TESTIMONY: ~~~GOD´S SURE, RELIEVING THERAPY IN LOVE & CARE!~~~ I used to get Vitamin B12 injections every three years starting late 1980´s out of acute nerve infection from the shoulder to my arms. In October 2005, that liquid substance didn´t help anymore I had the tip of my fingers tingling & numb! Early in January 2006, the pain spread becoming unbearable on my neck, back, shoulders down to both of the arms & hands. There were hard lumps of muscles everywhere I tried wrapping warm bags around my arms using towels & also layed on them on my back, but to no avail! I was wailing of too much pain! My sons aged 12 & 14 couldn´t help a bit, but watch me sufffering! I felt like being stabbed with a rusty knife all over! I was completely a would-be candidate for the wheelchair in life! I hardly could move freely! While my children, Sven & Jeremy, were in school, I stood up desperately looking for a remedy by leaning at the door frame of our kitchen to get a massage by simply pressing my back against it. But it couldn´t reach the aching, deepest part of my bones & muscles! I direly needed a real good, hard massage! I uttered sounds of suffering due to pain all over my back, from the neck & shoulders down to the numbed, lifeless fingers without strength with muscles swelling everywhere. Finding no more remedy, I prayed asking for God´s immediate help earnestly. Holy Spirit, you made my whole body. You know what´s wrong with me & how to go about it. Tell me what to do. I´d like to go home to my country, Philippines, to get a real, good massage for the invalids without paying too much, but that alone is useless, since I can´t just go home for a couple of days & then back here again! Aside from that, Lord, the plane ticket back & forth is unaffordable! But you can tell me what I should do & I will be fine! Then I heard God saying, Go get your meat hammer & lie on it. When I layed on the wooden hammer at once, as God instructed, the pain got more intensive! It felt like lightning strikes were hitting me, but coming out from deep within while the corners of the hammer pressed real deeper into my shoulder blades! But I kept on with perseverance in faith & trust in what God told me to do. About 25 to 30 minutes later, the pain subsided! I felt relieved on my back! I transfered the hammer under my neck! Inflictive, piercing strikes were there again, then, just the same, the pain in my neck was gone! I did lie on it on my side aimed at the joint of my shoulders, upper & lower arms, too. Transferring the hammer from one place to another, I continued lying on it placing the wooden hammer exactly on the regions where the excruciating pains were...30 minutes long the most in each part till the wee hours at dawn! I roused to sleep & woke up in between with the hammer still at my back in bed. The whole night through was a long, SURE, RELIEVING THERAPY God did with me! IT EASED & FREED ME FROM PAINFUL LUMPS & TENSED MUSCLES OVERNIGHT! The following day, I was able to stand up happily going around the house, as usual. I rang my best friend & sister in Christ, Dana, & proudly told her of the Holy Spirit´s idea given against our tense muscles. Three days later, she called up excitedly, saying, Lith, it is very good & really helped me, too! But God gave me another one which is very effective like the hammer! Use the rolling pin! It covers & presses more wider parts of the body. I´ve been lying on it! It works satisfactorily! UNTIL NOW, my family, relatives & friends in the U.S., Philippines, Germany, Iceland, etc., have been using it for the whole family. Thank God the Holy Spirit in Jesus´ name! He didn´t fail answering my plea at once! From then on, no more pains, no more pain killers or pain relievers! No more expensive massage or any strong meds! In short, no more tears since 2006. It has become a part of my daily life even after my DCI (Dynamic Cervical Implant) operation three years later. To prevent pain & numbness (even without pain), I lie on my rolling pins & press my backs on it in bed, reason why I´ve got two rolling pins on my couch-bed all the time, since even while reading or watching TV I could lean or sit on it ... pressing the thighs or back for the well-being´s welfare even while working at the computer for the worldwide ministry of the Lord. I simply lie on it at bedtime under the buttocks, under the waist or anywhere I must to prevent any unnecessary pain in the future. When the sciatic nerve gets in trouble, it is also the only remedy curing my bodily disorder. My family doctor told me it´s a clever idea I´ve got, but I told her, It´s God´s idea given to me when I was in a hopeless case. It´s been almost 8 yrs. now & am still enjoying pain-free, numb-free days of my life for God´s glory & honor. My family, relatives & friends enjoy the same of God´s simple, miraculous, free remedy out of his loving kindness. Ain´t our God amazingly awesome in every way? PRAISES to the ONE & ONLY, TRUE, LOVING, LIVING, FAITHFUL, POWERFUL, MARVELLOUS, ABLE, MIRACULOUS, HOLY GOD in JESUS´ NAME by the HOLY SPIRIT. God Bless U all & everyone worldwide...supernaturally. A. V. MAXILOM SKRZYPEK October 25, 2013 - Friday 11:14 p.m.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 16:23:50 +0000

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