THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART Part Ten Eric and Ice were - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART Part Ten Eric and Ice were bent over in their seats. Their shoulders shakin as if they were in the middle of having a fit. Sophia had to hit them twice just to stop them from laughing so hard. Orlando was struggling to keep it serious, but his lips were already twitching and his eyes were starting to water from holding it in. Heck I couldnt laugh without embarassin Chanelle more, so I just coughed it off.. It was the best I could do until Chanelle left. I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. But any sign of sympathy I had disappeared when Gospel reappeared with her hot fudge cake and ice cream in hand, placed it on the table and kissed me on the lips. Sorry if I ruined your night. then turning to the rest of the table she apologised again. Sorry bout tonight. Bet that was better than watching WWE right? ..yes? No? Call me?.. Maybe?.. kidding. Guess its not the right time for them jokes huh? Angel stood up and hugged her You my lil gangster are ma new hero. I think I just found my soul sister.. What say you Soph? Sophie: I for one have never seen anyone so small beat up someone taller than she is, so youve definitely got my vote Gos. Welcome to the fambam Orlando: *laughs out loud* That had to be the funniest ish Ive ever seen... She killed me with that shoe though. Eric: Remind me never to get on her bad side. If I do make sure there arent any shoes lying around Ice: I just about pissed my pants at the finale speech ..You look like an STD and your breath stinks like sh*t.... That was all it took for everyone to crack up laughing. I pulled Gospel in Thanks for having my back babe..She winked Anytime Niggz.. We were just in the process of puckering up when Chanelle walked out of the bathroom swearing and cursing at Gospel This aint over biarch... You gonna get it now.. Gospel simply shrugged and waved it off Whatevz kaka-breath..Come talk to me after youve gotten some toothpaste up in that grill.. Chanelle: F*ck you! I brush my teeth everyday... Gospel: tsk tsk..Rubbing your fingers over your teeth every morning dont count as brushing.. Chanelle: You think your funny ae hoe? Gospel: Incase you get it wrong again the names Gospel..Not hoe and Im not tryna be funny..Im simply stating the truth. If you cant handle that then tough nuts. Now go home and get changed into something less traumatizing. Have you never heard of dress your size, not your maturity level?.. Chanelle: This coming from someone who looks like shes still in high school? Gospel: Thanks Ill take that as a compliment only difference is, I know how to cover up. Its something we like to call SELF RESPECT.. My mama always said that something valuable shouldnt be made to look cheap. Always believe that you are worth more than crop tops, tight skirts and short dresses. A man wants a woman, not a slut.. Chanelle held her hands over her midriff, her eyes turning to death. There was nothing more to say. I stood up and walked over to Chanelle. Taking my jacket off I threw it round her shoulders This should keep you covered till you get home. No need to return it. You better get home before Gospel changes her mind and decides shed like round two after all. Im not down for that, all I want is to put this behind me, take my gf home and pull her in close for some rest. Just next time keep your mouth shut. If you see me dont talk to me. Dont look at me. Just look the other way and carry on walking. You made your bed long ago. Now lie in it!.. Chanelle looked behind me at everyone staring at her You think I dont know you. I know you better than anyone else Dev. Youre gonna hurt your gf the same way I hurt you!.. Deny it now, but it will happen and when it does, let me know cause I want front row seats and she walked out the door and out of my life... For now
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:46:50 +0000

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