TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE BY THE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIAN STUDENTS, SOUTHWEST NIGERIA ZONE AKA ZONE D ON THE 20TH OF DECEMBER, 2014 It was George S. Patton Jr, a central figure in armored warfare and United States Army that said The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers. The Soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country. The leadership of the National Association of Nigerian Students, Southwest Nigerian Zone outrightly frown at and reject in its totality the killing of men of the Nigerian Army. Killing of its greatest asset, soldiers, isnt the solution to the problem. It will rather amount to making its hands feeble and affect the morale of the other soldiers. The military should devise other disciplinary measures for the accused officers and also do the needful in keeping the nation secure and habitable. The onus is on them and they musnt fail. Moreover, the tabloids and the social media, in the past few weeks has been agog with testimonies of Commanding Officers and Military Personnel complaining bitterly about the lack of facilities needed to combat dreadful and inhumane sect, Boko Haram, in the Northeastern zone of the country. High-level corruption and financial highhandedness on the part of the top management of the military from the revelations of the officers, has made the Nigerian Army vulnerable and led to the big rot in the system. The ideological brainbox of Africas largest student movement put this to the leadership of the Nigerian Army that the security situation in Nigeria has thus far been handled with kids glove and sheer apathy. We hereby call on the Senate Committee on Defence and Army to summon all the defense chiefs to give a stewardship report of how the allocations given to them have been spent. Enough of killing, enough of corruption at the expense of human lives. Aluta Continua, Victoria Ascerta Comr Jeremiah Olatinwo NANS ZONE D PRO Department of Building, UNILAG 08077888285, 08166859917 #DontKillNigerianSoldiers
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:02:30 +0000

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