TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TO LAUNCH COLD WAR ORAL HISTORY SERIES AUSTIN, Texas––Unknown oral histories of the Cold War abound in Texas, and before they become lost to history, the Texas Historical Commission (THC) hopes to document as many as possible by providing attendees with the necessary skills to conduct their own oral history recordings through a series of workshops occurring throughout the state. When the Lone Star State Met the Iron Curtain: Recollections of Texas in the Cold War is a THC initiative to interpret and preserve the history of the varied roles Texans played in the Cold War from 1946–1991. The project goal is to honor the memories of both Texans who served in the armed forces as well as those who made contributions on the home front. Initial funding is made possible through the support of The Summerlee Foundation located in Dallas, which previously contributed to the THC’s award-winning Texas in World War II oral history workshop series. Because of the potentially high number of first-person perspectives on this time period, the THC will offer free regional oral history training workshops in 12 communities across the state over the next two years to assist the agency in gathering information. A new THC web page dedicated to the project will also be created where workshop updates will be posted. The first workshop will take place in Taylor County at the Lawn Atlas Missile Base decommissioned missile silo on Aug. 24. For more information, contact the THC’s military historian, William McWhorter, at 512.463.5833 or email [email protected]. LEARN HOW TO SECURE FINANCIAL SUPPORT THROUGH TEXAS HISTORICAL COMISSION WORKSHOPS AUSTIN, Texas––Contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations, and government entities can provide significant financial support for nonprofit organizations if they know where to find donors and how to build a relationship. The Friends of the Texas Historical Commission is sponsoring two upcoming workshops in August addressing these skills as components of the agency’s 2013 Development Seminar Series. Understanding How to Secure Financial Resources for Your Nonprofit on August 20 and a grant writing workshop, Understanding Special Project Funding, on August 21 both provide valuable information to volunteers and staff interested in learning more about securing financial support for their organization. The workshops are $225 each, or $400 for both days, and will be held at the Robert E. Johnson Conference Center at 1501 N. Congress Ave. in Austin, just north of the Capitol. All materials may also be provided on a flash drive for a discounted price. The registration deadline is rapidly approaching on August 5. With nearly three decades of experience coaching participants on effective fundraising techniques, grantsmanship, and strategies for planning organizational funding efforts, the THC’s Development Seminar Series serves as a resource for groups including historic preservation organizations, museums, and county historical commissions. How to Secure Financial Resources will introduce participants to the development process necessary to fulfill their organization’s mission by utilizing tools including types of gifts, fundraising activities, cultivating relationships, and stewardship. Understanding Special Project Funding provides an overview to help improve an organization’s chances of securing funding by addressing topics from identifying potential funders, to preparing a budget to tips on writing a successful proposal. Registration deadline is August 5. For more information, visit the Friends of the THC at thcfriends.org/development-series or call 512.936.2189. DEADLINE APPROACHING FOR PRESERVATION TEXAS HONOR AWARD NOMINATIONS AUSTIN, Texas––Preservation Texas, a leading advocate for the preservation of Texas’ historic resources, is accepting nominations for exemplary preservation projects, programs, and achievements by individuals or organizations through the end of August. The annual Honor Awards program recognizes outstanding and inspiring accomplishments in historic preservation throughout Texas. This year’s award ceremony will take place in December at the former award-winning site Mission San José in San Antonio. Individual nominations can be made without the knowledge of the nominee, and self-nominations are accepted. Nominations must be submitted on a DVD or flash drive, and include a scanned copy of the completed nomination form provided with required attachments. Categories include the Historic Restoration Award, Historic Rehabilitation Award, Texas Media Award, Public Service Award, Heritage Education Award, among others. For more information, contact 512.472.0102 or visit preservationtexas.org for submission formatting guidelines. The Texas Historical Commission is a partner with Preservation Texas in preserving Texas’ rich history.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 18:34:56 +0000

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