THANK YOU, CARDINALS! “Behold, I see the heavens opened and - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU, CARDINALS! “Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” – Acts 7:56 “White smoke!” the text message came in at 2:06 a.m. of March 14, 2013. I immediately rose up from bed and turned on the TV. Seeing the multitude of people gathered in front of St. Peter’s Basilica, jubilant at the much-awaited white smoke coming out of the chimney of Sistine Chapel, I couldn’t help but rejoice as well. When Pope Francis came out and just stood there for a few minutes, it was like seeing Jesus being baptized at the River Jordan and hearing God’s voice saying, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” And when Pope Francis started speaking, I sensed a gentle and affectionate person who’s very much in touch with God in the present moment. He led the crowd in praying for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and before he gave his blessing, he asked them to pray silently for him. What humility! I thank the Cardinal electors for listening well to the Holy Spirit and letting His voice be heard through their votes. May God continue to speak through Pope Francis, His chosen one, as he navigates the Catholic Church amidst the challenges it faces today. Tess V. Atienza (svp_tvatienza@yahoo) Reflection: How do you regard the Vicar of Christ on earth? Say a prayer for him each day. Lord, thank You for sending Pope Francis to us to lead Your Church. Keep Him in Your embrace. Sts. Marian and James, pray for us.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 05:02:04 +0000

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