TESTIMONY: GOD HAD THE COMPLICATED DOOR OPEN BY ITSELF! Once late in June 8, 2012 at past 11:00 o´clock midnight, a friend rang up informing me of my cousin´s heart attack in her flat a few kilometers away from me and my two sons. Because this cousin of mine, A.B.S., has been having this heart failure since childhood and is alone in her apartment, I had to go immediately to accompany and help her, right at once. But I had no money for the taxi! I tried checking her up on the phone, but nobody was answering anymore! My youngest son, Jeremy, reacted after hearing of her aunt´s condition, saying, Mom, I still have some notes. Here´s sum of money for the taxi. Go ahead and rescue her. Quick, Mom! Gone I went as quickly as possible! As her duplicate keys were with me for emergency´s sake, I thought on the way, how could I ever get inside her flat when opening her very door is so complicated I don´t know how to do it myself? The entrance door downstairs of the four-storey building wasn´t a problem to open; I could get in without a fuss! But upstairs on the fourth floor in her own apartment? The taxi driver was also worried of her situation, as I told him of the incident. That was really my dilemma! I could do nothing else but pray for her and the door. When I got upstairs, the door was unlocked! It was already an inch open! But when I asked about it, she said she didn´t and couldn´t have opened it, for lying down on her couch grasping for breath was all she could do. Her breast was so heavy and tight, she said. There was hardly any air to breath in and out easily! She was very weak! So I thanked God he had the door open by itself for me or else it was impossible to get in. Two policemen (man and a woman) came ahead of the emergency doctor with the ambulance car. The friend who called me up came, too. Out of my cousin´s weakness, she looked as if she couldn´t hold her eyes open anymore! The policemen said, No, don´t sleep! Be awake! Keep your eyes open! A minute after 12:00 in the middle of the night, she told us it was her birthday. Our friend, myself and the policemen sang a Happy Birthday Song for her while waiting for the ambulance car. Then we took her to the hospital as the emergency doctor with the paramedics came. And she is still living today, alive and well! TAKE NOTE: GOD IS RELIABLE ALL THE TIME! The LORD listens to those in need, and answers the prayer of those who believe without any doubt in the heart and mind in faith without wavering in his power of loving kindness that endures forever and his might that´s constantly eternal. A.V.M.SKRZYPEK July 21, 2014 - Monday 2:42 p.m.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:24:20 +0000

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