6. Tests of a Prophet 7. Some Relationships of the Prophets 8. Prophecy After New Testament Times 9. Guidance in Crisis 10. Backgrounds of the Advent Movement 11. The Rise of the Advent Movement 12. Ellen G. White and Her Work, Part I 13. Ellen G. White and Her Work, Part II 14. Testing the Experience of Ellen G. White 15. The Prophet and Her Messages 16. The Ellen G. White Books 17. Making Preparation for Publication 18. Custody of the Ellen G. White Writings 19. The Ellen G. White Writings and the Bible 20. The Place of the Prophetic Gift 21. Ellen G. White Writings Today 22. Critics and Criticism 23. Ellen G. White Writings—Their Study and Use 24. Studying Individual Topics 25. In Confirmation of Faith . (2) THE ABIDING GIFT OF PROPHECY, whiteestate.org/books/agp/agptoc.html by Arthur Grosvenor Daniells, shows how God has used the gift of prophecy to guide His people through the ages, from Bible times down to our own. The last section of the book deals with Ellen G. White, whom the author knew well. He personally had a leading role in some of the experiences he recounts. I The Prophetic Gift Bestowed II. Prophetic Terms Defined III. The Gift in the Patriarchal Dispensation SECTION TWO: THE MOSAIC DISPENSATION IV. Manifest From Egypt to Canaan V. From Joshua to Samuel VI. During the Revolt of Israel VII. Prophetic Guidance to Kings VIII. Ministry of Prophets to Israel IX. In the Crises Over Heathenism X. Prophetic Work of Elisha XI. The Last Prophets of Israel XII. The Prophets of Judah XIII. Seven Prophetic Writers XIV. Prophets During the Captivity XV. Prophets After the Captivity SECTION THREE: THE APOSTOLIC PERIOD XVI. In the Apostolic Age SECTION FOUR: THE CHRISTIAN ERA XVII. The Witness of the Second Century XVIII. Evidences in the Third and Fourth Centuries XIX. Separations From the Church XX. Light Penetrates the Darkness XXI. Reformation and Post-Reformation Period XXII. Nearing the Great Consummation XXIII. The Awakening Advent Hope SECTION FIVE: THE REMNANT HOUR XXIV. Gift Renewed in the Remnant Church XXV. A Sound Basis for Confidence XXVI. Claims Tested by the Word XXVII. Claims Tested by Their Fruits XXVIII. Establishing the Australasian Missionary College XXIX. Meeting a Publishing Work Crisis XXX. Denomination Saved From Pantheistic Teaching XXXI. The Providential Move to Washington, D. C. XXXII. Our Medical School at Loma Linda XXXIII. Confidence Confirmed by Personal Experiences XXXIV. Believe in the Prophetic Gift . (3) BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS, whiteestate.org/books/bhp/bhptoc.html by Denton E. Rebok, covers the Bibles teaching about the gift of prophecy and examines the work of Ellen G. White in the light of that teaching. In addition to having broad experience in the churchs educational and administrative work, Rebok served for a time as chairman of the board of trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate. Chapter I The Kind of People God Wants Chapter II Three Basic Concepts of Christianity Chapter III Channels of Communication Between God and Man Chapter IV Accepting or Rejecting the Prophets Chapter V The Gift of Prophecy in the Advent Movement Chapter VI Four Bible Tests of the True Prophet Chapter VII Evidences That Ellen G. White Was Used by God Chapter VIII God Revealed Secrets Through Ellen G. White Chapter IX The Witness of Contemporaries Chapter X The Relation of Ellen G. White to the Bible Chapter XI Ellen G. Whites Attitude Toward Her Own Writings Chapter XII Ellen G. Whites Message on Health Chapter XIII Ellen G. Whites Message on Dress Chapter XIV What Manner of Persons Ought We to Be? Chapter XV My Attitude on the Life and Work of Ellen G. White . (4) ELLEN G. WHITE AND HER CRITICS, whiteestate.org/books/egwhc/egwhctoc.html by Francis D. Nichol, after 60 years is still the most comprehensive response to various charges against Ellen G. White. Though on a few points it may not reflect the current state of our knowledge, its reasoning is incisive and its perspectives helpful. Mrs. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church Two Distinguishing Marks of Seventh-day Adventism—First, Arose in Response to Prophecy—Second, Prophetic Gift in Church—Mrs. Whites Counsels Explain Churchs Growth, Stability . (5) THE ELLEN G. WHITE WRITINGS, whiteestate.org/books/egww/egwwtoc.html by Arthur L. White, puts into printed form some lectures the author gave on key issues regarding Mrs. Whites writings: how inspiration works, the authority and integrity of Mrs. Whites writings, how to understand her historical writings, and principles for interpreting her writings. The author makes these matters understandable and interesting. A Few Words to the Reader Chapter I Toward a Factual Concept of Inspiration Chapter II The Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings Chapter III The Integrity of the Prophetic Message, or “Who Told Sister White?” Chapter IV Ellen G. White as a Historian Chapter V Hermeneutical Principles in the E. G. White Writings . (6) MESSENGER OF THE LORD, whiteestate.org/books/mol/TOC.html by Herbert E. Douglass, is the most comprehensive treatment of Ellen G. Whites prophetic ministry ever