TEN TYPES OF GIRLS U SHOULD RUN AWAY FROM 1:Dictionary»»They - TopicsExpress


TEN TYPES OF GIRLS U SHOULD RUN AWAY FROM 1:Dictionary»»They are the mrs know it all.This kind of girls never want to be corrected and they dont take to your advice either. They always feel they can do all things and that whatever they do is always right. No 2:Party mongers»»These are the party freaks. If u marry one of them, then she may not have time for you aπϑ the family.All she wil be doing is go to parties now aπϑ then,from wedding to burial,from burial to naming.This kind of women will easily give out thousands to buy expensive fabrics for parties but will find it hard to contribute to paying their childs school fees. No 3:Boxers»»These are the violent ones.They are ready to exchange blows with their husband or anybody for that matter when necessary.If you marry one of them,then you should get used to hearing news about your wife fighting someone in the compound or in the next street. No 4:The ADC»»These are the extra jealous girls.They never want to see their husband around any other lady.They are the types that will monitor your movements every now aπϑ then.This kind of girls can go to the extent of embarassing you in public if they see any lady with you without even knowing who she is. No 5:Ajebutter»»These ones have been spoilt aπϑ over pampered from home,so they expect you to treat them the same way their parents used to treat them.If you dare shout at or scold her,she might as well park her things aπϑ leave your house. No 6:The boss»»These are the kind of girls that always want to tower above you,they always want to feel incharge.If by chance she gets richer than you,then you are finished.She wont just be controlling you,she wil be controlling the whole house. No 7:Career ladies»»These ones pursue their jobs aπϑ career with all vigour.If you marry one of them,am afraid she might not have time for you aπϑ the family.They are the types who leave home very early in the morning aπϑ come back late at night leaving everything in the hand of househelps. No 8:Dirty girls»»Some girls are just naturally dirty mayb due to laziness.Such girls find it hard to stay clean,they find it hard to shave their armpits or even wash their undies.If you marry one of such,her uncleaniness will be transferred to your home.So you should get used to coming back to a house filled wit foul odours every day. No 9:Bad tongues»»These kind of girls have got a very bad temper aπϑ very bad tongue as well.The can abuse anybody,from husband to his friends,from neighbour to inlaws... No 10:Local girls»»These ones might have gone to school,but they are just naturally unpolished.These are the types who will tie wrapper to bed instead of night gown.They dress akwardly in aπϑ out of the house.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 01:49:46 +0000

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