TESTIMONY OF HEALING FROM CANCER Just a teaspoon of death, to - TopicsExpress


TESTIMONY OF HEALING FROM CANCER Just a teaspoon of death, to enjoy life... ( Please, Sorry my English, I just want to testify the power and glory of God) I dont want to mention names in this testimony to not commit to anyone. You will not mention addresses or signals to locate them. Will only say what time, some years, someone, someone who I wanted to heart during the course of the years, someone who was worthy of all trust, someone to support giving my socks in the car, even before his job interview, someone that my support change life,.. .in short. Someone who I loved, at the time he needed his APEO, when newly we live abroad, taking advantage of such a situation, viciously, sarcasm, malice, betrayal and poison, damage the way more miserable, despicable and cowardly to a relative of mine. Really much, much damage. The wounds were deep. That was the trigger that I lost my family. That moved it away. I left down completely. Since then, spend moments of depression. Long moments, perhaps days or months with the idea of suicide. It was so easy to do it. Turn off the light. For a long time I had that feeling. My hatred was growing slowly. Drop by drop. I realized that the same hatred gave me life. It gave me courage. And I began to form a plan to make suffer who hurt, in the cruelest manner that could, doing the damage deeper and more lethal. It was then that insatiable revenge I desire. I had to get even. It was then that from the bottom of my heart I swear to kill their children. Jure causing the same slow and deep pain that had fueled my hatred. Hatred gave me encouragement. The hatred was forces. I had all the time to think that waters, calm down you know, to forget, time cure him and that nonsense. I learned to think coolly. Without emotions. Without compassion. Plan to detail how to do this, consider the potential failures, lived them in my imagination. Who begin? By where it hurts most, by the more flimsy, by the most defenseless: would begin with their children. It was a hatred of death. I knew how to do it, and I put date. There is no more dangerous man than the one who has nothing to lose. I had nothing to lose. It had lost everything. And so I was feeding my secret. My big secret. My life project. However, part of me, my brain, heart or whatever you like, but a strong part of my looking for something rare, maybe fill a void, maybe peace, harmony, harmony I felt when my father spoke to me when I was a child, the harmony that emanated from the gaze of my grandfather. The two were Christian pastors. It was my habit to go at night often aimlessly. Just to get out. On one occasion I Park on a cobbled Street with fading lights and rare shadows. Being already for a few moments with the engine off, mixed together the silence, wind, night, I listened to sing... so far...... but it was not common... I agucé ear slowly and playing find the origin, I was approaching there. The voices were clear, but were unique voices, as if they were selected, sopranos with voice of Angels... who is that?, I thought and I asome timidly to the place. Without realising someone I played back inviting me to spend. Although he did not know the type he was smiling. For a moment, maybe by my daily stress, felt the adrenaline flowing in my blood. Preparing me for what came. he wants to assault, warning, I thought for a moment. However the friendly smile I saw the clear and transparent look of the type and I felt comfortable, I felt safe. Enter the place and I was surprised to discover that it was a temple. 30 meters only the front benches were occupied so I decided to stay in the past. Where there were none. They finished those chants and began the pastor to discuss Bible passages and interpreted them. Reluctantly I put my attention on them in every word. I started to feel uncomfortable by what he said. I felt that it spoke with hints towards me. Headed to my... I thought that someone had been made according to the Pastor, so everything you say, absolutely everything was directed to me!, but who said this? thought, as knows so much of me?, which is happening? And he continued listening to Pastor in more detail to see if it discovered to the snitch. I remember I turned back from my to see if someone made him sign or something to let know the shepherd who went with me... but no one had... no one!. I felt that all in that temple I saw with the eyes of judge. They knew not only what what was plotting, but also bitterness and silent pain that lived, than thought, that they knew about my plan, and I felt that I rejected and pointed. I left furious that place. They spent the night and began to frequent this place. In the same way as the previous ones. At the end of the pews where there were none. And it assured me that no one I knew. I remember each time the view messages the verses read pastor they were more and more strong. Once no... several times not I could take anymore. It was chaos in my head. Me locked up in the bathroom and the less quietly, in secret, deeply cried as a mute child, as a wounded beast. Bitterness tastes like salt. It was like vomiting pain and bitterness and go back to eating them. Whenever visiting a temple, this or that, I felt that it was the only one who didnt deserve to be there. He saw them as saints. I was silent. He kept my secret invisible to everyone. Why would he want to listen to messages? I felt it profanaba the temple that caution. I thought, How do I I speak of God if what Im brewing is a plan of