TESTIMONY: HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY Awaiting Total Hip Replacement Surgery Hi. My name is Jeannine, my nickname is Nean. I have been in several car accidents in the past few years...7 accidents in the last 5 years to be exact. The last two almost killed me, especially the last one. I guess I fell asleep behind the wheel, we arent sure, but I hit the guard rail and flipped the car and was thrown through the windshield up onto the pavement. Of course I wasnt concious until the next day, fully anyway. They flew me to a trauma center. My injuries were: broken right eye socket, broken right cheek bone, broken nose, broken chin, broken lower jaw, several broken ribs on both sides, dislocated both hips, fractured the right hip, had an internal bleed into the right hip, fractured my right knee cap, had a wound on my right knee down to the bone, broke two vertabrae in my lower spine and then several lacerations on my face, arms, legs and head needing stitches. They wouldnt let me see a mirror for the first month in the hospital because my family said that my face was like chop meat, it was so torn up from going through the glass and ending up on the pavement. I spent 3 months in the hospital. They dicharged me with still a dislocated and fractured right hip, broken right eye socket, broken right cheek bone, broken chin, broken nose, broken lower jaw, and the terrible wound on my knee. I need a new right total hip replacement but my blood level was so low they could not operate. I would not accept a blood transfusion. While I was in the hospital I almost died a few times because my hemoglobin level went so low, it went down to 3.2, thats like no blood at all. People usually die at this level. But with the proper medications and NOT a blood transfusion they were able to save me. So now almost 8 months later I am still waiting for that hip replacement. They wont do surgery on me until my blood level is up enough, took along time for that to happen but it finally did about a month or two ago. But then they had to wait for the wound on my knee to heal. They wont do surgery on you if you have an open wound on your body. That wound is taking so long to heal. But finally last week it has finally closed completely. So now the docs are planning to admitt me for the hip replacement the second week in May. The pain that has come along with the dislocated hip and the fractures in my spine has been unbelievable. They have had me on 2 Percocet every 6 hours and 30mg of Morpheine twice a day since the accident. And it doesnt even take away the pain completely. Living with chronic pain is not fun. I find I have to distract myself with something. I like to write poetry, read suspense novels, like to read my religous literature, watch some television, and of course Im addicted to this computer. I try all those things plus maybe call a friend when the pain is unbearable, anything to get my mind of the pain. Sometimes it works, sometimes just taking something to knock myself out for a while is the only thing that works too, I have tranquelizers perscribed too. If anyone out there is also living with chronic pain and needs someone to vent to, talk to, cry to,...whatever, please respond. I will always answer all responses. Take care and be well. Nean
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:54:22 +0000

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