THANK YOU TARABANS- ARC DARIUS DICKSON ISHAKU/ CLEARIFICATION ********************************* I want to use this Moment to say thank you to all my Supporters those that worked, prayed, and even financially, today I ascribe this win to God and you all Tarabans and with the confidence you placed on me to Run the ticket of our dear party PDP, I shall strive to my best to give my all. I also ask for your mandate in the general Election in february, give me a chance and I wont fail you, I will with your support put smiles on our faces and Transform Taraba, thank you my great Party PDP, my colics, and to my opponent is time to shed our sword and Embrace each other so as to collectively move Taraba to the next Level, Thank you all once again God bless Nigeria God bless Taraba God Bless Darius. CLEARIFICATION- MAjIDADIN DDS FOR RESCUE TARABA It has come to our notice that some few individuals who never had the interest of the state at hand, are going around spreading rumour that the just concluded PDP primaries which took place in abuja is canceled. I want to make it clear and to the notice of our teaming supporters that our Amiable Gov to be Arc Darius Dickson Ishaku remains the flag bearer of our great party PDP, no election was Cancelled as the party has summited his name to INEC already to the party Gubernatorial slot come february. It is not surprising that many will still doubt the authenticity of the election as it is being said He who those not have a winning skills keep suffering from losing mentality that is what those spreading this rumour are going through. More so for those saying the election was not conducting it was selection, I want to challenge you by saying it was election why because all those who were suppose to vote were present and were aloud to vote,I was there in person and was privileged to get inside the hall. In this view it makes be believe that some of us that claim to be PDP members are just card bearers who dont understand the constitution and ethics of the party why because I came Across a writ up were someone said the election was supposed to be done in Jalingo but shifted to Abuja and he further said even in abuja it was not done in PDP secretariat but Wadata Plaza,if I may ask were is Wadata Plaza and were is PDP Secretariat? To answer and help you my brother Wadata Plaza is PDP secretariat, Hausawa Sun che RASHIN SANI YAFI DERE DUHU God help our learning faculty. Another in his own views made mention that the shifting of the Venue was wrong even if it is to be shifted 72hours notice must be giving, yes I must tell the world the truth, many dont know, the concerns were giving close to 100hours notice of Venue change since from Tuesday till Thursday Evening, for it was not the party duty to go announcing a resolution reached on durex to unconcerned ones. Next was that many took to there voice as it is even reaching us that even some Aspirant are rejecting the out come of the Election as they kept saying there delegates were not allowed to Vote Hmmm, I they trying to tell us they dont even have a copy of the PDP 2015 Election Guide? And if they do would they say they havent gone through page 5 of it?. For the benefit of our Fans and Supporters out there the page says Thus-: 1, if by any reason the State Party body could not reach a resolution on delegates selection, the National working Committee (NWC) PDP together with the State chairman will bring together names of people who will serve as Special Delegates. 2, the set Congress will now be called Special State Congress ( Special Delegates) 3, the set people to go into the election ground are-: (A) the State Party chairman (B) the PDP state Stake Holders (C) the Governor and Deputy (D) the local Government PDP party Chairman, Secretary, org Secretary, and each Ward Chairman (E) the former Governor and Deputy, former Speakers and Deputy who are still members of the Party (F) The members House of Assembly. (4) were it will be a open cast system and the winner will emerge and be announced there and then. (5) any aggrieved person(Aspirant) may approach the Appeal Panel set up for this purpose withing the next 48 hours or remain silence. It was base on these that Umar Garba UTC had to step down and the party compaseted him with a senatorial slot,but unfurturnately it wasnt so for DSK,he uptil now is fighting a fight which will end up void. Fellow Tarabans it is in this that i say some Aspirant knew all this but intentional led there Supporters and the 3 AD HOC delegates who were dissolved to Abuja, knowing they wont win perhaps with intention to cause problem there but the Election was done amidst tired Security and they Felt frustrated. Finally on this note my Fellow Tarabans the election was done with the concern of the National PDP chairman, NWC and Government it self,contrary to the speculations going on, dont be moved Rescuers no cost for alarm and I urge you to stay steadfast getting ready to Exercises your Civic right come february, lets Do it right again for today and our Future, Stay far from convictions that are not for good of Taraba. I ask you to be a part of the instalment of the change that will make history in the State. Lastly if your Love for PDP is real this is the time to relentlessly hang on and go on personal campaign for if one can catch one 2 will make 4 believe. Always remember it is President GOOD LUCK EBELE JOHNATHAN FOR NIGERIAN AND Arc DARIUS DICKSON ISHAKU DDI IKON ALLAH for TARABA TRGH 2015 USE YoUR VOTE WISELY. Bellow Arc Darius Dickson Ishaku in Wadata Plaza with the host of the Electoral Panel in WAdata Plaza PDP Secretariat Abuja Hand shaking after his Victory.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:35:57 +0000

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