THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART. Part two Hey Dev, get - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU FOR THE BROKEN HEART. Part two Hey Dev, get up... I turned my head and threw the blanket over me. Hurry up man, Im hungry. Pillows continued to hit me, but I wasnt phased. I was more than pissed off this morning. Get lost Lando. Go ask your flavor of the night to buy your ass breakfast. Lando chuckled Aw cmon man whose fault is it that you chose to come home alone last night? You had girls fawning after you and you blew them off. He was right. After the clubs we hit my boy Erics house for drinks. His girlfriend had invited her friends over to join the party and were more than willing to accommodate us, but throughout the whole night all I could think about were those brown eyes, and that smile.. Shaking the thoughts away I got up, picked up the pillows Orlando threw at me and threw them back. I didnt blow them off. I just couldnt be bothered!.. Riiiight!!.. I headed off to the shower Give me 20 minutes. The mall was jam packed and the food court was just as worse. Wed texted Eric and Ice to meet us there and were already eating when we arrived. Grabbing our food we made our way to the table, not wasting any time on scoffing it down. Just then I felt a body plop itself down next to me. Hi Bev, whats cracking?.. I looked up to see Gospel smiling at me. The boys had that sheepish look on their faces, each with their mouths full of food. Its Dev!.. Dev, Bev, Chev, same thing..No its not! Get it right..As if she didnt care she simply shrugged her shoulders and looked from her food to mine. You gonna eat that? and without warning she grabbed my tray and swapped it with hers.. Orlando cracked up laughing You wana swap with me?.. Gospel looked at him. Distaste clearly showing on her face Thanks, but no thanks. I dont do salads. Too healthy.. I sat there stunned as she demolished my burger and fries. Do you eat like this infront of your bf?. Gospel paused I dont have a boyfriend. and continued eating. Ice watched her eat Dang girl. Theres nothing more fascinating then watching a female eat like a man.. Gospel laughed and I felt a pinch of jealousy that shed laugh for Ice. I took out 20bux and handed it to her Here go buy you some more food. You look as if you havent eaten in a week. Gospel took one look at the money and burst out laughing Thats sweet of you, but Ive got this... I looked around Who did you come with?.. Gospel nodded towards the table opposite ours I came with my sister and some friends..I looked up. Sitting at the table was the clone I saw her with last night and two other girls. Gospel waved her sister over. Orlando stood up as she came closer Hi Im Orlando. She smiled Im Saraia.. We all introduced ourselves when Orlando asked her to join us. Rolling my eyes I sat back and watched as Saraia declined his offer. For a pretty boy Orlando sure was blind to see that she wasnt interested. Are you single Saraia? Cause I know someone whod be interested in getting to know you better.. Gospel choked on her drink and looked up at her sister who now looked less than impressed at Orlando and his flexed muscles. Gospel quickly stood up Thanks for the feed Dev. How much do I owe you?.. I brushed her off Its on the house.. You sure?..Yeah Im sure.. She smiled My shout next time.. Just then Saraia held her hand out to Orlando. Five dollars in her hand. Orlando eyed it out questioningly Ahhh whats that?..Saraia arched her brow Its for you.. Go buy yourself a reject cone..Better yet buy yourself a life.. and she stormed off. Eric and Ice doubled over. Their shoulders shaking from laughing so hard. Shamz.. Where have they been all our lives?. I leaned forward and watched as Gospel turned to wave at us before disappearing in to the crowd. She was definitely a puzzle. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out and read the message come over tonight.. I replied back ok and picked up Gospels uneaten buttered chicken Be right back and ran after her. I found her at the ice-cream parlour Hey you forgot this. She took the plastic bag from me You didnt have to bring this back you know. Im not gonna eat it..Yeah well with an appetite like yours I figured it wouldnt be long before you got hungry again..Gee thanks for making me sound like a fat pig. Lucky Im not self conscious or Id be slitting my wrists right now....I was just saying that you eat quite a lot for a small person.. She punched me in the arm Can you not? You need to work on your people skills. If thats how you talk to chicks than how do you ask girls out?..Ive never asked a girl out before. They come after me.. Gospel didnt look convinced, Whatever niggz. Tell me! Are you like Do you wana hold hands or something? or do you simply just beat your chest, flex your muscles and drop your pants like Is that us? I was speechless Do you always talk like this to guys? Cause seems to me like you need to work on your people skills too. Im surprised that mouth of yours hasnt gotten you in to trouble.. Youre not the first person to say that, and you definitely wont be the last... I couldnt figure her out. She had an air of innocence about her, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the most out of things came out. She didnt have a filter, and the things she came up with were pretty hilarious. Id never met a girl like her before. Chanelle was definitely not this outspoken. She was more the seductive type. She could lure you in with just her body language and could get you to do anything just with the flick of her finger. I wonder if thats how she lured all those other guys in during the duration of our relationship. I stored that memory back into the darkest corner of my mind and remembered why I was the way I was today. Gospel may not be seductive, but her outspokenness could be her weapon of destruction. Every girl had one and I wasnt going to be fool enough to fall for it..Not this time anyway. Closing of my emotions I stepped back I better let you go. Ill see you around. Gospel looked surprised Was it something I said?..Pfft..As if..Nah I just have a life to get back to. Dont get me wrong. Youre a nice chick and all, but girls like you dont really float my boat if you know what I mean...I thought I saw a glimpse of pain flash across her face but then it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared Dont get too ahead of yourself niggz. I only just met you, and already you think Im interested. Sorry to burst that big headed bubble of yours, but youre not really my type....Really? What would you consider your type? A church boy? Someone whod come running at your every beck and call? Good luck finding one of them.. Her eyes flashed. Anger displayed all over her face If I wanted someone to coming running at my EVERY beck and call Id hire a butler. Even more so what makes you think Im in to guys? For all you know I could be into girls.. Are you?..NO!! Dont be stupid. But what I do know is that guys like you dont really float my boat if you know what I mean ..Trust me with an attitude like yours I highly doubt guys would want their boats floated by you. as soon as the words came out I regretted it.. Sorry I was just being a dick..Yeah you were. That was ice cold Dev. Totally uncalled for and with that she elbowed past me mumbling a quick fag under her breath and disappeared back in to the crowd, before I noticed the tears gathering in her eyes. I headed back to the boys Dude whered you get to? Was beginning to think Gospel took you home with her. Fists clenched tight I shook my head Nah. Just dropped her food off then left Eric had his eyes boring in to me. I could feel it She seems like a sweet chick. Funny as hell too. Id say shes legit..Yeah thats what they all say, before the chick starts playing up..Shes not Chanelle man. Dont compare her to an utslay who didnt think about anyone but herself..She doesnt need to be Chanelle. Its always the pretty ones that end up fluffing around with your feelings. Gospels no different. If anything she could be worse..Ice stepped forward If Gospel wasnt any different than why are you letting her get to you? Theres only one kind of girl whos capable of doing that and thats a girl whose capable of bringing out emotions in you! From where Im standing it seems to me as if you like her...I dont like her. I cant even stand her, but one things for sure.. This is all a game to her. But Im not gonna be that naïve... Orlando looked confused What you gonna do?.. I smiled. I was gonna get Gospel to fall inlove with me..Then I was going to break her heart.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:15:10 +0000

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