THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT GAVE TO RELENTLESS... Your support and kindness is what made it all possible! It just hit me... I was sitting here resting and recovering when I started crying my eyes out. It took a minute for me to understand why; Relentless! My mind and body went through so much... I was in survival mode the moment I found out I was 12 pounds over my weight class the day before weigh ins, after thinking the entire week that I was only going to be about 2 pounds over. I ended up losing the 22 pounds and putting 20 back on before the time I stepped on the stage for my squat opener. After that my Relentless experience was just awesome. I was so excited to meet all the families and children and people I had been hearing about and following via FB, Powerlifter Watch, on YouTube and even people I have watched in powerlfiting movies over and over again. To be honest I was for the first time ever very shy! I didnt know if I should just go say Hi, or if I should let them say Hi to me, or what. I finally found the courage to asked another lifter that I truly did admired. She also seemed real nice on Facebook so I thought it was safe to talk to her but I think she didnt care for me much so that really did not help, she was kind of nasty to me. Plus, I am also not overly affectionate to strangers, even the ones I think I know a little via social media, so here I was ready to dance for joy but scared like it was at high school prom... I was not sure if I should offer a hug or hand shake or just be a wall pumpkin or what. Fortunately; Mecca Barbell really helped make Bert Knight Underwood and I feel like part of the Relentless family! Along with Jj Jeremy Thomas, Tommy Westhoff, Scott Nutter, Rachel Nutter, Al McDonagh, Therese Foy (with a E) Neil Foy, Scott Cartwright, Nicki Crapotta, Ambre Pigeonlover Candace Puopolo Kathy Johnson Marshall Johnson David TheBeast Douglas and many others. It was very special to meet all of you and see you in your world, being strong and giving hope to so many! For me personally Relentless was a day Filled with the BIG H Humility, Happiness, Home sickness for my boys and puppy, Hungriness when cutting, H2O needs and then too much H2O leading to Hundreds of bathroom trips and most importantly, HOPE! I got to listen to so many stories that made my lifts meaningless, that made my training nothing but a after thought, I came to Relentless as a lifter that wanted to lift big and help give and left as a Believer in HOPE.. filled with thankfulness that I was picked to be apart of something so much bigger than my squat, bench or deadlift could ever be. Thank You for inviting Bert and I, Jj Thomas, Tommy and Mecca Barbell! You, the Kirby Church staff, Detroit Barbell, and all your helpers that made the weekend happen did a fantastic job! The food was AMAZING! Walking onto the stage and seeing the kids was awesome! It really hit me that they actually liked watching me lift when after my gut check squat, they asked me to please come back and hang out with all of them. That was cool, little did they know, they were the ONLY reason I didnt bomb, my first two attempts, I just looked at the bar and stayed focused, my last attempt, I looked at the kids and told myself do it for them! It was probably the best squat I have ever had in my entire life, it was simply perfect and easy. I also had the pleasure of meeting so many great people it would be impossible to name them all, so if we spoke, I want to say thank you! I really am glad I had the opportunity to meet everyone! I do need to thank Ambre for being so kind and giving her time to help massage my IT bands, she is very good! I must also say, thank you Therese for being you! Thank you for my TUMS! You saved me from a deadlift disaster! ;) It was so nice to finally get to meet you and Neil! And Nicki you and I will be friends for life Im sure! I love you to pieces! And Jessica Pannell Ball and Kevin Ball thank you for the ammonia caps! You saved my life! Super thank you to Jayson McNett for handling Bert and Me and 100 other people! You are Relentless and a Great Person! BIG Thank YOU to Barzeen Vaziri to your kind words and belief in me really helped, when Barzeen tells you that you are strong, you tend you listen. Thank YOU! Thank you to The ENTIRE WEIGHT PILE FAMILY & most importantly, Joye Knight Cole for helping get Bert and I to Relentless! Granny(Joye Knight Cole) took care of our boy so that we could be apart of Relentless! While doing so the day that we were in a church, powerlifting and giving HOPE, our hearts were filled with love from above, this is something Granny was sure of. Because when she thought of Bert and I and then looked up in the SKY at Disney, she saw the picture below! He had his hand on all of us this weekend! It was truly a honor to be apart of Relentless Detroit!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 19:03:26 +0000

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