TESTIFYING THE POWER OF GOD’S WORDS 1 Peter 3:14-16 I - TopicsExpress


TESTIFYING THE POWER OF GOD’S WORDS 1 Peter 3:14-16 I evangelize because it is something that change people’s life. Because of the Gospel and because of the misery of Jesus Christ, their lives change. When I preach the Gospel to other, I am relaying the power of Jesus to them. Christian is shrinking everywhere in this world and we are being treated as believing in something strange. This happen because they do not know the power of evangelism. When I evangelize, the counselor of the Holy Spirit is with me. First, I must know that there are 3 fundamental problems that nobody knows how to solve. There are 7 blessings for every child of God. Knowing that is the filling of the Holy Spirit already. I am equipped with all the important knowledge and my household is filled with wealth, how I would be very happy. How much more, when I am filled with Holy Spirit? The 7 blessings could be segregated into two groups. The first three things are called the 3 identities. The moment I accepted Jesus Christ, I became a child of God 1Co 3:16, 12:3). My identity was totally changed. Then Holy Spirit guides me along my life path. Then God granted me answers to prayers; I have an identity to the right to receive through prayers. After that I have 4 authorities I received from God. The first one is God’s angels will follow me and protect me wherever I go. Angels of God will always accompany me wherever I go until I take my last breath. Unfortunately, many Christians do not know it and feel insured and depressed for the thing that they do not have. The 2nd authority (Luke 10:19) is God gives me the authority to break down the power of Stan that disturb the work of God. Many do not know that Satan is spiritual being. They are all invisible and will continue to bother me. The 3rd authority is (Phil 3:20) I belong to the citizen of Heaven. With this, I always have to remember that I have an authority as a citizen of heaven. The 4th authority is God has given me the power and authority to do world’s evangelism (Matt 28:16-20). I have already possessed the first 3 authorities already since I became a child of God. Then the last four authorities will be automatically added to my life. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. I used to be proud and very arrogant with the worldly thing and intelligence I had with me. Then, evangelism turned around my direction. I became a very thankful and humble individual, since Gospel entered my life. Through Gospel, I personally experience Jesus. As a child of God, the authority and power I feel in me are so immense, yet I am very humble and hungry to spread the Gospel to others. Gospel has totally changed my life and I believe, this will also change the lives of many others. How do I meet God? This happened at the time I accepted Jesus Christ in my life. This also means I am able to maintain the 7 blessings everyday though my life. I will maintain this blessing until I die. How can I feel this? It is very simple. I can simply possess the time of prayers. Whenever I pray, I feel the 7 blessings that I have. Through my schedule is very hectic, I need to set aside time to pray and read the words of God. How do I testify of Jesus? How should I evangelize? I can do them according to my saturation. I can speak; I share, or deliver the written materials to them, according to my situation. Yet, I have to be always preparing to give an answer to everyone. I have to prepare my heart to share about Jesus Christ to everyone. Through his preparation, I acknowledge the need of Jesus Christ for everyone. Nobody will come to me wanting to listen about Jesus Christ at first. Many will come to me with their various problems and challenges and what to know the solutions to their problems. Peter said, always be prepared. I have to prepare to let them know the ultimate solution to all those worldly problems. I can simply let them know that Jesus Chis is the only one who could solve all the problems they have in their lives. With Love & Prayers, Mie Tha Remark: I’ve made this reflection from the inspiration I got form my weekly bible study session with Rev. Jung and with the help of the talented interpreter Christina Kim.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 23:51:00 +0000

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