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TESLA & DIE GLOCKE: https://facebook/pages/The-Nazi-Ahnenerbe-Aryans-Aliens-Antarctica/288175454616060 Tesla’s Optical Invisibility and Nazi/CIA Antigravity Drones: In the last decades of his life, Nikola Tesla had achieved a comprehensive knowledge of the high Vedic physics of infrasound resonance that propels humanity into high-speed spacetravel. The dedicated work of trance medium Edgar Cayce established access to the Akashic records for the benefit of all humanity, and this lofty goal aligned closely with the selfless ideals that had put Tesla at odds with the military-industrial tycoons of his time, whose Nazi legacy of genocide and avarice have maligned the entire world. Decades of industrial espionage tactics had taken their toll on the famous inventor whose grand visionary intuition required his willingness to accept the liability of working with others deemed trustworthy. The hidden forces at play behind the Tesla Gravity Motor invention are only now being exposed many decades after the deaths of both Cayce and Tesla, following a compelling deathbed confession by Nazi espionage agent Otto Skorzeny who left his life story and photo archive in the hands of Erik ‘Orion’ Berman before his death in 1999. The many well-supported admissions of the dying Nazi spy, bodyguard and hitman included detailed accounts of the final days of Nikola Tesla and the surprising circumstances of his murder by suffocation on January 6, 1943, as executed by Reinhard Gehlen and Skorzeny himself (above). Tesla’s murder followed decades of controlled suppression in preparation from the theft of his many extraordinary inventions based on infrasound resonance and the generation of HHO plasma. Erik Berman published Otto Skorzeny’s detailed account and supporting photographs in “The Bush Connection” (2003): During 1942, Hitler desperately wanted to rule the world. He ordered George H. Scherf, Jr. (aka George H.W. Bush) to wiretap Tesla’s phone to find out about what other magnificent inventions he was creating that could aid in his global conquest. Bush eavesdropped on several negotiations between Tesla and the Navy regarding his supervision of a second experiment aboard the USS Eldridge. After several refusals from Tesla, the Navy contacted Albert Einstein, Marconi, [Thomas] Townsend Brown, Dr. John G. Trump and a few less-known scientists to attempt another invisibility experiment. Einstein flatly announced to the entire group: “Nikola Tesla’s theories of magnetic resonance and optical invisibility are beyond my grasp.” Tesla had never published any theory of magnetic resonance nor publicly discussed his principles of optical invisibility, yet he had apparently given a working explanation during his participation in Operation Rainbow Project, the first Philadelphia Naval Yard experiment. None of the assembled scientists had comprehended Tesla’s full explanations, which confounded Einstein. Otto Skorzeny clearly identified Thomas Townsend Brown among the group of Navy-enlisted scientists and engineers, which also included Dr. John G. Trump, uncle of multi-billionaire corporate magnate Donald Trump. Tesla later renamed the fuelless Gravity Motor prototype developed with Edgar Cayce and Thomas Townsend Brown as the ‘Rotating Field Amplifier’ (RFA) that generated HHO plasma from air. This device amplified the output of 3 large generators connected in series to obtain the EM field intensity required for the Naval optical invisibility cloaking experiment, designed to generate an HHO plasma mirage around the entire hull of the USS Eldridge, hence the official US government designation Operation Rainbow Project. Skorzeny stated that after the second Philadelphia Naval Yard experiment, he and Reinhard Gehlen succeeded in stealing the RFA/Gravity Motor from the chaotic scene, as detailed by this author in ‘Veil of Invisibility’ (2009). A priceless photograph of the stolen Rotating Field Amplifiers was provided to Erik Berman among the large collection given as evidence by Otto Skorzeny himself, before his death on December 31, 1999. Air intake holes of the Gravity Motor’s outer box and interior drum can be clearly made out in a photograph taken by Skorzeny in 1941...contd @... orwellwasright.co.uk/2013/12/13/teslas-optical-invisibility-and-nazicia-antigravity-drones/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:08:38 +0000

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