death?, for me, all devotees of the temples were saints, they were all pure, spotless, perfect and unblemished. but God knows my heart! thought, the talk of revenge... and was created in his image and likeness!, and think so at times I were understandably reassured. Why I changed from Temple continuously. He was not alone. As I said before, something of my wanted to listen, maybe I wanted to believe, but at the temples, I felt carrying a time bomb on my back. I hate the damn. Death to the traitor... Years passed. I began to have that kind of discomfort of health that has people who are always in a hurry, in dynamic tension, moved. You know, good neuro. Its colitis, said a doctor, a friend, my brother, and several. Colitis. Let it pass. They all have the samethought. Months passed and I decided to get a colonoscopy, Vice expenditure, I said. Imagine this. Shortly afterwards a sense of you shiver, laughing, of those laughs wanting to party, add crying much sadness, disappointment, disbelief, with an impossible!, when you wake up from the anesthesia and the doctor you is seeing serious and behind it are nurses and other types of white, all serious without speaking, looking at the monitor, and you are seeing as waiting to see what face puts, when the doctor tells you showing the video of colonoscopy, do you see that?,.. .and very serious sees you in the eyes, thats... cancer,... and worse still... When you say I I am interested in this, it is my business but I am not going to operate... Cancer... the word resonated within me as something without sense, without form, he did not understand it, he didnt understand... It will not tell you details that perhaps it would be worth mentioning. I was out of work, with a deadly disease. I loose 18 kilos of weight in one month. The cancer was eating me. My life was eating. I felt it. Death feels as poisonous predator following your footsteps. After expensive studies, surgical interventions, much money spent on particular studies, I watched the results of my blood. You could there be a meter or a marker of activity of cancer. It is called carcinoembryonic Antigen. The healthy and normal score is less than 4. Newly operated, unsuccessfully, there in the hospital they prayed for me. People who did not know. A head nurse, a pastor, a blind... My tests showed this trend, the first showed 18 in the following result showed 36, a month later showed 110, a month later showed 282!.. .will up and every time I felt a little deader. I made a prognosis and was above 700 for my next exam. Chemotherapy not to effect. It is time to put my plan into action. Im not going alone... because it is time... thoughtnow is the time. I was very afraid. Very afraid. She cried at night because they are in disgrace. It complained about my life and what I needed to do and already would not do. I had heard that some people say God told me..., God show me...... However, that night I can especially say that Dios hear to me. In the middle of the night, total darkness and silence, from the bottom of me, since my vacuum, God, proposed you a deal... lie... plead you, beg him in the midst of my fear and silent bitterness, as beggar wounded, dying, raise my hand in the dark and plead with voice mute, with desperate groans beg father... If... I beg you... Tilt your ear Lord... moaned... Im your son... I asked that I healed... me restore... did not want to die... he had not seen my children for years, had not made so many things, but the death as the enemy, I began to take by surprise... Make me a living testimony to father, and I promise to spread your mercy and your infinite power Lord... dont want to die... He was very afraid, much bitterness, much hatred, so much suffering, and much, too much poison... I promise that and something else... what you say... just help me understand you father... Those nights were the deepest in my life... not heard anything... I expected a signal, it expected a response... but nothing... nothing... absolutely nothing happened... One morning, my little daughter insisted me to we breakfast together. I could already be much but dizzy. I ran out quickly. In the restaurant I dizzy and exhausted...... like u .. .as in a dream, a vision, something that was impossible, I saw get to my three children... my three sons! .. come to my mind a text from the Bible that emphasized whenever he arrived at a temple, for years... and no couldnt believe it... what he saw was not possible.. .the text says: Isaiah 60:4 4 lift up your eyes around and look, all these have come together, they came to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried in her arms. 5. then you will see, and you will glow; Youll marvel and will widen your heart, because the multitude of the sea has become to you, and the riches of the Nations have come to you... I.. .was powder... After years of not seeing my eldest daughter! There was hugging me! After having lost my infant son, and have sought, and sought for years in this country and in Canada and have not known anything of the... There it was!...Not possible... I thought while it was holding me crying, surprise... my little daughter took them to my? Or she was the perfect medium for a response? It was a match... not... it was a miracle... no more words. We live, we communicate, we hugged, laughed and changed many things, some consciously and others without knowing were slowly germinating. The days passed. They returned to Canada. Dios Me sent them to dismiss me of them..., I thought. Weeks passed and I was sent to sessions of radiotherapy to