THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! FOR A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! I was taught at a very young age that a gentleman does not talk about himself (unless asked) and certainly does not talk what he has or what he has been given. Putting that into a journalism context a gentleman does not write on and on and on in a column or blog about the good times he may have or whatever things people may give him or may do for him. BUT, since this is Facebook, and not the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. I am going to break that rule for a moment and thank everyone who surprised me in various ways on my birthday: John Michael White and Qi Marie, Larry Paxton, John Rampage, Deena Dray and Emmett Yoshioka, the cast and opening night audience of White Christmas at Diamond Head Theatre and everyone that sent messages or took time to wish me well. All I was expecting was another day at the office. It was a full and complete surprise.As with the attention I received when Hawaiian Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, was published in 2012, it was a tremendous honor to be honored, and a very humbling experience as well. Thank you all! I dont remember the last time there was any notice of my birthday. Thank you all. And now Ill get back into my Its not about me mode and resume covering all the interesting things that all of you interesting people do, all the interesting things you create, and all the information and knowledge that you all continue to share with me. Back to work...
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:59:49 +0000

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{ WHO?Isa 33:15 He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly;

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