#TFQOD #MBA #CAT2014 Check out our CAT Question Of the Day. - TopicsExpress


#TFQOD #MBA #CAT2014 Check out our CAT Question Of the Day. Watch this space for the solution. Answer the question based on the passage given below. The dissemination of democratic norms from the advanced countries of the West to the rest of the world has been perhaps the most significant benefit of globalization. Yet not all is well with democracy. Today’s democratic governments perform poorly, and their future remains very much in doubt. In the advanced countries, dissatisfaction with government stems from its inability to deliver effective economic policies for growth and inclusion. In the newer democracies of the developing world, failure to safeguard civil liberties and political freedom is an additional source of discontent. A true democracy, one that combines majority rule with respect for minority rights, requires two sets of institutions. First, institutions of representation, such as political parties, parliaments, and electoral systems, are needed to elicit popular preferences and turn them into policy action. Second, democracy requires institutions of restraint, such as an independent judiciary and media, to uphold fundamental rights like freedom of speech and prevent governments from abusing their power. Representation without restraint – elections without the rule of law – is a recipe for the tyranny of the majority. Democracy in this sense – what many call “liberal democracy” – flourished only after the emergence of the nation-state and the popular upheaval and mobilisation produced by the Industrial Revolution. So it should come as no surprise that the crisis of liberal democracy that many of its oldest practitioners currently are experiencing is a reflection of the stress under which the nation-state finds itself. According to the passage, “the crisis of liberal democracy that many of its oldest practitioners currently are experiencing” is due to OPTIONS 1) the failure of the nation state that arose out of the popular upheaval and mobilization of the Industrial revolution. 2) the failure of the practitioners of democracy to deliver economically, politically and socially. 3) the failure of the ‘liberal democratic’ leaders to act more autocratically to address the country’s reform challenges. 4) the dissemination of democratic norms from the advanced countries of the West to the rest of the world as a result of globalization.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:30:01 +0000

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