TEN LEPERS AND ME I have never been able to understand why - TopicsExpress


TEN LEPERS AND ME I have never been able to understand why healing is such a controversial issue in the modern day church. In my mind it is a part of the total package. Jesus didn’t say it is almost done nor did he say that he couldn’t complete his task. Unfortunately, mans choice plays an essential role in the bottom line. Who among us does not want to be healed? Why then do so many good Christians suffer and even die sick? In God’s sight and according to his word health and healing is not optional. I know it is easy for us to rationalize, especially, when so many negatives force their way into our lives. The ten lepers had already received their death sentence. They had nothing to lose by trusting Jesus. Maybe that is where our greatest lesson could be learned. There are no options until Jesus appears on the scene. When the choice is life or death the Bible clearly states that we should CHOOSE LIFE! You may say, well, what if I trust Jesus and still die? That’s understandable because the human element leaves much to be desired. With nothing as our only option it would seem like our options are greatly reduced. The argument for sickness is destabilized. Our painful experience in life is, by no means, comparable to the excruciating torment of Calvary. Jesus could have said things aren’t looking too good here – I think I’ll just give up. He did not and you must not! Being desperate for Jesus eliminates all doubt. There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is death and there is a way that is right and the end thereof is life. TEN LEPERS AND ME Jesus healed ten lepers all at the same time One gave him praise but where were the nine They knew that Jesus could make them whole But when he did, nine just took a stroll The lepers were united with a common issue Others were healed and they would be too There was no help and hope was slim They believed that Jesus would heal again There’s a great lesson portrayed in this story It applies to today and it’s not a bit boring When anxious and you don’t know where to turn Look to Jesus and the answer you’ll rapidly learn Being desperate for Jesus is the only way out We can be better, trusting removes all doubt There is a way that seems right to man But the end is death and it’s not a good plan Results will always require real intensity Nothing materializes from a mere tendency Made in God’s image we must imitate Do what you can do and never hesitate God dwells in heaven and in humble hearts We must surrender all – each and every part Don’t wait another moment – now is the time The table is set and he invites us to come and dine R.L. BRUEMMER SR.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 06:07:29 +0000

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