THANKS BE UNTO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST THAT WE HAVE THIS HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE! WHEN HE COMES THE ELECT SHALL BE GATHERED UP UNTO HIM FROM EARTHS FOUR CORNERS!!! What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to Gods law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin. Romans 7:24-26 NIV When I meditate on the Lord Jesus Christ; all He Stands for and what He Has Done for me, I am deeply humbled because my filthiness and unworthiness is revealed unto me. Also, I see clearer, His Holiness, Godliness, Countenance etc.; and I am drawn closer to Him everyday! I am enslaved unto His Laws and His Person in my mind and all! However, in my sinful nature, I am enslaved to the law of sin and death. Jesus Christ set me free; and Gave me an opportunity to be done away with the law of sin and death, to embrace the law of Love and Life with freedom in Jesus Christ. For this and much more o Lord, I am forever grateful! Thank You Lord Jesus for such love that exists nowhere else but in You!!! Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 NIV When we break the Bread and drink the Cup, we do so in thanksgiving for the Supreme Sacrifice; the Giving of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary! Although we who believe are many, we partake of one Loaf of Bread and One Cup; the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! Hes enough for us; the Man of Galilee is enough for us! Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity! Lord, please Help unite us in You in Jesus Name. Amen!!! The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:56-58 KJV We have true victory only in Jesus Christ! Better to trust/hope in Him! For if u trust in the law for your victory and justice, you forget that the law is actually the power of sin. When you keep sinning, you are dying; killing yourself slowly. The sting of death is sin! Will you continue to allow death to sting you? We all have that choice to make! Help me o Lord to make the right choice and stop sinning! Then I have true victory; for only Jesus Christ Can Make this possible! The alternative is to focus on doing the work of the Lord unshakably! For in the Lord only, is our labour not in vain! So, Help me and my family o Lord in Jesus Name. Amen!!! Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24:30-31 (NIVUK) One day is coming when the Lord Jesus Christ shall return to earth with great noise, pomp and glory! On that day, inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; the elect of God shall be gathered from the whole earth, to be caught up with the Lord in the air! Will you be there? Its easy to say nobody knows; but we have been Given a Standard by which to measure ourselves before the final Judgement! Help me o Lord and my family with me; that we be counted worthy to be in that great gathering on that Day in Jesus Name. Amen!!! (4) And as he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. (5) Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. (6) But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. (7) And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. (8) But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. (9) He who has ears to hear, let him hear! Matthew 13:4-9 Father God, please do not allow my labour and that of my family to be in vain o Lord in Jesus Name. I know that for us to bear good fruit that will last, we need Your Breath! Grant us bountifully o Lord, so that our sowing will not be upon unfertile soil but rather on very fertile soil so as to yield for us a bountiful harvest ultimately in Jesus Holy Name. Amen! I have seen the Lords Goodness, His Mercy and Compassion; I have seen the Lords Goodness, Halleluyah! Praise the Lord! For o Lord You Have Been so good, You Have Been so good to me. O Lord You Are Excellent in my life everyday! Amen! Halleluyah!! Thank You Lord Jesus!!! Tune in to Windows Of Heaven Radio; just click on the white hand sign to vote for it, then like it, rate it & be Blessed by it & spread it all around! Its a life-changing experience! Visit our facebook page https://facebook/windowsofheavenoutreach and like it Kindly visit/register on our website; leave prayer requests, testimonies, comments etc. & join/make use of our forum 4 all ur needs. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10150665719244856&%3Bamp%3Bset=a.70720329855.76457.723369855&%3Bamp%3Btype=1&%3Bamp%3Btheater&%3Bamp%3Bnotif_t=photo_comment Help spread the word around all over! folayanosekita Dare to be different! Go 4 d book: The Flaming Sword by Folayan Osekita @osekita bookstore.trafford/Products/SKU- 000136919/The-Flaming-Sword.aspx …; …; scribd/doc/32311314/The-Flaming-Sword … gt a copy!!!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:10:29 +0000

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