Mexico. Forgetting everything and wanting to take my plan out, realize my hate, my vengeance traveled to Mexico. I got a weapon which could not bear with me on the plane. Something will happen me I thought. On this trip I accompany me to my mother. I didnt have it. I only thought at the time that would end all. I was already almost dead, but I would not go only. At the hotel, I asked my mother to call her younger son. To the one who had done us so much damage and for years he hoped that moment. Its to make peace said... it is time to end this... comment you coolly... my mother... That night at the restaurant, we had dinner my aunt Mary peace, my mother and I. By the way he had called a steak. As I would a steel knife, serrated, sharp. I could not fail. I just wanted to come closer. Finally, the moment arrived. I saw his silhouette approaching our table. There were almost no people in the restaurant. My heart was beating very, very strong. I felt the heat of the blood. Take the knife quietly under the table and let that come closer. Hug my brother between feelings. I asked for a table there in the background to talk and once this is complete. I dont know what step really. Already in the back of the restaurant, with a knife in his hand and breathing all the accumulated hate, I decided to attack and kill my brother, something... and can be mocking anyone who wants to, they can laugh... something step inside my... immediately, instant... thought to be screaming die!..! look at me and die dog!... do you know I did? I told him I forgive you brother... and in a very low voice mumble and also to forgive me for what was going to do... You can laugh at me, or accuse me of cowardice... that I know that it is not so. This goes beyond. I did not understand. For a moment I felt weak and I wanted to attack with the same hatred... but it started to make sense. There I understood as flash what God wanted from me. Someone told me that the gift you make to the father, with all your faith, will be valued by the. He did not know. My offering was forgiveness. I was possessed by hatred. Satan, the devil himself, or as they like to call it, the enemy wanted me with it. I knew that if I completed my plan, the only one who would win would be it. And this is for whom this could point me of cowardice. Something stopped me. I rather take my veil when precise and accurate. Because believe it or not. Back home I got the following blood test... when I got it back on Social Security... didnt want to see... panic had trembled of nerves...... I remember that me orille in a corner and I was slowly discovering the lines of laboratory Diagnostics... I expected my Antigen in 700... I found the line of Antigen and were 110! low blow, and I sink to give thanks to the father!, could not believe it, however the following 36 result!!! And the following 11! And the following 13! What do you expect? keep your promise... I said... why Im here before you!! I declare, in the name of Jesus Christ, a living testimony of his greatness, infinite power and mercy! Im healing; Im alive, I being restored. This is work you Lord! I will have two more operations. But I am not afraid. I know that I am in your hands my Lord. Hatred and poison that accumulates turned into cancer. I was going to commit a real madness. I would have committed suicide, serious blow for my children, shut down his faith, kill a son of my mother, my brother, I would leave orphans to innocent creatures... amount to my mother, I abandon my mate and all the chaos and madness that entails... was a diabolical plan, the voice of the enemy took of my will. It was will. But what happened with the victim of this scum? What happened with your pain? Is their hatred perhaps equally or more alive than mine? Hate of impotence, a thirst for revenge, justice... I was in the middle of a dilemma. However, having accomplished my plan of revenge and having left my finally free to hate, in any way lead me to prison, the asylum or death... and really the only one that would earn serious demon. Revenge, thinking against my original will... leave it in the hands of the father... my Lord... the alpha and Omega... The justice... that is pending... Romans 12:19 do not avenge you, beloved mine; before to give place to the wrath of God; for it is written: vengeance is mine: I will repay, say the Lord... Thank you father for stopping my hands mounted on the hate! Blessed are you Lord for giving me light! Demon lost his attempt, father, I know that you crying in the shadows, I am a warrior of your army Lord! For those who do not believe, or think with logic, those who feel superior, proud hearts or scoff... I make them a little prayer: Father, blessed with health and prosperity to those who dont believe in you. I ask Lord that you give them a little bit of wisdom to arouse their curiosity for you... bless them father. I know that your Lord will be warriors. In the sacred and powerful name of your son Jesus Christ, amen and amen. Deuteronomy 32:35 ...Mine is vengeance and retribution; Says the Lord, In time their foot will slip, because the day of their trouble is near, and that ready them hurry... 1 Peter 5 humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he you may exalt where time; cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. …”“… Be self-controlled and alert; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion prowls around looking for whom to devour...
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 02:57:09 +0000

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