THANK GOD I HAVE BEEN EXONERATED!!!!!!!! Just few days after I - TopicsExpress


THANK GOD I HAVE BEEN EXONERATED!!!!!!!! Just few days after I wrote that Andrew Kellie and Yumakella are not alternatives of Maada Bio and that Andrew Kellie is having an underground relationship with Ernest Bai Koroma, it has been publicly revealed that Andrew Kellie is indeed an undercover operative for Ernest by being appointed at this very very crucial time to serve in the Energy and Power board. First of all, who can hire someone that is heading a company that is a contractor of the said ministry that he is going to serve as board member. I cant understand the rational behind the appointment of Andrew Kellie. To me, it is based on a Pay Back gesture. As far as Ernest Bai Koroma is concerned right now, it is a Pay Back time. Andrew Kellie has been doing him good when he was in the opposition and now it is time to pay back publicly because I have just exposed their underground operations. If anyone watches closely the reshuffle, you will find out that some new people are brought in as a pay back gesture. For example, Septimus Kaikai has been playing the media game for Ernest and the APC since 2007 but Septimus has two things that will not permit him to be nominated as resident Minister East; 1- he is sick and cannot see any more, 2- he had served as a full minister before and there are some guys in the system that were his boys that are serving as full ministers and therefore will not want to subject to them. That is the reason Septimus selected Maya Kaikai, his first hand nephew to be nominated. Although Maya is one of us (MRD), he has been very loyal to Septimus Kaikai his uncle. For the position not to slip away, Septimus has asked that it be given to Maya otherwise Maya has nothing to do with a resident minister position. Some say I am not on the ground and how do I know all these things. Well this world that we are does not count distance to know what is happening any where in the world. That aside, if those that are asking these questions are wise enough, wouldnt they have figured out that I am senior member of some kind system in Sierra Leone that is preview to all that is happening in that country? Anyway, I am just happy that what I wrote has come to pass. Maada Bio just need to improve on his interpersonal relationship and choose or put in control those that are close supporters of him, he is bound to becoming the next president. I am saying so because, as you can see, all his challengers have messed up. Except we get someone very strong that is new but Maada Bio is holding the opportunity to become the next president if he changes some of his strategies.I am emphasizing on CHANGE because I know he has been carried away by an unnecessary bad advises form some guys. He should also start to drop this Bo school idea and come back to a wider range of politics which is the national politics. Maada here is my advise, 1- talk to people, call them from distance places and say THANK YOU even if they are opposed to you 2- neutralize those guys that are hype and are insulting everyone, like London Jet 3- spend most of the time in Sierra Leone. nowadays you can do your PHD on the internet so stay with your people 4- you take the first step of bringing SLPP back together. meet people. go there say sorry to them in private and in public. in private offer them good deal if you are elected to office. raise the respect of those that you think are against you in the party. stand in public and praise them 5- talk to the young people. give them courage and hope. advise them to be peaceful and respectful to your opponents. draw them close to you so that you will be able to monitor their actions. help them to secure little jobs here and there that will sustain them through your contacts within and outside the country. 6- be in constant touch with the diaspora and do not limit it to the UK. call them and tell them how valuable they are to you. 7- have a very good relationship with the media. when i say the media it is not facebook writers or petty blog writers, it is those journalists that have been by you without asking any favor. meet the ones that are writing odd things about you and ask them to give you chance to defend yourself. read every bad thing that is written about you and build upon them. call regular press conferences and tell Sierra Leone and the world that you are an intellectual and patriot of your country. 8- keep yourself clean. do not get involved in any promiscuity. stay away from those pretty girls that may show interest. they are all spies for APC. 9- talk constantly to senior citizens of the North. show them respect and give them the trust that you will be for everyone and not a particular area of the country. make good friends with the Northern chiefs. be humble to them and in the process show them they the leaders. 10- be patient. These are the ten most important things that I will advise Maada Bio to do right now and if he follows them then he is the next president if not I am afraid. THIS IS SITTA TURAY THE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:41:44 +0000

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