TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORY AND PROPHECY! # 18 Answer the following questions and then look in chapter #18 of The Great Controversy for the answer (click on link) --A correct knowledge of Prophecy is similar to using the headlights on your car when driving down a dark road at midnight. Your headlights allow you to see about ½ mile into the future. You can spot a potential accident just waiting to happen before it happens and take defensive action with your steering wheel, accelerator, and brake. In the very same way God gave us Bible Prophecy to help us make correct decisions based on our knowledge of future events. That’s why the Bible calls prophecy “a light that shines in a dark place.” 2 Peter 1:19. The Great Controversy (Sold in the millions in over 80 languages) is one of God’s most important ways of carrying His last message of love and warning “to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people . . . with a loud voice.” Revelation 14:6-7. NEW - WITH STUDY GUIDE! -- Read this Masterpiece of Bible Prophecy, The Great Controversy, right here FREE! And Order this 700 page masterpiece on Bible Prophecy by the hundreds for only 69 cents apiece. (700 pages in over 80 languages) This book, The Great Controversy “opens the eyes of the blind; Psalm 146:8. Purchase this soul winning 700 page book in English for only 69 cents in bulk - Share them by the hundreds “like the leaves of autumn! - 1-800-600-7197 or 1-800-876-7313. (In paperback the 700 pages fit into over 400 pages) References at the end of questions refer to page and paragraph in Great Controversy. Thus 19:2 gives reference to paragraph 2 on page 19. Each paragraph is considered a unit and is assigned to the page on which it begins, though it may run over to the following page. Because of a difference in the paging of two current editions--due to the larger number of illustrations in one edition--two sets of references are given. For an easier test just highlight and copy the chapter and print it out. Next do the same for the question portion. Now you will be able to locate the answer by page # and paragraph # and fill in the answers easily! Find the answer here -- ellenwhite.info/books/ellen-g-white-book-great-controversy-gc-18.htm Today Jesus speaks to the ‘blind’ of Planet Earth through His Word, through ‘The Great Controversy’ and tracts like glowonline.org/literature-2/promise-of-peace/ healing their spiritual blindness so that they may SEE the kingdom of God. Mark 10:46-52; John 3:3. COPY THIS WHOLE MESSAGE AND SHARE IT VIA FACE BOOK, EMAIL etc with thousands! Help thousands to SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Plant this mustard seed idea in the hearts of millions and then we will celebrate in the harvest time when Christ harvests the earth and takes His children home and burns up the weeds. See Luke 8:11; Matthew 13:39, 43 and Revelation 14:14-15. CHAPTER 18--AN AMERICAN REFORMER 1. What traits of character and what circumstances in life qualified William Miller to become a great spiritual leader? 317:1, 2 [363:1, 2] Find the answer here -- ellenwhite.info/books/ellen-g-white-book-great-controversy-gc-18.htm 2. Note: Deism, with its belief in God as the great Cause of the universe, in the duty of men to honor Him by lives of virtue, and in the doctrine of rewards or punishment, denied the Bible as a divine revelation. It held that human reason alone was sufficient to establish religion and to enforce morality. As its inconsistencies became apparent, the movement was short-lived, and its adherents either returned to historic Christianity or became avowed atheists. Find the answer here -- ellenwhite.info/books/ellen-g-white-book-great-controversy-gc-18.htm 3. Through what steps was Miller led by logical reasoning to accept Christ as his Saviour and to an ardent love for the Scriptures? What challenge led him to an intensive study of the Bible? 318:2-319:3 [364:2-365:2] 4. What methods of Bible study contributed to the enlightenment of his mind? What neglected books did he study, and with what conclusions? 320:1, 2 [366:1, 2] 5. When did the doctrine of the temporal millennium find entrance into Christian teaching, and with what evil results? What truths regarding the events connected with the second coming of Christ did Miller rediscover? 321:1-323:1 [367:1-369:1] Find the answer here -- ellenwhite.info/books/ellen-g-white-book-great-controversy-gc-18.htm 6. Note: Daniel Whitby (1638-1726), a noted theologian of England who wrote many works of a controversial nature, was the first to set forth the view that the Millennium was not a reign of persons raised from the dead, but of the church flourishing gloriously for a thousand years after the conversion of the Jews, (Paraphrase and Commentary of the New Testament, 1703, Vol. II, 7th ed., p. 687) 7. How was Miller led to look for prophecies that might indicate the times relating to the last days? What prophecy especially seemed to him to reveal the time for the Second Advent? 323:2-324:3 [369:2-370:2] 8. Note: As an aid to fixing in mind the exposition of the 2300 days, it will be helpful for the reader to construct, for his own use, a chronological chart, based upon 326:1-329:2 [371:3-375:2]. Find the answer here -- ellenwhite.info/books/ellen-g-white-book-great-controversy-gc-18.htm 9. How many years elapsed between the beginning of Millers Bible study and his first public declaration of faith? Into what divisions is this period divided? 329:2-330:2 [376:2-379:2] 10. With what handicaps did he begin his public work, as to age, experience, and self-confidence? How did he secure his appointments? How did the churches at this time relate themselves to his work and teaching? How was he supported financially? 331:2-332:2 [380:2-381:3] 11. The fulfillment of what two prophecies during the time of Millers preaching gave a remarkable impetus to the Advent movement? 333:1-335:1 [382:1-384:4] 12. How was the work opposed by popular ministers, by the ungodly, and later by the church leaders? What reasonable appeal did Miller make to the churches? 335:3-337:2; 340:2 [385:2-387:2; 390:2] Find the answer here -- ellenwhite.info/books/ellen-g-white-book-great-controversy-gc-18.htm 13. What points of comparison are made between the days of Noah and the last days? 337:3-339:1 [387:3-388:3] 14. What is indicated in the experience of a professed Christian when he does not long for Christs appearance? 339:2-340:1 [338:4-389:2] 15. Why does Satan endeavor to keep men from studying the book of Revelation, and how successful has he been? 341:2-342:1 [391:1-4] Come and join “GREAT CONTROVERSY PROJECT” on FACEBOOK! THE GREAT CONTROVERSY project - OPEN this link greatcontroversyproject.org Powerful Preaching on Internet - T.V. at 3abn.org/media/3abn-proclaim-broadcast/ Learn God’s last warning message “to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people!” Revelation 14:6-12. Learn what God says to the entire world “with a loud voice.” These messages are God’s last call to prepare for the soon coming of Christ and the two harvests that take place when He comes (Revelation 14:14-20) - The wheat harvest of the saved and the crushed grape and blood harvest of the lost! - Read the 95 pages from page 355 – page 450 – (Chapters 20-25). Choose to be in the harvest of the saved. (Matthew 13:39- 43). ESPANOL – SPANISH - Conflicto Inminente - The Great Controversy – ESPANOL great-controversy.org/GCSP/Conflictol.htm 800-600-7197 - “The end is near - SCATTER THEM LIKE THE LEAVES OF AUTUMN. greatcontroversyproject.org/ This work is to continue without the forbiddings of anyone. Souls are perishing out of Christ. Let them be warned of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven.”--Review and Herald, Aug. 13, 1908. {CM 25.1} - greatcontroversyproject.org/ check this out and also become a member of Great Controversy Project on Facebook - 800-600-7197 - “The end is near - SCATTER THEM LIKE THE LEAVES OF AUTUMN. greatcontroversyproject.org/ This work is to continue without the forbiddings of anyone. Souls are perishing out of Christ. Let them be warned of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven.”--Review and Herald, Aug. 13, 1908. {CM 25.1} - greatcontroversyproject.org
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:57:37 +0000

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