THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! First and foremost, my - TopicsExpress


THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! First and foremost, my sincere gratitude goes to GOD ALMIGHTY for bringing me this far; I refer to Him as the MYSTERIOUS GOD that works in mysterious ways and can never be questioned! Without God, I am nothing! I am just a container and He pours His contents; without the contents, the container is useless! Thank you Lord for making me an instrument in your Mighty Hands; though I am unworthy and unqualified. When I look to my right, left, front and back, all I see is YOU. My ANCIENT OF DAYS, I stand in awe of Your great and mighty works. You are Awesome Lord. Thank You ALPHA and OMEGA. My Thank you can never be complete without appreciating my fathers, mothers, blessed brothers and sisters (both those I have seen physically and those I have not seen physically), that God has used and still using to beautify my life? Beloved, your great love, support, care, prayers, advice, counsels, are greatly appreciated. I really appreciate God in your lives; He has really been using you to be great solutions to problems through your godly and wise comments. I commend your zeal for God, passion for godliness, and your desire to bring about a godly change in this generation. May we never be victims of the evils weve preached against, but Victors always in Jesus name-Amen. I must not forget to appreciate you all for the calls, messages (on facebook, BBM, Whatsapp),wonderful gifts, and most importantly the great prayers showered on me on my birthday...I really appreciate you all and I say: THANK YOU! Your friendship is priceless to me and I feel so honoured to be a part of your life. I wish I could reward you...but I have a BIG GOD who will reward you abundantly; God will cause all nations to come to your light and mighty kings will come to see your radiance in Jesus name-Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:43:22 +0000

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