THALAIVARS LEADERSHIP STYLE : AN INTERESTING ARTICLE by Actor Mohan Ram . . . - A TSR EXCL SHARE - PART 2 . . . Mohan Ram says : Lesson 2 : Years later we were shooting for Kuselan at the Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. Every evening Rajni wanted all of us , his colleagues, to take a brisk walk from the location which was a good 3 or 4 Kms away to the Hotel. When some people expressed that they did not bring their walking shoes, he immediately had it bought and given to them. On days when his portions were over by lunch time , he would go to his room and come back to the location to join the group in walking. He never missed a single day’s walk. He is a tremendously fast walker and many found it tough to keep pace with him so he would walk ahead a few minutes walk back ( actually walk back ie walk in reverse – he said it develops a different set of Muscles ) and join us thus getting his exercise and still not “deserting” the rest. He would regale us with anecdotes and stories but not once will a word that is harsh or critical come out of his mouth even for humour. Lesson – Set an example with impactful action , ensure your “Team” is well equipped and even though you may be far ahead of your Team do not leave them behind but walk hand in hand and take every last person across the finishing post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson 3 : During the shoot of Kuselan in Ramoji Film City Hyderabad. As we sat waiting for a shot he will join the rest of the group and not sit in the air-conditioned comfort of his caravan. In fact even when his shot was due only around 11 he will come at 9 , with make up. When the Director asked him to relax , he said , what will I do , staring at the 4 walls , at least here I have my friends and we can sit and chat. In fact he would barely speak , but allow all to speak, intently listening to what each and everyone had to say. Any time he had a doubt or clarification he would ask and when he spoke it will be obvious that he has listened to what everyone had to say. It was also clear that when someone started to praise him or eulogise him he did not welcome it and would quickly change the topic Lesson – LISTEN to what people have to say. Don’t Listen to just reply to them but to understand them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson 4 : Once we were both sitting and waiting for our shot . Each time someone came, he would stand up and wish them – with both hands folded in a Namaskaram and sit down. As I was sitting with him I too was forced to stand up every time and sit down. I asked him how he was able to patiently do this as I had counted him getting up and sitting down at least 15-20 times in an hour. His answer was “Is it not Respect (mariyadhai) ? they are coming all the way to wish me , anyway it is good exercise ..if you do it then this ( pointing to my large belly ) will not be there” – Then came his characteristic laugh. On a serious note he asked me “ Have you visited Saravanan Sir ( AVM) in his Office ? Such a big man , he will always stand up and receive you . I learnt this from him.” I have also noticed that he always makes it a point to walk up to your Car and see you off whenever you visit his house. Again a practice he seems to have picked up from Mr.Saravanan. This has happened to me whenever I visited him. Here allow me to digress – This was in April 1993 – the preview of the film Kalaingan. It was my 2nd or 3rd film and I had not yet turned a professional actor. I had a small role in it as a Psychiatrist. After the preview Sivaji Sir , came out and got into his car , I went to see him off , he called me and asked me – Did I not see you in the film ? I nodded. He went on – “ You are a well educated boy from a highly respectable family , If you are planning to take this up as a career , let me give you one piece of advice – If you give my profession Respect – it will give you lifelong Respect” (Nee enn thozhilukku mariyaadhai kuduththa adhu unakku ennaikkum mariyadhai kudukkum). See how great minds think alike !!! Lesson – Only when you give Respect will you get Respect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson 5 : One day many of us were waiting , Mr.K.Balachander, our Guru too had come there. The group had Prabhu , Vijayakumar , Nizhalgal Ravi , Madan Bob , Manobala to name a few. Rajini asked us if any of us had a nice “Punch” dialogue as he was supposed to say a line. Many people suggested lines but none impressed him. I often use in my Corporate Training sessions a speech by him on “Sankhya Yoga and Director Shankar” - in it he said – If you retain everything you eat in your body your health will get spoilt, If you retain everything you earn , your life will get spoilt”. I reminded him of this line in private and he was very excited, quickly called the Director Mr P.Vasu , who immediately approved it. He asked me to repeat it again and the Assistant Director to note it down. After completing the shot , he came back to join the group which had grown to about 30 of us and profusely praised and Thanked me for the “Punch” line. He repeated the line for the benefit of all and said - Nalla Illa ? Mohan Ram Sonnaaru , I immediately pointed out that it was his line and not my original to which he replied so what , you are the person who reminded me of it and it is to your credit that these lines are now in the film . In an assembly of colleagues and Directors to give me such credit and praise was truly magnanimous of him. Lesson – Thank people and praise them this will get you their eternal loyalty. Be generous in your praise and miserly in your criticism. Many Happy Returns Dear “Pasha” – your every action is a lesson and inspiration for many of us. May your leadership “style” enhance the quality of life of many more like me. In case you are wondering about the last paragraph. This was written by me for the Hindu – they brought out a Rajnikanth special supplement on 12/12/2012 which was sold separately. This is the un-edited “full version” , to which I have even added some material and elaborated a bit. There are many more things that we can learn from people like the Superstar and I am fortunate to have had the pleasure of his friendship and interactions. ~~~ A TSR SPECIAL SHARE ~~~
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:21:16 +0000

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