TEST TUBE BENEFICIARIES IN ELDAS CONSTITUENCY The constituency and its institutions are facing a most serious challenge. This challenge, unless immediately addressed, will scuttle to the four winds the progressive advancement and growth of vital organs of the eldas constituency. The challenge needs our collective will and fortitude as a aconstituency to confront it with a view to neutralising it immediately and saving the constituency. The challenge is posed by “test tube beneficiary”. A “test tube” beneficiaries is a greenhorn beneficiary no one has heard of before but who suddenly appears with a bang on the national scene after a General Election. He is usually the creation of a powerful of the so-called politician in Eldas. He is then given a position in either national govt or county.. He quickly loses the little head he had and makes silly of both himself and his creator. He becomes an expert on all things. He fights all enemies of the regime, real and imaginary, honestly thinking that his master wants him to do so. He then unilaterally but secretly declares himself defender and sycophant number one of the regime. He goes full circle. He becomes a national nuisance. “Test tube” beneficiaries are more common in the eldas town than in other parts of the northern eastern e.g mandera especially nothern. the prevalence of these beneficiaries is attributed to the grace, eminence and the raw power of a powerful politician.the so called eldas mp is liked, trusted and admired by the people. That explains his enormous influence and power in the past decade. The respective political laboratories have produced some of the most useles and sycophantic beneficiaries in eldas. the eldas mp political laboratories take a long period to identify a suitable individual, groom him for life in politics, mentor him, test him in the process and, once satisfied, pick him to represent a given sub-tribe. The laboratories are well run and always use ingredients and specimens that have been tested and tried over long periods. “Test tube” beneficiaries are most lethal when their political creator is in power. So, for the time being, test tube beneficiaries produced in eldas but originally frm mandera pose no danger. But the test tube beneficiaries produced in eldas town are an entirely different proposition. Power creates both illusions and paranoia and “test tube” beneficiaries are, by design, inflicted with huge doses of both. “test tubes” beneficiaries frm eldas town are everywhere. They attack the pple of eldas by misusing constituency funds,they also bribes position that was meant to upgrade poverty cycled pple in eldas and they enjoy the benefit,sme are also in national govt working in big parastatals, they are also in facebook threatenin those who updates things about the sop called eldas mp with dire consequences, and they cry, wail and weep infront of eldas society.big pretenders. At times, as a sign of extreme loyalty to the mp, they shout unpalatable words. “Test tube” beneficiaries are not political lapdogs. They are the final product of extreme political engineering. They are pre-programmed by their creator to attack and destroy. A “test tube” beneficiary is a lethal political robot, venomous and vicious. During this period when we are grappling with the noble task of bringing change in eldas cinstituency, we need sober heads. We need a united pple who are loyal to the constitution. We need all our pistons to be firing at their full potential. We want owners of “test tube” beneficiaries to recall them for reprogramming. i knw the so-called eldas mp and his test tube beneficiaries will be going to end soon.my fellow eldas youth,rem this is the time that we are supposed to yern for change in leadership.hpe we can do more to bring new regime.....REVOLUTION DOES NOT COME AT ONCE...GUYZ LET US START NOW@ DO YU CONQUER WID MI ABOUT DIS TEST TUBE BENEFICIARIES....HATE SPEECH A SIDE...YOUR OPINION ARE HIGHLY REGARDED....
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:18:39 +0000

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