TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR ICT CONSULTANT FOR WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT FOR MECOBY GROUP IN MPEKETONI DIVISION, LAMU WEST DISTRICT, LAMU COUNTY 1.0 Background The MECOBY GROUP (Mpeketoni Environmental Conservation and Beautification Group) is a non-partisan and non-profit making Group. The Group was formed in 2006 with an aim of conserving the environment and creating HIV/AIDS awareness in its area of operation. The group operates in six locations of Mpeketoni, in Lamu County. MECOBY Group has been funded by European Union (EU) through the Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF) to implement a three-year project under the Community Environment Facility (CEF) II. The overall objective of the Project is to support community projects aimed at poverty reduction through improved livelihood systems and the conservation of community natural resources and initiatives for enhanced environmental management and governance. The Project will be implemented in 6 Locations of Mpeketoni Division, Lamu County, which is within the Coastal Ecosystem. Information/experience sharing and networking is very vital for enhancing Organizational/project visibility. Appreciating the role of information technology in environmental conservation and community empowerment, MECOBY Group is in the process of developing a website to publish project progress and networking. 2.0 Purpose for the assignment The consultant will design, develop and operationalize i) a website that facilitates effective and efficient delivery of services and information to the community; and ii) ii) Social media (face book, twitter and on line blog) platform for coordination and interaction among CSOs, government and individuals implementing environmental conservation and community development programmes. 2.1.2 Objectives I. One2One website a. To develop an interactive One2One website with functionality to link it to other ICT platforms. b. To establish a technology compliant platform for collecting and collating data on trends environmental issues and community development. II. On line blog, face book and twitter accounts 2.1.2 Scope of work- One2One website The Web Developer shall be responsible for developing a community-based user friendly and vibrant website subject to the requirements and approval of MECOBY Group. This shall include designing the new interface, producing customized icons, images and animations, scripting, uploading and transfer of files, testing and debugging, providing user’s documentation, and training of MECOBY Group internal staff and Management board for maintenance. Specific tasks shall include but are not limited to the following: 1. Design the look and feel of the new website that is visually appealing (i.e. with attractive mix of texts and graphics), has a unified theme and design, and easy to navigate. 2. Create/customize an open source content that is reliable and will permit non-technical staff to instantly update web site content, add modules or sections, and integrate such as, but not limited to, user tagging, content commenting, syndication, social networking, peer-to-peer sharing and blogging. 3. Provide search capabilities using key words or phrasing that will identify content from throughout the site; 4. Incorporate the following capabilities to the website: • Embedded discussion forum tied to a List serve/mailing list • Online library • Projects page, with “Restricted” sections for certain users • Photo album • Advanced search engine • Content forwarding and commenting • Content archiving • Provide training to MECOBY staff on the maintaining, updating and securing the website • Other features as may be determined necessary by MECOBY Group 5. Functional requirements Function Discussion Forums A section where registered members can take part in a moderated discussion amongst other members or with the facilitator. Instant Messaging A one to one personalized and private real time chat session either with a member or with the facilitator (one2one staff) Message Boards Asynchronous message either as a broadcast to one or more members. The message sending should be bi directional. Advanced Search Engine In order to facilitate fast resource finding within the site, a search engine is to be availed within the site. Content Archiving Past information like events and news are to be archived for future reference. Poll of the day This should allow a Boolean answer e.g. either yes or no. It should display poll results as at any given time. One2one staff should be in a position to change the poll question as required. Archiving of these is also important. A display of relevant questions and answers Photo Gallery A collection of photos relevant to the program should facilitate captioning. Call for Donations A link with PayPal account to accept worldwide donations. News A scroll for news within and happenings of importance, it should allow fast uploading, editing and auto un publishing basing on date, archiving of these is very important. Events Calendar Upcoming events displayed in a scroll stamping dates on them. Knowledge Section A link to other knowledge resources/websites Newsletters A collection of news assembled together and converted to pdf to be dispatched to subscribed users periodically. Member Stories Testimonials from members/project beneficiaries 2.2 On line blog, face book and twitter accounts These social media systems are to facilitate on line experience sharing and networking. 2.3 Key Outputs/Deliverables • Submission of an inception report to MECOBY that covers work plan, technical aspects of the website and the online social medial platforms, human resources capacity to do the work, and the costing of the assignment. • Presentation of prototypes of the website for peer assessment and feedback. • Functional One-2-One website • Guiding notes on the design and operational aspects of both the One-2-One website and the other social media (User’s manual). f) A report on the assignment covering key features of the One-2-One website and social media and other compatible information technology applications/ uses. 3.0 Duration of the assignment The tasks under this consultancy will be undertaken in October November 2013. This assignment will take a total of 20 days from the time of signing a contract with MECOBY Group. 4.0 Terms and conditions of the consultancy • The consultant shall be paid 30% of the amount agreed upon with MECOBY after presenting the 1st draft report of the consultancy work and the remaining 70% after the consultant commissions the One-2-One website and the social media and submits the final report on the assignment in a form and standard acceptable to MECOBY Group. • The consultant will be bound by the MECOBY group code of ethics during the period; • The consultant will not be permitted to publish or disseminate contents and/or any report emanating from this assignment as they will remain the property of MECOBY Group. • The consultant shall not be entitled to insurance cover or claims from MECOBY Group or any other party collaborating with MECOBY Group on this assignment during the period of the assignment or thereafter. • The contract agreement signed between MECOBY Group and the consultant in furtherance of this assignment shall supersede but not annul the TOR as herein stated. 5.0 Liaison and communication The consultant will liaise with the Project Manager at MECOBY for the purposes of this assignment or any other MECOBY Group staff to whom the Project Manager shall delegate authority with regard to this assignment. 6.0 Evaluation and award of contract MECOBY Group will evaluate the proposals based on the technical and financial feasibility. 7.0 Basic requirements • Demonstrated experience in website development. • Demonstrated use of modern web design technologies and tools • Sample own developed and functional websites and platforms • Demonstration of the individual/firm’s capability to carry out this assignment to conclusion and within the timeframe Note: MECOBY Group reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder. 8. Expression of interest A Consulting firm or individual consultant that meets these requirements and is available within the time period indicated should submit the following: • A brief profile of the firm/individual demonstrating similar work undertaken. • The CV of the lead Consultant who will be responsible for delivery of this assignment • Contact details of three referees for whom similar services have been provided • A detailed cost work plan indicating the number of days, tasks and costs per main task (include number of lead consultant days). • A technical proposal describing how the consultant understanding of the TOR and how they intend to carry out this assignment Submission of the Expression of Interest (EoI) All interested parties must submit these requirements in a soft and/or hard copy on or before Monday, 30th September, 2013 5.00 pm to: The Procurement Chairman, MECOBY Group, P.O. Box 155-80503 Mpeketoni, Lamu. Email: mecobycbo@gmail Cell phone: 0728938124 The email subject line should be marked: “Consultancy for Development of One-2-One Website and Social Media tools.” We thank all applicants for the responses to this advertisement. However, we regret that only QUALIFIED consultants will be contacted, but the contacts of those unsuccessful will be kept in our database for future considerations when similar or related opportunities that match their qualifications arise in the organization. MECOBY Group has zero tolerance policy on corruption of which any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 04:28:23 +0000

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