produced. It is the definitive work to date on how the prophetic gift functioned in her life and ministry. To order online click on the following link: Purchase Online: US$26.99 * * Click to Download book in PDF format: MOTL.PDF Section I: Gods Communication System Chapter 1 - The Revealer and the Revealed Chapter 2 - God Speaks Through Prophets Chapter 3 - Characteristics of the Prophets Section II: The Real Ellen White Chapter 4 - The Person and Her Times Chapter 5 - Messenger, Wife, and Mother Chapter 6 - Physical Health Chapter 7 - Personal Characteristics Chapter 8 - As Others Knew Her Chapter 9 - Humor, Common Sense, and a Practical Counselor Chapter 10 - The American Pioneer and the Victorian Woman Chapter 11 - The Prolific Writer Chapter 12 - The Sought-for-Speaker Section III: The Listening Messenger Chapter 13 - Delivering God’s Message Chapter 14 - Confirming the Confidence Chapter 15 - Timely Instruction and Predictions Chapter 16 - Ellen White’s Self-awareness as a Messenger Section IV: The Voice of a Movement Chapter 17 - Organization, Unity, and Institutional Development Chapter 18 - Theological Crises Chapter 19 - Evangelism, Local and Global, and Race Relations Chapter 20 - Stewardship, Government Relations, and Humanitarian Involvement Chapter 21 - Dissidents, Within and Without Chapter 21a - Who’s Who in the Adventist World of Ellen G. White (Photo Section) Section V: Nurturer of Inspired Concepts Chapter 22 - The Organizing Theme Chapter 23 - Clarification of Major Doctrines Chapter 24 - Health Principles/1: Emergence of a Health Message Chapter 25 - Health Principles/2: Relationship of Health to a Spiritual Mission Chapter 26 - Health Principles/3: Quality Improvement in Adventist Health Chapter 27 - Health Principles/4: Principles and Policies Chapter 28 - Health Principles/5: Reviewing a Century of Health Reform Principles Chapter 29 - Education/1: Principles and Philosophy Chapter 30 - Education/2: Establishing Educational Institutions Chapter 31 - Publishing, Temperance, and Social Principles Section VI: How to Listen to the Messenger Chapter 32 - Hermeneutics/1: Basic Principles Chapter 33 - Hermeneutics/2: Basic Rules of Interpretation—Internal Chapter 34 - Hermeneutics/3: Basic Rules of Interpretation—External Chapter 35 - Hermeneutics/4: Characteristics Shared by Biblical Writers and Ellen White Chapter 36 - Hermeneutics/5: Authority and Relationship to the Bible Chapter 37 - Hermeneutics/6: How Contemporaries Understood Ellen White’s Authority Chapter 38 - Hermeneutics/7: 1919 Bible Conference/History Teachers Council Chapter 39 - Understanding How the Books Were Written Chapter 40 - Understanding How the Books Were Prepared Section VII: How to Evaluate Criticism Chapter 41 - Truth Still Makes One Free Chapter 42 - Criticism Involving Relationships With Other People Chapter 43 - Predictions, Scientific Observations, and Unusual Statements Chapter 44 - The Shut Door—A Case Study Section VIII: Continuing Relevancy of God’s Messenger Chapter 45 - Does Ellen White Measure Up? Chapter 46 - She Still Speaks Chapter 47 - Messenger and Message Inseparable amazingfacts.org/media-library/study-guide/e/5001/t/does-god-inspire-astrologers-and-psychics.aspx . (7) THE VOICE OF THE SPIRIT, whiteestate.org/books/vots/vots.html by Juan Carlos Viera. In a religious setting marked by individual interpretations of doctrines and prophecies, this book brings clear thinking to the discussion of the gift of prophecy--and a fresh, new sense of faith born out of careful reflection on the subject. Prologue The Divine Instrument The Human Instrument The Divine Presence Human History Divine Counsel Human Writings Human Interpretation Epilogue Meet me in heaven! – We will be forever friends, traveling the universe, visiting other worlds (Hebrews 1:2) with the same speed and strength as the angels, for we will be “as the angels.” Matthew 22:30. We will live in a mansion Christ is preparing for us and also build houses - John 14:1-3; Isaiah 65:21-25. We wilt l also sit with Christ on His throne as part of His government of the entire universe! – Revelation 3:21. We have some awesome adventures ahead of us. You and I will love Jesus who bled and suffered and died to forgive our sins and we will also forever love each other as part of the royal family of God. God, in the form of Jesus Christ will be your eternal, everlasting friend and brother and forever part of the human family. He will wipe away all tears from your eyes with His own nail pierced hand and tell you face to face of His great love for you. OH WHAT A WONDERFUL FUTURE! . https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ JOIN and find the rest of the chapters of Prophecy Made Easy – put them together in a file if you want to see how it all fits together – Experience tomorrow’s news TODAY! “When we’ve been there 10,000 years, bright shining like the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise then when we first begun! (Matthew 13:43; Daniel 12:3). . Your everlasting friend, Glen Walker prophecymadeeasy
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:25:33 +0000

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