TESTIMONY OF OLYMPIA STRATIGAKIS, GREECE (NOTE: THE LORDS INSTRUCTIONS ARE DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE IN TERMS OF WHERE, AND IF, THEY HAVE TO LEAVE THEIR AREAS. TRUST HIM. YOU MUST SEEK THE GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, AS THIS SISTER CLEARLY STATES. DO NOT WAIT TO ASK HIM, AND TAKE ACTION IF HE SO INSTRUCTS YOU): In May of 2014, the Lord gave me another dream. I dreamt that I was in JFK airport. I decided to go outside of the airport, and I saw a HUGE field of grass with cots lined up as far as you could see. The cots,I was told,were for people to relax on while they were waiting for their flights. As I walked to find a cot,I saw my older brother. I said hello, and decided to sit with him on the cot. After a few seconds I looked up, and in the sky were airplanes ,and attached to the planes were massive fireballs.!! Then all of a sudden in the sky appeared 3 MASSIVE RED BULLSEYES, as if God was showing me a target. I yelled and told my brother, LOOK!! And he looked up and grunted and said, Ah, I dont believe in that stuff...and he grunted and kept on reading. I got up and ran, and as I was running I thought, GOD give a place to hide! The fireballs were beginning to fall from the sky through the Bullseyes that were drawn in the sky. All of a sudden in front of me appeared a closet, and in the closet were my suitcases (that I use ONLY when I go visit my parents in Greece. I rarely fly, and ONLY use these suitcases when I visit them).I took the suitcase hid behind them, I thought, How are these suitcases going to protect me from this heat! I got up and tried to yell,RUN!! to my brother, but my voice was gone.The fire balls came down, and burned everything on the ground, and ALL the people who chose to stay. My brother included.I didnt even feel the heat from these horrible flames.As I opened up the closet door a little, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING was gone!THEN a LOUD VOICE came from the sky,that sounded like a THOUSAND voices rolled into one, and said,I SENT MY SON TO DIE FOR YOU!!! then I woke up.. Since then, God has given me 2 more visions. Both of them were the same.All the people who are riding on the NYC subways, are all going to drown. I saw the water coming into the subway system so fast, that there was NO time to escape, (since the water was coming from the top).So sad. A few weeks later, for 3 nights, a voice woke me up, and said, GET UP! I woke up, (saw no one but heard)TAKE YOUR CHILDREN AND GET OUT!, 3 times, and for 3 nights. then, I lost my job,So what happened?, I knew that God was telling me to leave NOW.I had nowhere else to move to but to live with my parents in Greece, and so the suitcases that covered me in the dream,were symbolic of what was to come. I left NY, came to live with my family in Greece(in a small town), and truly believe in my heart that God pulled me and my children out of NY.Praise the Lord.:-) If you live by the coast, anywhere in the Northeast,PLEASE LEAVE!But pray first, and ask God to guide you! God Bless everyone and all the children in that area.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:08:55 +0000

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