THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART Part Five. We pulled up - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART Part Five. We pulled up just outside the gates when I noticed a bulky guy walking towards us. Is that him?.. Gospel refused to make eye contact but her body language had gone rigid. Ill take that as a yes. Flinging the door open I got out with Gospel pleading with me. It was too damn late. I made a beeline for the guy and didnt even give him a chance to talk when I hooked him right in the jaw. He fell back, but I wasnt done. Calling for security, he tried to crawl backwards when I picked him up and threw him to the wall. By this time Gospel had jumped out of the car and ran towards the scene throwing herself in the middle almost causing me to hit her in replacement of that piece of itshay. Get out of the way Gospel!.. Her O.M picked himself up. The security guard already preparing to intervene. What is the meaning of this???.. I grabbed Gospel and pushed her behind me before taking another step forward Where do you get off throwing yourself at helpless employees huh? You think they like being harassed by you??.. Gospel was now balling her eyes Dev! Stop! Lets go..Her OMs eyes widened. Hed put two and two together. Placing his palms up infront of him he took a small step back Look I dont know what Gospel told you, but I swear she was well aware of the situation. The way she smiled, the way her eyes lit up everytime we talked.. I was under the impression we were on the same page.. I thought she was interested in me, so I pursued her!! Yeah she said no, but I knew she was only playing hard to get. You know what chicks are like. They like the chase. Its all there in the smile... Every word that came out of his mouth gave me flash backs.. Everything he said screamed Chanelle to me. I clenched my jaw tight and grabbed Gospel before making our way back to the car. She was now shaking from head to toe. Buckle up!.. She quickly did as she was told before I started the car and left her boss and his security staring after us. It was a quiet ride home.. No-one said a word. Not even a whisper of a sound. Gospel had her head turned towards her window the whole time. I kept balling my hands into fists and then opening them up again. My stomach felt sick. Its all in the smile.... I guess I wasnt the only one who could be brought to my knees by Gospels smile. If her OM felt that way than how many other guys did she smile at. My brain kept racking up scenarios and it all linked to Chanelle. Chanelle knew how to put a man under her spell. She let her eyes do most of the talking. Guys were enticed by it. It was like a magnet pulling them in only to spit them back out once she was done. Gospel seemed to be the same. Her smile was trouble, and her beauty was an added bonus. Why didnt she stand up to that guy? Was it cause she knew everything he said was right on the spot? That would explain why she kept begging me to leave. She didnt wanna get caught out. Well too bad she got played at her own game. We pulled up outside my house. What are we doing here? This isnt home.. I wanted answers and I was gonna get them.. Whether or not she liked it! Did you or did you not lead him on???.. Gospel winced.. Her eyes stared at me in shock. How can you even ask me that??..Answer the damn question!! Did you or did you not lead him on??.. Hell no! Did you even see him? I wouldnt lead him on even if I was paid to.. So why didnt you stand up to him when he was spinning all that crap about you?..What the hell was I suppose to say?.. Aw sorry if you thought that my NO meant try harder.. but better luck next time??.. Gospels sarcasm was beginning to tick me off even more Well obviously you didnt try HARD ENOUGH with your NOs.... She opened her mouth to speak but I held my hand up Tell me something.. What were you hoping to gain out of this flirty seductive behavior? A promotion?? A pay rise?? A rich husband??.. I could see Gospels face turning paler with every word, her eyes mortified.. You believe him??.. No I d....You think Im capable of that??....No b.. I swear on the Lord Jesus that not once did I give the impression I was interested. Never did it cross my mind to even do that. But for you to sit there and question me like Im the guilty one.. Thats like a slap in the face. Just because you think that all girls are ankskays and utslays doesnt mean Im one... She unbuckled her seatbelt.. Where do you think youre going??. I wasnt finished..and this was far from over Get out of my car!! Ill drive my own ass home...This was ridiculous. Dont piss me off Gospel.. Im not in the mood..Yeah? Well you shouldve thought of that before you opened your trap.. Now Get.Out.Of.My.Car!.. She was in tears, but I couldnt show weakness to it. This was her way of getting me to give in.. Quit with the waterworks. Its not gonna get you anywhere. I learnt that a long time ago. Trust me, what youre doing now is childsplay compared to what Chanelle use to do... She froze I take it Chanelles the reason youre like this?.. Like what?.. Like an a**h*le!!.. Yeah I smile, but thats the way I am. Its not a crime and its not a pick up line either. Chanelle may have broken your heart, but Im not her! Nor will I ever be. But for you to look me in the eye and claim that Im just like her.. You obviously dont know me at all. You cant carry your past around like this, cause itll ruin any chance of you moving on .. Her eyes were getting puffy and my chest ached for her.. I got out and reached for her, but she slapped my arm away..Im sorry....No Devon.. Im sorry.. Im sorry that youre such a worthless sack of itshay now step out of the way so I can go home, before I change my mind and decide to run your ass over instead.. I grabbed her arm to stop her from getting in the car, but she moved out of my reach Dont touch me.. I dont wana give you the wrong impression and lead you on. ... Thats not fair Gospel.. Yeah?? Well lifes not fair..Its not meant to be. We just have to learn to live with it..Its too bad some just dont know how to and she got in her car, locked her doors and drove off before I could get another word in.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:41:25 +0000

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